View Full Version : Reintroducing myself after a few years away.

10-13-16, 1:08pm
Hello everyone. I spent several years on this site talking about frugality. I went from being eligible (but not receiving) foodstamps to becoming debt free with the support of this group. After reaching that goal, I found myself a little aimless, wondering though life trying to figure out what the next chapter held. I also started spending a lot more money-mostly on necessities but definitely on indulgences too and didn't feel like I was being true to the board. I guess I kind of felt like I fell off the wagon in a way.

My husband and I own a restaurant and have decided that it is time to sell it and retire. I will turn 46 tomorrow and dh just turned 48. We've decided where we want to live next-in an apartment in a nearby college town. We've also decided we don't want to have to work for money again after our business sells.

So my goal is to use my frugal skills to save as much money as possible while down-sizing my possessions to the things I want to take when we move. This move could happen in few months or it could take years.

I look forward to getting to know everyone and sharing thought and ideas with you all.

Teacher Terry
10-13-16, 1:20pm
I don't think there is any one way to live in order to be true to this discussion board. Everyone values different things and will spend their $ according to their values. Welcome back!

10-13-16, 4:05pm
Another welcome back. Frugality has many faces. Have you seen Herbgeek's thread and info on growing salad greens in winter? That is one way to be frugal unless you live in a year-round gardening area but I don't think that you do, if I remember correctly.

10-13-16, 5:07pm
Great to have you back, bke!

10-13-16, 5:16pm
Welcome back, BKE! You always were a frugal inspiration and I've missed your posts.

12-26-16, 8:56pm
Welcome back!!!

12-26-16, 9:09pm
I never think of living simply as having a frugal factor. By nature I don't like a lot of "stuff" that I have to wrangle and maintain. So I don't have much but I rarely worry about being frugal when I do purchase something. I guess I am somewhat frugal by default. Welcome back.

early morning
12-27-16, 8:39am
I've missed you, bke- I always enjoyed your posts! I was just thinking about you the other day when searching with PCH - are you still entering sweepstakes? As far as I see it, there is no "true" to this board, only true to yourself. If you're ok with what you spend on, then pffffft to others' opinions, lol. Lots of people here are rather minimalists, and I am so not - but I don't think that disqualifies me. My "simple" or "frugal" does not have to match anyone else's version, and that's the beauty of this board. Welcome back!!

Float On
12-27-16, 10:41am
Welcome back!

12-27-16, 4:48pm
Welcome back!

Might be too soon, or too late. This thread was started in October, which is also the last time the poster logged in.