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8-2-16, 8:43am
Any thoughts on the Trump vs. Gold Star Khan Family?

I have been following this and I think the issue is more complex than we're willing to admit.

Here are a couple links on it.



8-2-16, 9:05am
I think it was clever, if cynical, on the Democrats' part to set Trump up the way they did. His idiotic response was all too predictable. And it has the added benefit of providing them with a tu quoque response on the the accusations of Hillary lying to the Benghazi families.


I think we can expect to see similar provocations over the next few months. Further evidence that both sides in this contest are beneath contempt.

8-2-16, 10:54am
isnt this the situation where his own party won't back his words?

8-2-16, 11:06am
isnt this the situation where his own party won't back his words?

Yes, one of them. But apparently Trump's base loves his disrespect of the military, considering that they booed a mother of someone in the air force when she confronted Pence about it at a town hall.


8-2-16, 11:14am
It could be one of the straws on the camels back for Donald. His poll ratings took a big drop in the last few days. Per the NYT, Trump had five deferments from the Viet Nam draft. One was for bone spurs on his heel.

I never thought it being a set up, but it makes sense. In my opinion it could be one of Trumps biggest insert foot in mouth yet.

8-2-16, 11:27am
This Wash. Post story was pretty spot on to my way of thinking:

iris lilies
8-2-16, 11:35am
This Wash. Post story was pretty spot on to my way of thinking:
Yes, I thnk he is disordered and tempermentally unfit to be President.

8-2-16, 11:39am
Yes, I thnk he is disordered and tempermentally unfit to be President.

Indeed. It's one thing to have a stupid reaction to a poke by one's campaign opponent. It would be quite another potentially far more serious situation to have a stupid reaction to a poke by one of our geopolitical opponents.

8-2-16, 11:41am
Looking at it from the Democrats' perspective, they can't really make the case for another four years of Obama policy, HRC's accomplishments and integrity, or the manic statist aspirations of their Bernie-influenced platform. Their best hope is to paint Trump as a reckless feckless monster. So far, he seems to be cooperating.

I anticipate a lot of attack ads aimed at showing edited versions of Trump gaffes and insults. The Trump campaign can respond with contrasting HRC's many lies, corrupt practices and policy/ethical inversions, but it's easier attacking what someone claims to be than demonstrating their claims to be transparent prevarications.

8-2-16, 11:52am

8-2-16, 11:54am
Is the question whether Hillary is Genghis Khan? She is! She is!

Seriously, much ado about nothing?

The issues a little more complex well there are the back issues, the truth is her son died for nothing, fighting a war that is now near universally despised, it may as well be Vietnam. In Kerry's words about Vietnam: he died for a mistake (to put it kindly). Why Trump stirring up hate is worse than a government who sends one's son to die for nothing is not entirely clear in the scheme of things.

To think we could have had a candidate that talked about issues but nope, instead we have a campaign about nothing (truthfully Trump may talk about more issues than Hillary). Is Trump a Clinton plant? Who knows. Considering how dirty dirty dirty Clinton has played this election on the Dem side he very well could be, but who knows.

iris lilies
8-2-16, 12:26pm
Trump a Clintn plant? Hahaha. Thats a new one, kinda funny.

8-2-16, 12:38pm
It could be one of the straws on the camels back for Donald. His poll ratings took a big drop in the last few days. Per the NYT, Trump had five deferments from the Viet Nam draft. One was for bone spurs on his heel.

I never thought it being a set up, but it makes sense. In my opinion it could be one of Trumps biggest insert foot in mouth yet.

If one can be set up that easily it's just another reason they probably should not be President.

8-2-16, 1:20pm
Trump should have just told the Khan's that he'd make sure the person who made the video would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Then he'd be golden.

iris lilies
8-2-16, 1:43pm
Trump should have just told the Khan's that he'd make sure the person who made the video would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Then he'd be golden.
Haha. Some of the Trump zingers are still funny (althugh fewer, as time goes by.) i actually enjoyed his zinger about the Russians looking for those missing Hillary emails and was sorry that the mainstream media chose to focus their tightassed lack of humor on this as a serious issue.

8-2-16, 2:03pm
Haha. Some of the Trump zingers are still funny (althugh fewer, as time goes by.) i actually enjoyed his zinger about the Russians looking for those missing Hillary emails and was sorry that the mainstream media chose to focus their tightassed lack of humor on this as a serious issue.
I know, sly remarks are often wasted on the serially aggrieved. I thought it was pretty obvious that he was implying the Russians were probably the only source in existence that actually had copies of her deleted emails. It wasn't an invitation to hack again but an invitation to turn over what they already had. Seriously, where would they go to get them now?

8-2-16, 2:25pm
Haha. Some of the Trump zingers are still funny (althugh fewer, as time goes by.) i actually enjoyed his zinger about the Russians looking for those missing Hillary emails and was sorry that the mainstream media chose to focus their tightassed lack of humor on this as a serious issue.

I know that for a while there was a joke circulating about how Hillary had cleverly tricked hostile intelligence services into backing up her data for free.

I also thought it hilarious that HRC media sycophants were breathlessly calling Trump's joke treasonous, but Hillary actually handing out state secrets like Costco cheese samples as completely understandable and excusable.

Something about politics must be toxic to self-awareness.

Teacher Terry
8-2-16, 3:01pm
A commercial is showing up a lot here which shows kids watching TV and Trump making fun of the disabled reporter, women, etc. My family ( has served in every war since WW I) and friends in many also. My ex was in Vietnam and still has nightmares. I just buried a good friend due to the effects of Agent Orange. This shit talk of the people who served whether or not I agreed with the war makes me sick. Calling McCain not a hero because he got caught, etc. How stupid do you have to be to make these types of statements? Others have suggested that he does not want to win and that may be true. I for one will be glad when this election is over and if I never hear or see Trump again I would be fine with that.

8-2-16, 3:13pm
A commercial is showing up a lot here which shows kids watching TV and Trump making fun of the disabled reporter, women, etc. My family ( has served in every war since WW I) and friends in many also. My ex was in Vietnam and still has nightmares. I just buried a good friend due to the effects of Agent Orange. This shit talk of the people who served whether or not I agreed with the war makes me sick. Calling McCain not a hero because he got caught, etc. How stupid do you have to be to make these types of statements? Others have suggested that he does not want to win and that may be true. I for one will be glad when this election is over and if I never hear or see Trump again I would be fine with that.

McCain was supposedly offered a chance to leave Vietnam but refused in order to stay with his crew.

8-2-16, 3:29pm
Who thinks Trump was right to criticize Kahn?

8-2-16, 3:43pm
McCain was supposedly offered a chance to leave Vietnam but refused in order to stay with his crew.He came from a prestigious military family as his father and grandfather were both Navy Admirals. He was offered an out of rotation release due to his family yet refused because other prisoners had been held longer. As a Naval Airman, he certainly showed his stripes.

I remember the day he was released in 1973, watching the newscast of he and several others stepping off the plane in the Philippines. He stood out with his awkward salute due to injuries sustained in his initial crash and later torture.

I think he's a crappy politician, but he was one helluva Airman.

8-2-16, 4:21pm
McCain should have been right up your alley politically.

8-2-16, 4:58pm
One week earlier(as today's WSJ points out)...

As NR’s Jim Geraghty (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/438551/our-again-again-respect-grieving-parents-politics) points out, the media are highly selective in their treatment of grieving parents:

Hey, remember when the first night of the Republican convention featured Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, one of the Americans slain in Benghazi? Remember how her speech was called a “cynical exploitation of grief (https://www.thenation.com/article/the-first-night-of-the-gop-was-a-cynical-exploitation-of-grief/)”? Or the “unabashed exploitation (http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-speech-rnc-2016-exploiting-private-grief-a7145011.html) of private people’s grief” or “theweaponization of grief (http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/a-dystopian-night-at-the-g-o-p-convention)”? Remember how she “ruined the evening (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/19/chris-matthews-patricia-smith-mother-of-benghazi-v/)”? How it was, “a spectacle so offensive (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/rnc-manipulates-the-pain-grieving-mother-partisan-gain), it was hard to even comprehend”? How some liberal commentators said, “Mrs. Smith was really most interested in drinking blood (http://crooksandliars.com/2016/07/gop-shamelessly-exploits-grieving-unhinged) rather than healing”? How her speech represented an “early dip into the gutter (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/07/19/the-gops-despicable-first-night-of-the-republican-national-convention/)”? Remember how a GQ writer publicly expressed a desire to beat her to death (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/07/20/gq-writer-apologizes-for-sick-tweet-about-mother-of-slain-benghazi-hero/)?

8-2-16, 5:32pm
One week earlier(as today's WSJ points out)...

As NR’s Jim Geraghty (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/438551/our-again-again-respect-grieving-parents-politics) points out, the media are highly selective in their treatment of grieving parents:

Hey, remember when the first night of the Republican convention featured Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, one of the Americans slain in Benghazi? Remember how her speech was called a “cynical exploitation of grief (https://www.thenation.com/article/the-first-night-of-the-gop-was-a-cynical-exploitation-of-grief/)”? Or the “unabashed exploitation (http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-speech-rnc-2016-exploiting-private-grief-a7145011.html) of private people’s grief” or “theweaponization of grief (http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/a-dystopian-night-at-the-g-o-p-convention)”? Remember how she “ruined the evening (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/19/chris-matthews-patricia-smith-mother-of-benghazi-v/)”? How it was, “a spectacle so offensive (http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/rnc-manipulates-the-pain-grieving-mother-partisan-gain), it was hard to even comprehend”? How some liberal commentators said, “Mrs. Smith was really most interested in drinking blood (http://crooksandliars.com/2016/07/gop-shamelessly-exploits-grieving-unhinged) rather than healing”? How her speech represented an “early dip into the gutter (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2016/07/19/the-gops-despicable-first-night-of-the-republican-national-convention/)”? Remember how a GQ writer publicly expressed a desire to beat her to death (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2016/07/20/gq-writer-apologizes-for-sick-tweet-about-mother-of-slain-benghazi-hero/)?

Hey, remember how Hillary DIDN'T attack her or her grief? Remember how Hillary DIDN'T try to link her to some radical terrorist organization trying to destroy all that's good and wonderful and holy in America? Too bad the republican's 'set up' of Hillary didn't work.

Oh, and by the way, since you have apparently been in a cave for the last several years, Benghazi and Hillary's supposed involvement has been investigated 8 times now, with nary a shred of evidence to tar her with. Just because you have some Clinton derangement syndrome doesn't mean she is guilty.
Hillary is not a criminal. Please post evidence she is.

Hillary did not hand out government secrets.
She might have outed one of our spies as revenge for...no, wait, that would be Cheney and Bush.
She might have written a letter to our enemy telling them to ignore our President...no, wait, that would be the republican Senate
Maybe she invited a foreign head of state to diss our President in addressing congress...no, sorry, wrong again. That would be the republican House.

iris lilies
8-2-16, 5:43pm
McCain should have been right up your alley politically.
For a reasn I cant quite put my finger on, I always liked him. It is more about his physical look than anything else.

8-2-16, 5:57pm
McCain should have been right up your alley politically.
Why do you say that? Am I not living up to your expectations?

8-2-16, 5:58pm
For a reasn I cant quite put my finger on, I always liked him. It is more about his physical look than anything else.

You're into angry grandpa look?

iris lilies
8-2-16, 7:27pm
You're into angry grandpa look?Naw, Bernie didnt do it for me. Neither does larry David.

8-2-16, 7:45pm
This is the McCain image that will memorialize him for me

8-2-16, 8:29pm
This is the McCain image that will memorialize him for me
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/16/strange-mccain-post-debat_n_135325.htmlMine's more along these lines:

8-2-16, 8:51pm
. . .He was offered an out of rotation release due to his family yet refused because other prisoners had been held longer. . .

This was an honorable thing to do, but we have to remember that a number of other long-held POWs also did the same thing.

In any event he's in a tight race here in AZ. He's 80 yrs old, and long past the time to let someone else represent AZ in Congress. We'll see what happens in Nov.

8-2-16, 9:35pm
This was an honorable thing to do, but we have to remember that a number of other long-held POWs also did the same thing.

No big deal then, huh?

In any event he's in a tight race here in AZ. He's 80 yrs old, and long past the time to let someone else represent AZ in Congress. We'll see what happens in Nov.
If my Senator volunteered to continue weekly, sometimes daily beatings for another year or so, just to maintain his honor and integrity, I'd let him represent me for life if he was willing.

Miss Cellane
8-2-16, 10:17pm
Who thinks Trump was right to criticize Kahn?

Well, Trump has every right to criticize Khan. So does every American. We are all allowed to have our opinions.

But I think what you are really asking is, "Just how sound a political move was it for Trump to criticize Khan?" The answer is: Probably not a good move on his part. Nor have his subsequent behavior/comments been wise for someone running for office.

8-3-16, 8:41am
Hey, remember how Hillary DIDN'T attack her or her grief? Remember how Hillary DIDN'T try to link her to some radical terrorist organization trying to destroy all that's good and wonderful and holy in America? Too bad the republican's 'set up' of Hillary didn't work.

Oh, and by the way, since you have apparently been in a cave for the last several years, Benghazi and Hillary's supposed involvement has been investigated 8 times now, with nary a shred of evidence to tar her with. Just because you have some Clinton derangement syndrome doesn't mean she is guilty.
Hillary is not a criminal. Please post evidence she is.

Hillary did not hand out government secrets.
She might have outed one of our spies as revenge for...no, wait, that would be Cheney and Bush.
She might have written a letter to our enemy telling them to ignore our President...no, wait, that would be the republican Senate
Maybe she invited a foreign head of state to diss our President in addressing congress...no, sorry, wrong again. That would be the republican House.

It's OK. My cave has cable. You are correct that Hillary seldom attacks people personally as Trump is wont to do. She uses proxies for that.

The criticism here isn't so much her role in the Benghazi debacle as her lying to some of the families of the slain. I realize that's a he said/she said thing at this point, but I am among the 2/3 of Americans who find Mrs. Clinton untrustworthy, so I'm inclined to take their word over hers.

While it's also true that Hillary didn't fedex any secrets directly to hostile powers, the FBI report certainly indicated that her "extreme carelessness" provided a pretty appetizing self-serve buffet.

8-3-16, 9:14am
If my Senator volunteered to continue weekly, sometimes daily beatings for another year or so, just to maintain his honor and integrity, I'd let him represent me for life if he was willing.

I agree with you on the perhaps naive assumption that a guy willing to endure torture for a principle would be unlikely to compromise his integrity for political expedience.

Contrast that to Trump's bluster or Clinton's lies about risking sniper fire to try shoplifting a little martial glory. Or both parties putting the grieving families of dead service people on display in an attempt to gain some sort of moral authority. We live in degraded times.

8-3-16, 6:18pm
No big deal then, huh?

Your words, not mine.
But he's likely to be looking for a job after November.

Teacher Terry
8-3-16, 7:28pm
I think McCain would have been required to denounce the Vietnam War to secure that early release and chose not to which I think was admirable. He would make a much better President then Trump would.

8-3-16, 11:12pm
He (McCain) would make a much better President then Trump would.

I know you probably didn't mean it this way, but talk about faint praise.

8-4-16, 3:41pm
I think McCain would have been required to denounce the Vietnam War to secure that early release and chose not to which I think was admirable. He would make a much better President then Trump would.

Although i always like McCain and admired him, I don't think he would make a good president. (saying he would make a better President than Trump is jumping him over a pretty low bar. Naval lint would be a better president than Trump)
His judgement is not so good, however. He did pick Sarah Palin and that being the first major decision of his run showed him to be well past his shelf life.