View Full Version : You okay Iris Lily?

4-23-11, 10:18am
Just heard about the airport in St.Louis. Wanted to be sure the tornado didn't get to you.

iris lily
4-23-11, 6:06pm
yes, and thanks for asking. All is well at our house. I hope none of you were planning to fly into STL soon because no flights are landing or leaving. I was at the iris show last night when all of the sirens kept wailing.

4-23-11, 6:12pm
Good to hear you're okay IL.
I heard that 3 big, full planes were on the tarmac at the time. I also heard that most of the injuries were from inside the airport, where there's so many glass windows. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured. Glad you still have your life and your home!
Here in Indiana we had a bunch of tornadoes the other night. Close to here, a couple farmers lost their grain bins and their barns.
The weather this year is just really crazy.

4-23-11, 6:16pm
I read about the 'supercell' as well - fascinating but sounds like it caused terrible damage. Glad you're ok.

4-23-11, 6:23pm
Glad you're OK too Iris.

4-24-11, 1:22am
Whirl on, babe. Glad to hear it was only close. :)

4-24-11, 1:39am
yeah, glad to hear that you're o.k. We were worried. I swear, I'll take earthquakes any day over tornadoes........

4-24-11, 1:53am
I'd take tornadoes over earthquakes, and yet here I stay. go figure ...

4-24-11, 10:22am
Glad you are okay, Iris!

domestic goddess
4-24-11, 12:29pm
Glad you're okay, Iris Lily! Today is a beautiful day here, finally. Weather can be such a scary thing.

4-24-11, 2:34pm
Glad you're OK, Iris!

4-25-11, 4:11pm
Wow......there were alot more homes destroyed than I realized. Its pretty amazing that no one was seriously hurt.

iris lily
4-28-11, 10:48am
Let me also add my lament that, despite the wicked big storms that have come through in the past weeks here, NOT ONE of our street trees have been damaged. All I ask for is some bleedin' damage, just give me a major branch down, and then I can cut the damn thing down.

But noooooooo, not here. My neighbor 3 houses away had her Bradford pear, notorious for going down in storms, go down. This is her 2nd Bradford in 20 years to be decimated in a storm.

But our Bradford on the street? Hell no,--still standing straight and true.

Grrrr. Hate it.

Trees. The Enemy.

4-28-11, 11:08am
LOL. I, on the other hand, adore trees...........and of course, I'm the one who gets all the tree damage..........nobody else around.........just me. haha