View Full Version : Keeping Trump Tower in NYC safe when he's there.......

11-16-16, 9:21am

I sure wouldn't want to live there now in one of those apartments or work in one of those offices, or shop in one of those stores......... (not that I ever would, but it would seem to have a target on it now). And I imagine he'll want to go there often, to escape the hassles.........or maybe that's where he'll work on plans to raise up the middle class?
It sure appears that he will be a very high maintenance president..........among other things........

Miss Cellane
11-16-16, 11:46am
And how much extra is the added security going to cost? Clearly, before he is sworn in, it's a necessary expense. But after?

As well as tying up traffic with presidential motorcades and keeping the air space over the buildings clear, his presence will be a huge hassle to New Yorkers.

Teacher Terry
11-16-16, 2:12pm
I heard on the news that after he is sworn in he intends to spend a fair amount of time in the Tower. Ugh!

11-16-16, 9:13pm
I heard on the news that after he is sworn in he intends to spend a fair amount of time in the Tower. Ugh!

White House not fancy enough for him?

11-16-16, 9:26pm
How is this any different than the Obama home in Chicago? The street is blocked off. Any residents have to go through the security perimeter. It sounds like this is standard all the time, from the local media, not just when the Obamas were there. When one of the neighbors went to sell their home, any buyers had to be checked out by the Secret Service.

11-17-16, 2:25am
I heard on the news that after he is sworn in he intends to spend a fair amount of time in the Tower. Ugh!

He may think that now, but after he is elected, he will have to deal with Congress and foreign governments/heads of state, who expect to be in DC.
That doesn't even discuss issues like the bunker under the Whitehouse, the situation room, etc. etc. etc.

11-17-16, 9:13am
I was reading it is a Big Issue with needing a safe fly zone....as in being so close to one of the worlds largest International Air Ports. Not
to mention the building is open to the public and open for business.

11-17-16, 10:03am
I guess he didn't think the implications of winning through very thoroughly. Not exactly the mark of a keen mind.

11-17-16, 12:11pm
How is this any different than the Obama home in Chicago? The street is blocked off. Any residents have to go through the security perimeter. It sounds like this is standard all the time, from the local media, not just when the Obamas were there. When one of the neighbors went to sell their home, any buyers had to be checked out by the Secret Service.

I have the feeling that Trump will be spending a lot more time there than Obama ever did in Chicago. He wants to do everything HIS way.......being the narcissist that he is. We'll see how long that works.

Teacher Terry
11-17-16, 12:11pm
Mind-what mind?????? He is lazy and will just delegate stuff to others. He will be the only president that does not age significantly in office.

11-17-16, 12:17pm
Mind-what mind?????? He is lazy and will just delegate stuff to others. He will be the only president that does not age significantly in office.

That's what they used to say about Reagan. The more condescending his opposition got, the more he wiped the floor with them.

iris lilies
11-17-16, 12:24pm
Other than cost of keeping Trump Tower secure, and that may be significant which will annoy me no end, it doesn't matter where he lives. It doesnt matter if Melania performs traditional first lady duties, and for her sake, I hope she does not, we dont need that stuff anyway. It doesnt matter whoch seldct school for rich kids in D.C. Barron goes to, and if he stays at his school on NYC so what? This stuff does not matter.

There are so many things that WILL matter.

11-17-16, 12:35pm
The title of this thread makes me want to laugh. Even though it is not funny. I can picture a sort of Looney Tunes explosion of the building, with him in it.

11-17-16, 2:41pm
Can you imagine how all those apartment-owners in his "Tower" are feeling now? Hey......maybe if they want to sell it, they can sell it to some of those middle-america voters. Oh wait......they don't have millions.

11-17-16, 2:43pm
I hope I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that Trump will want to run the country from his Ivory Tower and spend as little time possible in the WH. I think (hope) he's in for a big surprise.

iris lilies
11-17-16, 2:48pm
I hope I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that Trump will want to run the country from his Ivory Tower and spend as little time possible in the WH. I think (hope) he's in for a big surprise.
What are some reasons why it is important to you that Trump's butt is in a seat in The Oval office?

I can see some practical requirements of spending time in D.C, some.

What are your reasons?

11-17-16, 3:00pm
What are some reasons why it is important to you that Trump's butt is in a seat in The Oval office?

I can see some practical requirements of spending time in D.C, some.

What are your reasons?

It's a nice walk to the schawarma trucks on the Mall.

Teacher Terry
11-17-16, 3:59pm
Very disturbing that there has been talk about registering Muslims.

11-17-16, 4:03pm
Very disturbing that there has been talk about registering Muslims.What about Muslims with guns?
Would that make a difference, because then maybe they could post the names and addresses of all the Muslims with guns in the newspaper so that anyone concerned with their safety would know who to look out for. We could do that couldn't we?

11-17-16, 4:06pm
What are some reasons why it is important to you that Trump's butt is in a seat in The Oval office?

I can see some practical requirements of spending time in D.C, some.

What are your reasons?

Because that's where all the "action" is.......the west wing, etc. How inconvenient to be so far away from where everyone else who is doing political things is. And I sure as hell don't want so much of my (or anyone else's) taxes going towards keeping him safe in NYC.......when it involves so many others' living arrangements, businesses, etc. I don't care if he goes there occasionally, but he needs to realize how much it costs us for him to be there, and it actually might put others in danger. Plus, it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't want to spend time in the WH because he just wants to avoid things. I would expect anyone else who is president to do the same. You mentioned Obama and Chicago. How much time did he spend there? Did he expect to run the country from there? I'm curious why YOU find this so strange......that I would expect him to spend most of his time in the WH. Of course, he has no where else to be now, so it makes sense he is where he is. But.......it is creating a problem for everyone living there, even on a short term.

Teacher Terry
11-17-16, 4:15pm
alan, gun laws vary state to state and should be applied the same for everyone. YOu do not pick out one group for different laws.

11-17-16, 4:37pm
alan, gun laws vary state to state and should be applied the same for everyone. YOu do not pick out one group for different laws.It's the same principle though, right? The idea being that someone scares me and I want them registered for my protection.
My question is, is it okay to do one as long as it's not the other?

Teacher Terry
11-17-16, 5:12pm
No it is not ok to do either.

11-17-16, 7:20pm
No it is not ok to do either.
Great! I agree.

Teacher Terry
11-17-16, 7:33pm
alan: it must be a xmas miracle because we agree:)) I am not for taking guns away from people. I don't think people need to have access to military weapons that can kill a ton of people in a few minutes ( not sure if they are semi-automatic or automatic weapons) as I don't know much about guns. Both my Dad and my ex were hunters and I think people should be allowed guns for protection.

iris lilies
11-17-16, 7:44pm
Because that's where all the "action" is.......the west wing, etc. How inconvenient to be so far away from where everyone else who is doing political things is. And I sure as hell don't want so much of my (or anyone else's) taxes going towards keeping him safe in NYC.......when it involves so many others' living arrangements, businesses, etc. I don't care if he goes there occasionally, but he needs to realize how much it costs us for him to be there, and it actually might put others in danger. Plus, it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't want to spend time in the WH because he just wants to avoid things. I would expect anyone else who is president to do the same. You mentioned Obama and Chicago. How much time did he spend there? Did he expect to run the country from there? I'm curious why YOU find this so strange......that I would expect him to spend most of his time in the WH. Of course, he has no where else to be now, so it makes sense he is where he is. But.......it is creating a problem for everyone living there, even on a short term.

Whether you or I think the West Wing is the most convenient place for him to be doesnt matter, because apparently he wont be there anyway, thanks to President Obama kicking the can down the road:


I also wonder why, with every other entity embracing online meetings, why our government cant do it more often and make that central to their governance

In the end, as I have said, if securing Trump Tower costs MORE to taxpayers than I am not on board. But for the rest of it, I am fine.

11-17-16, 7:51pm
I am not for taking guns away from people. I don't think people need to have access to military weapons that can kill a ton of people in a few minutes ( not sure if they are semi-automatic or automatic weapons) as I don't know much about guns.

And yet, with your self-confessed ignorance of the matter, you are proposing restrictions...


11-18-16, 12:01am
Whether you or I think the West Wing is the most convenient place for him to be doesnt matter, because apparently he wont be there anyway, thanks to President Obama kicking the can down the road:


Damn that Obama. Didn't he get the memo that his presidency was over 3/5 into the most recent term? The republicans did their best to explain that to him when they announced that they wouldn't even consider his supreme court nomination. Perhaps when they announced that they should've put an asterisk that said "*and furthermore, let the secret service kick your staff out of their offices so that they can make upgrades to protect the future, likely very hated by some people, president from potential harm"

11-18-16, 10:23am
What about Muslims with guns?
Would that make a difference, because then maybe they could post the names and addresses of all the Muslims with guns in the newspaper so that anyone concerned with their safety would know who to look out for. We could do that couldn't we?
LOL, then print the names and addresses of the reporters reporting it. I wonder where I have heard that before.

alan: it must be a xmas miracle because we agree:)) I am not for taking guns away from people. I don't think people need to have access to military weapons that can kill a ton of people in a few minutes ( not sure if they are semi-automatic or automatic weapons) as I don't know much about guns. Both my Dad and my ex were hunters and I think people should be allowed guns for protection.
The difference is the trigger pull. semi-auto, you pull the trigger for each shot. Full, you pull the trigger for a lot of shots.
And watch this to the end, with its New York carry ending, and see how he does with old tech:
Ban keyboards, as they cause misspelling.>8)

11-18-16, 11:17am
If the big drop in firearm company stocks is any indication, the Trump regime may actually have an unintended effect of reducing gun ownership.

I could see a case being made for Trump Tower to be protected under the same security provided for Camp David. I picture Trump being more at home in his Tower than any woodland retreat and could even see him taking up residence in the White House as only temporary housing.

Teacher Terry
11-18-16, 12:47pm
Bae, I think it is common sense that you don't need a military assault rifle that can kill many people in seconds to either hunt or protect yourself.

11-18-16, 12:49pm
Bae, I think it is common sense that you don't need a military assault rifle that can kill many people in seconds to either hunt or protect yourself.

I think it is clear you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Teacher Terry
11-18-16, 1:35pm
You don't need to be a firearm expert to know that you do not want people to be able to kill a bunch of people like kids in a matter of minutes. Common sense is not that common I guess.

11-19-16, 2:01am
You don't need to be a firearm expert to know that you do not want people to be able to kill a bunch of people like kids in a matter of minutes. Common sense is not that common I guess.

So evident, you didn't watch the video.>8)
30 Shots in 18 seconds, with revolvers.
And that doesn't even go into the easier stuff, like bomb building, etc. (mass casualties and the bomber doesn't have to be there)

Teacher Terry
11-19-16, 3:40pm
I did not watch the video because I happen to know that you can modify regular guns to have this happen. NOthing new. It still does not make sense to actually sell the general public guns that they don't need to modify and are only for killing lots of people at once.

11-19-16, 3:55pm
I used to think the people stockpiling weapons and ammunition and talking about fighting the government were slightly nuts. I apologize.

11-19-16, 4:20pm
I did not watch the video because I happen to know that you can modify regular guns to have this happen. NOthing new. It still does not make sense to actually sell the general public guns that they don't need to modify and are only for killing lots of people at once.

Again, talking about the video you didn't watch?
These are not modified. The revolver is an old design.

iris lilies
11-19-16, 6:15pm
I used to think the people stockpiling weapons and ammunition and talking about fighting the government were slightly nuts. I apologize.
Haha, yep.

11-19-16, 6:52pm
I used to think the people stockpiling weapons and ammunition and talking about fighting the government were slightly nuts. I apologize.

Well, if their plan simply revolves around firearms, I still think they are slightly nuts, and that they haven't done their homework :-)

If TPTB start making lists and rounding up our neighbors, I think the resistance will be a bit more effective than doing the wackjob-militia thing.

11-21-16, 9:04am
Getting back to the original post, I don't have much problem with presidents spending time outside the sacred city of Washington.

In fact, it might be healthy to permanently move major agencies outside those pretentious precincts. Agriculture to Omaha, Commerce to Chicago, etc. Maybe dilute the proportion of self-important twits in any one place.

11-21-16, 11:50am
LDAHL, Especially with conference calling adn internet communication , it seems decentralizing things would help. Might improve the economy in many places as well. I won't hold my breath waiting for this idea to even begin having traction.

11-21-16, 12:40pm
It looks like Melania is opting out of her First Lady duties. Look for Ivanka to step in.

11-21-16, 2:24pm
It looks like Melania is opting out of her First Lady duties. Look for Ivanka to step in.

I see no duties listed for the position of First Lady in the Constitution.

11-21-16, 3:04pm
It looks like Melania is opting out of her First Lady duties. Look for Ivanka to step in.
Not surprising ... but why do you say this?

11-21-16, 3:04pm
I see no duties listed for the position of First Lady in the Constitution.

Did I say there were?
I guess I should have edited: "traditional duties." Which entails all the girly stuff no one else wants to do.

11-21-16, 3:07pm
Did I say there were?
I guess I should have edited: "traditional duties." Which entails all the girly stuff no one else wants to do.

I expect "tradition" is going to take a holiday this term.

11-21-16, 3:08pm
It looks like Melania is opting out of her First Lady duties. Look for Ivanka to step in.
Really? I've been watching MSNBC all day and haven't seen that mentioned. They did report that she will stay with her son in New York until school is out, but that's not the same thing.

iris lilies
11-21-16, 3:29pm
It looks like Melania is opting out of her First Lady duties. Look for Ivanka to step in.
Yay, this would be the first electin prediction where I am right.

I am 100% behind anyone deciding to chuck these unofficial duties in the game of simplifying Washington D.C.

11-21-16, 4:02pm
Yay, this would be the first electin prediction where I am right.

I am 100% behind anyone deciding to chuck these unofficial duties in the game of simplifying Washington D.C.

I completely agree with you. There are any number of small things we should do to cut back on the quasi-imperial federal folderol.

For one thing, why do so many federal bureaucrats hang pictures of the president in their office? Do we really need these little shrines to power?

And when an official is done serving their time in office, they should stop using the title. I don't go around calling myself "Captain". Former senators and cabinet secretaries shouldn't treat their titles as life peerages. It's just creepy.

If a president's spouse or child or dog doesn't want to be "first" anything, I say so much the better.

11-21-16, 5:00pm
And when an official is done serving their time in office, they should stop using the title. I don't go around calling myself "Captain". Former senators and cabinet secretaries shouldn't treat their titles as life peerages. It's just creepy.

If a president's spouse or child or dog doesn't want to be "first" anything, I say so much the better.

I agree that ancillary actors shouldn't be dragged into the presidential spotlight against their will; servants can be hired, if necessary. I bet Melania will be a lot more relaxed with Donald otherwise occupied. And I stand by my guess that Ivanka will be the stand-in.

And come to think of it--my father didn't insist on being called "Captain" either...Hahaha!

11-21-16, 5:14pm
I agree that ancillary actors shouldn't be dragged into the presidential spotlight against their will; servants can be hired, if necessary. I bet Melania will be a lot more relaxed with Donald otherwise occupied. And I stand by my guess that Ivanka will be the stand-in.

And come to think of it--my father didn't insist on being called "Captain" either...Hahaha!

If he was anything like me, being a civilian again felt pretty good.

11-21-16, 5:18pm
At least he wasn't getting jungle rot or dodging bullets any more. I guess giving up the title was a small price to pay.

11-21-16, 5:28pm
At least he wasn't getting jungle rot or dodging bullets any more. I guess giving up the title was a small price to pay.

I don't miss the shiney shoe fetish, that's for sure.

11-21-16, 6:22pm
I don't miss the shiney shoe fetish, that's for sure.
I still spit shine my Florsheim Castellano Cap Toes.

11-21-16, 6:42pm
I don't miss the shiney shoe fetish, that's for sure.

I'm pretty sure that didn't apply in the jungles of New Guinea. Maybe later, though.

11-22-16, 8:38pm
Yay, this would be the first electin prediction where I am right.

I am 100% behind anyone deciding to chuck these unofficial duties in the game of simplifying Washington D.C.

But then ... 2 different residences will have to have Secret Service agents securing.... double work and money.

iris lilies
11-22-16, 9:57pm
But then ... 2 different residences will have to have Secret Service agents securing.... double work and money.
Yes, on the surface it sounds like it might be more money, but the devil is in the details, and cost cutting could take place elsewhere to balance it (like cuttng 90% of the Dirst Lady's staff, althoughh I really doubt that will happen.)

Miss Cellane
11-23-16, 8:12am
Did I say there were?
I guess I should have edited: "traditional duties." Which entails all the girly stuff no one else wants to do.

I have to admit I was wondering how Bill Clinton would have been as "First Husband?" "First Gentleman?" if Hilary had won. Kind of looking forward to pictures of him choosing the centerpieces for the first State Dinner, and agonizing over which tux to wear to the Inaugural Balls, and deciding which "soft" cause he would champion during his wife's term in office.

11-23-16, 8:23am
I have to admit I was wondering how Bill Clinton would have been as "First Husband?" "First Gentleman?" if Hilary had won. Kind of looking forward to pictures of him choosing the centerpieces for the first State Dinner, and agonizing over which tux to wear to the Inaugural Balls, and deciding which "soft" cause he would champion during his wife's term in office.You know, I wondered about that too. I suspected he would spend the majority of his time in Chappaqua if Hillary were elected. Rumor has it his girlfriend (Secret Service code name "Energizer Bunny") lives nearby.

11-23-16, 8:43am
I imagine it would be hard for him to not get involved with politics.......which would lead many of his/her opponents to constantly bring it up and complain about it......maybe even bring in prosecutors, etc.....

11-23-16, 10:27am
You know, I wondered about that too. I suspected he would spend the majority of his time in Chappaqua if Hillary were elected. Rumor has it his girlfriend (Secret Service code name "Energizer Bunny") lives nearby.

Probably another product of fake news/Fox News. The Right can't stand it that the Clintons are still together while their heroes are racking up marriages like it's a contest.

11-23-16, 11:03am
Probably another product of fake news/Fox News. The Right can't stand it that the Clintons are still together while their heroes are racking up marriages like it's a contest.I don't know, it seems to get more coverage in Europe. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/bill-clinton-buxom-mistress-nicknamed-3894969

11-23-16, 11:25am
My question is this.....and there is no snark whatsoever here. It is legal for Mr Trump to spend so much time living somewhere other than the White House? I have no idea that it is/isn't, I just thought the whole point of the President living in the White House is to have them quickly available as issues arise. For all I know there is no requirement to live in the White House though, I really don't know. Rob

iris lilies
11-23-16, 11:36am
My question is this.....and there is no snark whatsoever here. It is legal for Mr Trump to spend so much time living somewhere other than the White House? I have no idea that it is/isn't, I just thought the whole point of the President living in the White House is to have them quickly available as issues arise. For all I know there is no requirement to live in the White House though, I really don't know. Rob
oh sweet mother jesus, if we have "laws" dictating where the Prez must live, we might as well hang it up.

I think there is value in maintanng a ceremonial home for our leader. How much tme his butt spends in the chair can amd should be open to the person of the moment. flexibility seems important.

there IS some sort of regulation that he is forced to accept a salary, so he is taking $1 per year rather than the $400,000ish that comes with the job.

11-23-16, 11:54am
I think there is value in maintanng a ceremonial home for our leader. How much tme his butt spends in the chair can amd should be open to the person of the moment. flexibility seems important.

True. He can tweet just as well from anywhere with cellular service.

11-23-16, 12:29pm
True. He can tweet just as well from anywhere with cellular service.Lol Lol Lol Now, now, now.....Hillary did say we owed him an open mind and a chance to lead........ Rob

11-23-16, 12:29pm
Lol Lol Lol Now, now, now.....Hillary did say we owed him an open mind and a chance to lead........ Rob

She's certainly entitled to her opinion. And I'm entitled to ignore it.

11-23-16, 12:34pm
My question is this.....and there is no snark whatsoever here. It is legal for Mr Trump to spend so much time living somewhere other than the White House? I have no idea that it is/isn't, I just thought the whole point of the President living in the White House is to have them quickly available as issues arise. For all I know there is no requirement to live in the White House though, I really don't know. Rob


11-23-16, 12:36pm
She's certainly entitled to her opinion. And I'm entitled to ignore it.Plus 2,500,000. Rob

11-23-16, 2:49pm
I think there is value in maintanng a ceremonial home for our leader. How much tme his butt spends in the chair can amd should be open to the person of the moment. flexibility seems important.

Hey, we know he has a computer and an iPhone, so why shouldn't he be able to telecommute like a lot of us! No need to send the missives in by pony express anymore. We know where to find him--in his palatial penthouse tweeting up a storm.

11-24-16, 9:46am
I imagine it would be hard for him to not get involved with politicAN's WIVES, AND MAKE THE WIFES JOB HARDER.

Finished it how I was thinking it.:laff:

11-25-16, 4:55pm
Trump is taking only $1 a year for his salary? Well, that extra $1.5M month he'll be charging the U.S. taxpayers for the Secret Service to rent space in luxury Trump Towers, to protect Melania and Barron full-time for the remainder of the school year, will come in handy. :)

11-25-16, 8:01pm
Trump is taking only $1 a year for his salary? Well, that extra $1.5M month he'll be charging the U.S. taxpayers for the Secret Service to rent space in luxury Trump Towers, to protect Melania and Barron full-time for the remainder of the school year, will come in handy. :)Good point! Rob

11-25-16, 8:44pm
Finished it how I was thinking it.:laff:

Please don't make it look like a quote of mine.

11-25-16, 9:12pm
Trump is taking only $1 a year for his salary? Well, that extra $1.5M month he'll be charging the U.S. taxpayers for the Secret Service to rent space in luxury Trump Towers, to protect Melania and Barron full-time for the remainder of the school year, will come in handy. :)

Yesterday's news said it is unlikely she will live in the White House. We'll be guarding the tower full time till Jan 2021 at minimum.

11-25-16, 9:22pm
Given how much money we waste on our military, I think it's hilarious to throw stones at the cost of Secret Service protective services.

But it's not about the money, is it?

11-26-16, 1:57am
you're right, bae. It's not about the money so much as it is about avoiding hypocrisy, and living authentic values, with honor. (I just giggled to myself when I realized I was talking about politics) I'm also not a fan of the $65M the inauguration is expected to cost. But, wait! Trump is raising money for it by selling Christmas ornaments in the shape of red gimme caps with "Make America Great Again" written in 24k gold! for $149! You can't make this stuff up, folks

11-26-16, 7:15am
Yesterday's news said it is unlikely she will live in the White House. We'll be guarding the tower full time till Jan 2021 at minimum.

My brother likes to go to NYC and walk around and in particular for some reason he's attracted to Trump Tower. He went on Thanksgiving to watch the parade and then he went to the Trump Coffee Shop in the Trump Tower to get a cup of Trump Coffee and a Trump Bagel (jk on the branded coffee and bagel).

I asked him what the security was like and he said that while he had to put his backpack through a scanner, that was it. I'm sure he would have known if he had to walk through a scanner to check for metal on his body, but he said he didn't. I thought that was weird. Maybe there's a different level of security if you want to go up in the elevators

11-26-16, 8:34am
The security costs will probably extend beyond Melania's Trump Tower headquarters to Trump's children's homes and offices. I don't know if they are all in Trump Tower.

But if I were to complain, it wouldn't be that. I'm not sure what conflicts of interest Trump's use of the Tower and his other holdings might pose when he uses them to host diplomats and politicians? I think he is going to be in a quagmire separating his business interests from his politics.

It's looking like Trump's wife will only be taking on a minor role as a First Lady. Some might think that is a lose of a female role model like other traditional First Ladies have been. Lady Bird had the beautify America programs and Michelle had her White House garden and seemed to be on speaking tours a lot. Retrospectively, Nancy Reagan's role in the war on drugs could be debatable, but might have been well intentioned at the time.

11-26-16, 10:14am
It's looking like Trump's wife will only be taking on a minor role as a First Lady.

Sure you don't mean future first ex?

Similar to how when the whole Monica thing happened, Hillary told Bill, he could keep everything, she just wanted the house.:laff:

11-26-16, 5:25pm
Sure you don't mean future first ex?

That's an alternate future I've not yet considered.

11-27-16, 9:46am
My brother likes to go to NYC and walk around and in particular for some reason he's attracted to Trump Tower. He went on Thanksgiving to watch the parade and then he went to the Trump Coffee Shop in the Trump Tower to get a cup of Trump Coffee and a Trump Bagel (jk on the branded coffee and bagel).

I asked him what the security was like and he said that while he had to put his backpack through a scanner, that was it. I'm sure he would have known if he had to walk through a scanner to check for metal on his body, but he said he didn't. I thought that was weird. Maybe there's a different level of security if you want to go up in the elevators

I understood they were at Mar a Lago for T-day weekend?