View Full Version : The Artists Way

10-24-16, 10:14pm
I read the Artists Way many years ago, by Julia Cameron. It was a self-published book with major success. She has additional books but my library only has that one. Anyway, I really liked it and need to get it again. It is designed for anyone to find their live's:) passion. It doesn't have to be what most people call art - it is anything that makes you happy to do. It is very cathartic and makes you emotional when you work on the morning pages. I wish there was a meetup group in my neck of the woods.

Zoe Girl
10-24-16, 10:42pm
I love the book, and used it very regularly for a long time. In a good way it helped me see what I needed to see and that led to my divorce in part. However I was really seriously writing for a long time with the support of the book. Like you said, you don't need to end up being an artist or a writer with the support of the book, but it is wonderful to do the morning pages and artist's dates for anything creative. (and I think data science could be creative)

10-25-16, 12:08am
Yes, she has a lot of books but my library only has the one. I might try interlibrary loan. So many books are now through the download system and I don't have a device for it. I still like my old-fashioned paper books!

The books are for anything, rock climbers, knitters, genealogists (me). Whatever makes you happy to do in your spare time.

The found the book a form of therapy without the expense.

Many of us (people in general) are so busy working that we don't have time for creativity of any kind.

Also, many people have had their creativity stifled.

10-25-16, 7:11am
Sandy, I read some of her other books and found that they repeated much of The Artist's Way but phrased differently. I still do the morning pages.

10-25-16, 10:57am
I really only learned one thing from applying her methods--that I'm a world-class whiner, as evidenced by my "morning pages." >:(

10-26-16, 8:30pm
My morning pages were whiny too. I have been writing "evening pages" off and on for a while.

10-26-16, 10:10pm
I credit the book and working through it with a much greater peace of mind and the discovery that I enjoy writing and drawing. It helped me focus on what I wanted, which was something I'd never credited. I still do one morning page, not three, but think it still helps.

10-26-16, 10:12pm
Yes, mine are often whines. It helped me realize that by re reading the pages and taking notes on "actions" and "insights". some whines are worthwhile and others just need to be noticed and stopped.

Zoe Girl
10-27-16, 12:50am
so we are all whiners! I went through my old ones at my last move and tore out the 5 pages with something worthwhile, put the rest in the trash. However I found it got the whining out of my system so I was more clear when I was writing. Not so many whiny characters ya know.

10-27-16, 7:22am
interesting to read what others have noted of their morning pages. I found that mine started with what was going wrong and gradually turned into what I was most grateful for happening in my life during a very stressful period. It is the gratitude that has continued to dominate my writing.
The Artist's Way has given me direction and confidence during a lot of changes along with my spiritual study. Maybe the best way to describe, I think, is that one has the opportunity to see what thoughts are spinning in one's mind and address them. They are just thoughts! Then we decide what to do with them - discard, modify, correct, follow up on, etc.

10-27-16, 10:30am
I am on spiral notebook, college ruled number 41! I've thrown most of them away after doing "actions" and "insights". I have those papers and it is amazing how many are repeats, but also how many actions I have taken for a more positive outlook. I agree with the gratefulness increase Razz noticed.

10-28-16, 11:25pm
One of the most important aspects of The Artist's Way is going on art dates (alone is great!). I look for free opportunities to hear or see something since my budget is low. I have even gone to the tiny fabric store in my county to look at fabrics, ribbons and such (touching is even better) to see bright colors and textures. I have walked though the small artwork/poster/greeting card section of Walmart. Tonight, I was able to find a detailed show about art in Texas on PBS along with a fun musical artist. These things are important!

10-29-16, 7:39am
Thanks for the reminder about art dates. I will go into one particular store that sells glass objects and love the creativity and the way the light made them glow. I never wanted to possess them but just to see them.

Often going on walks with the dog, I am delighted with noting the colour of natural objects, the way the sun shines on them and the shadows created. A friend told me that I seem to see the world as continual paintings. I think that I do.
I joined a local choir in September and am learning to sing alto. We had our first concert last night. There is a lot of joy in that.

iris lilies
10-29-16, 8:59am
There are so many many inspirational things to see with an artistic eye. And its all free!

10-29-16, 9:04am
I've never read the book but I have recently delved more into acrylic painting. There is a wonderful youtuber called theartsherpa who has free online tutorials and some of them are around colour. She gets you to think about how you'd mix the colours you see when you're out for walks etc and it really does make you stop and take notice of your surroundings and look at things in more detail. Very similar to some mindfulness techniques so I can totally see the benefit in this.

10-29-16, 10:37am
https://www.artsy.net/collect?medium=painting&gene_id=landscapes-and-waterscapes for browsing art
These are free courses from good instructors so I am going to try some just for fun.
It is amazing how much stuff is available online today.

Chicken lady
10-29-16, 11:31am
Interesting. I want to read this book now.

Last night dh and I went out to a local restaurant. His dessert came in a little curved oval bowl, I could almost feel my hands making the shape. When he was done I had to pick it up and hold it.

10-29-16, 11:38am
CL, You would enjoy the book, I think. I checked it out from the library several times to get through the 12 weeks, don't think I ever did, but it changed my life. I fully see how you wanted to feel that bowl. Some things just need touching.