4-24-11, 7:29am
If you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, ‘Hallelujah, He is Risen!!’. To everyone, I wish you a Happy Easter and hope your Easter Basket is filled with wonderful things. I believe that Jesus is Risen AND my Easter Basket overflows with Godiva chocolate and Jelly Belly jelly beans.

Float On
4-24-11, 10:04am
Happy Easter to you too!
I didn't get an Easter Basket but I filled the boy's baskets with mp3 credits.

4-24-11, 10:14am
Happy Easter to you! Easter is my favorite holiday! :-)

Sad Eyed Lady
4-24-11, 10:54am
Yes, I believe He is the Messiah, and I believe He is risen. Baruch haba b'shem Adonai.

4-24-11, 11:05am
Happy Easter! We had a HUGE Easter Vigil last night. My husband and I were confirmed and our son was baptized. We had brought our oldest two children to the Good Friday services and again to the Easter Vigil to see their brother baptized and they were so impressed. I think it really helped them understand the Passion and Resurrection.

Today we're going to a brunch at baby Travis' Godfather's house.

domestic goddess
4-24-11, 12:24pm
Yes, He is risen!
It is a lovely day here, bright and sunny, like I always think Easter should be. Supposed to get to 60 today! That would be wonderful!
Rest of the crew is going to dinner at a friend's house later. My back hurts too much for that, so I hope they bring me something back. I can't walk if I stand up straight, so I hobble all bent over to get to the bathroom and back. I know, TMI, but I am fed up with this controlling my life.

4-24-11, 4:01pm
Yes, Shalom_Poet, ‘Blessed is He’. Easter is also my favorite. Christmas is more festive but Easter is most eternally meaningful.

4-25-11, 8:51am
A belated blessed Easter to all of you!