View Full Version : Can't wait for the royal wedding!!...................

4-25-11, 12:55pm
TO BE OVER!! I'm sick of hearing about it. Aren't there more important things to talk about? I have absolutely no interest in this silly stuff.

4-25-11, 8:47pm
Oh Cathy, thank you for posting this...me, too! I've had it up to HERE with that Royal wedding jazz, ad nauseum!! But maybe it's a good distraction to all the rest of the nasty news going on in the world...fairy tale weddings trump war and pestilence...but still, I'm (yawn) bored with the whole royal nuptial media circus (as I imagine the reporters must be, too!)..wishing the happy couple the best and all...but jeez...

4-25-11, 9:25pm
What royal wedding is this?

Oh, the German usurpers?

4-25-11, 11:00pm

pony mom
4-26-11, 12:32am
Ooh! I can't wait for it!! I'm an Anglophile and just love all the pageantry. I was in London in 1986 when Prince Andrew and Fergie were married but it was so crowded that I couldn't see a thing. My clock will be set for 4am on Friday so I don't miss anything. Hollywood can't top this. It's a nice diversion from all the bad news happening around the world.

4-26-11, 12:33am
I'm an Anglophile. I am a Monarchist. I'm a romantic. I have been looking forward to the royal wedding since it was announced that William and Catherine were engaged and have planned to watch every moment of TV coverage for months. I understand that not everyone feels as I do. I really think that there is so much negative stuff happening in the world today that it's nice to have a bit of a diversion from it.

4-26-11, 10:47am
Well I'm an anti-monarchist (who was born in Britain) and really could care less about the wedding, think it's a overblown spectacle that should not be paid for by the tax payers. But, I am curious about the dress :-)!

4-26-11, 10:49am
I think its horrible that the taxpayers are footing the bill.

4-26-11, 10:55am
I just saw The King's Speech, feeling much more kindly toward Elizabeth these days. When she passes, Charles is heir to the throne, but how does it work from there? Is William next in line?

As far as the taxpayers, that is what comes with having a "cloistered"figurehead monarchy that doesn't pay its own way and is in place as a matter of national tradition. It's all rather elegant, if you can afford it. I wonder if the citizens of Britain in this day and age would vote in favor of this arrangement. Are they given a choice? I know very little about modern British politics.

4-26-11, 11:21am
Well I'm an anti-monarchist (who was born in Britain) and really could care less about the wedding, think it's a overblown spectacle that should not be paid for by the tax payers. But, I am curious about the dress :-)!

I have lived in England and the United States. I have a great affection for the British people and the royals. I'm looking forward to seeing Catherine's dress, too.

4-26-11, 11:34am
I think its horrible that the taxpayers are footing the bill.

To be fair, the royal family say it is paying for the wedding itself. The British taxpayer is still on the hook for anywhere from $13 to $30 million in security and other related costs, however people don't think about is how much revenue is generated by tourism because of the monarchy and the royal wedding. People are making a tremendous amount of money from the royal wedding, which boosts Britain's economy and benefits British citizens ultimately.

Barry Tweeg of the Constitutional Monarchy Association, a group that supports the royal family, says that overall, the total cost of having the monarchy is actually quite affordable. "When you work it out, it costs no more than two pints of milk per person per year. In other words: about $60 million annually."

Things such as helicopters and security are paid for by tax dollars, but additional tax revenue generated by increased tourism should more than make up for this expense.

Float On
4-26-11, 11:41am
I've managed to not even know when the wedding is set to take place.

But I wouldn't mind seeing photos of the dress....afterward. I love wedding dresses even though my own dress was one I picked from a brides magazine and was the only one I tried on, I love watching 'say yes to the dress' on netflix (my family thinks I'm crazy for getting gushy over the brides picking out their dress).

4-26-11, 12:58pm
I am an Anglophile AND a 'wedding-phile'. We are planning a party in honor of the event - cookie cake, hats and gloves - but then I will celebrate anyone's wedding.

4-26-11, 2:39pm
I can't imagine being less interesting. I'm not a fan of "royalty", the UK, or weddings in general. Or, for that matter, anything excessive, which this will definitely be.

4-26-11, 2:42pm
Y'all are missing the point, it's about tourism and a billion dollar shot to the economy! (sarcasm)

4-26-11, 5:58pm
I'd love to know WHY Americans, who profess to have a democratic republic would care a jot about our royal weddings?!

Frankly, as a ScotsNat, I have no interest, but am grateful for the extra bank holiday, making it another 4 day weekend after the 4 day Easter weekend!

4-26-11, 8:34pm
I am so sick of hearing about the royal wedding too! IMO most weddings are just a demand for attention & a display of over-consumption. Two things that don't interest me in the least cow-hi

pony mom
4-26-11, 10:06pm
The UK is a tourist attraction because of royalty and their history. Without the castles and palaces and pomp and pageantry, what fun would it be?

I believe that if Will and Kate had a choice, they'd prefer something simple. Or they'd just continue living together if he was just a regular bloke. In another 20-30 years when the next future monarch marries, it's quite possible that there won't be such a huge wedding. Heck, there may not even be a monarchy by then.

I almost feel sorry for Charles. He's so involved with and deeply passionate about the environment and the earth's future and if/when he becomes king, he'll have to practically give it all up and become a figurehead. Perhaps when the Queen dies, he'll become king for a short time, then abdicate in favor of William.

4-26-11, 10:56pm
To be fair, the royal family say it is paying for the wedding itself. The British taxpayer is still on the hook for anywhere from $13 to $30 million in security and other related costs, however people don't think about is how much revenue is generated by tourism because of the monarchy and the royal wedding. People are making a tremendous amount of money from the royal wedding, which boosts Britain's economy and benefits British citizens ultimately.

It's definetely a boon for the British economy but I still think that the royal family (who are weathly of their own accord) should pay for everything including security. That would be a double boon for the British economy! It isn't a state affair - at least they said it wasn't when they didn't invite the US President - so to me it shouldn't be covered by taxpayer dollars.

iris lily
4-26-11, 11:24pm
I'm not interested in this royal wedding although I don't have anything against William and his bride. I will be interested in her dress, but I won't be staying up into the wees hours of the morning to catch a first glimpse. Photos will be all over.

There's been too much coverage already. I really do not believe there was this lead up to the Princess of Wales' wedding. Back then I didn't have a tv and I rented a motel room to watch the royal wedding.

4-26-11, 11:50pm
I'd love to know WHY Americans, who profess to have a democratic republic would care a jot about our royal weddings?!

Frankly, as a ScotsNat, I have no interest, but am grateful for the extra bank holiday, making it another 4 day weekend after the 4 day Easter weekend!

I hear the US is more interested than UK.

4-27-11, 12:07am
Oh come now. Drama, hyperbole, enormous expense, regimentation and fancy clothes? What is it you think the US Wouldn't be all over? >8)

4-27-11, 6:54am
I lived in England as a child, studied politics at the University of London for a semester, and cross the Pond whenever I have the chance. I am setting my alarm for 430 and will be watching The Wedding along with several others of you!!

4-27-11, 11:13am
it is a welcome fantasy for those of us who are tired of hearing about gas prices, the never-ending crisis in the middle east, etc. Good clean entertainment for me and my husband does not understand. He had rather be watching some killing-karate-bare breasted type of movie..............

4-27-11, 11:50am
I'm an Anglophile. I am a Monarchist. I'm a romantic. I have been looking forward to the royal wedding since it was announced that William and Catherine were engaged and have planned to watch every moment of TV coverage for months. I understand that not everyone feels as I do. I really think that there is so much negative stuff happening in the world today that it's nice to have a bit of a diversion from it.

Me too me too! I took Friday off of work for the sole purpose of getting up at 3:30 am to begin watching live coverage and reveling all day in Royal Wedding madness. :) I was too young to remember the hoopla surrounding Charles and Diana's wedding in 1981 and I'm excited to be able to witness live something so socially historic. The only downside is that since we no longer have TV service I'll have to spend the day watching live streaming online parked in front of the computer, but I'll cope. :)

iris lily
4-27-11, 11:58pm
You won't have to get up in the middle of the night to watch the real thing after you've seen this spoof. I like the royal lookalikes, they are great and you know who they are supposed to be.


4-29-11, 11:34am
How was it?

4-29-11, 11:36am
Can't wait for the royal wedding!!...................
TO BE OVER!! I'm sick of hearing about it. Aren't there more important things to talk about? I have absolutely no interest in this silly stuff.

LOL, Judging by the title, I had refused to even open this thread till this morning. Count me as another who really doesn't care. To each his own.

To those that looked forward to it, I hope you enjoyed it and that it lived up to your expectations. http://www.simplelivingforum.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=197&d=1298100438

4-29-11, 1:23pm
LOL Gina!

4-30-11, 12:16pm
Oh yes, it was definitely worth it! Even though we ended up being out of town that night so I had to torture my poor husband by getting up early and flipping on the TV in the hotel room, lol. He was a good sport about it though, and I even saw him tear up a time or two during it all. Me....I was crying buckets. :) I get overly-sentimental and gushy over stuff like that!

4-30-11, 4:02pm
We had a windstorm thus no power, no wedding to see.

4-30-11, 8:10pm
Woke up and found my dw had not come to bed yet, she was out watching the coverage. I caught Prince William's arrival...when they said it would be another 45 minutes before Kate arrived - I said "I'm outta here!" DW asked "don't you want to see Kate's dress?!" hmm sleep, see Kate's dress? -- SLEEP!"

I could have done without Barbara Walter's know-it-all commentary...!