View Full Version : Some hope from the 85006.....

11-26-16, 9:49pm
The 85006 is all abuzz....you can see light in people's eyes and I have even caught a few people smiling today as if Trump had never been elected. Turns out Hillary Clinton is in support of Wisconsin and PA being recounted and she is willing to try to win at this late date in this way. I have been warning people all over the 85006 not to unpack and not to expect much of all of this but the idea of a Clinton win and four more years at least of basic human rights in America is so intoxicating for lower income people, I can certainly understand the excitement. For myself, I will be keeping close tabs on this situation but believe in and trust nothing. Rob

11-26-16, 9:54pm
Good luck with that.

11-27-16, 9:10am
All this theatning to leave, but it never happens. Where are the people of the 85006 going to go? Who will take them?

11-27-16, 9:19am
Do you meet the requirements to legally immigrate to Mexico, or do you just plan to be a illegal?

Not that I really think your leaving.

11-27-16, 9:36am
All this theatning to leave, but it never happens. Where are the people of the 85006 going to go? Who will take them?

The answer is simple. Cuba! Favorite of tyranny tourists everywhere!

Now that Fidel has joined his fellow despotic luminaries of the twentieth century in the infernal regions, praised by the clueless of many nations, now is the perfect time to leave the cruelty of America for sweet sunny socialism.

11-27-16, 9:41am
Gimmeasimplelife -
in the midst of all of this snarky stuff being replied to you, I want to say that I live in the 85004. That includes the expensive downtown, but also some of the less privileged areas. I love Phoenix. I love the people that live here. I especially love the downtown core. I recognize that many people who live here are of Mexican heritage as a result of the US taking over the Northern part of Mexico many years ago. I work with people from probably 10 or 12 different countries who have immigrated here. I love the diversity. I hear what you're saying. And I understand the fear that is in many peoples hearts since Trump has been elected. It would be much harder for me to understand your post if I had never moved to Phoenix. It's a different world when you're close to the border and in this particular urban setting. I do believe that people should be immigrating in a legal fashion. However some of them are leaving some pretty awful situations in their countries. Whatever I views on immigration, each person deserves to be treated with the same unconditional positive regard. Keep up the good work - I understand what you're saying

11-27-16, 12:13pm
Thank you for adding your experience, Tammy. I appreciate it.
The snarky piling on reminds me of middle-school bullying.

11-27-16, 12:59pm
It will be interesting to see how the recount comes out. Of coarse the Clintons are the ones who rigged the primary's and they have had a month to work on this. They may have thought they had it covered already, thus their supprise. You really don't think Stein is the one behind this do you, unless she really is only interested in the money. Of coarse Bernie sold out also so it's not a surprise.

Are they also going to check if the voters were eligible? How many Illegal, felons, and dead voted for Hillary? The left always states there is never any voter fraud, until now.

11-27-16, 1:09pm
It will be interesting to see how the recount comes out. Of coarse the Clintons are the ones who rigged the primary's and they have had a month to work on this. They may have thought they had it covered already, thus their supprise. You really don't think Stein is the one behind this do you, unless she really is only interested in the money. Of coarse Bernie sold out also so it's not a surprise.

Are they also going to check if the voters were eligible? How many Illegal, felons, and dead voted for Hillary? The left always states there is never any voter fraud, until now.

I'm interested in seeing if there was Russian involvement of any kind in this election. The rumors are troubling. Of course loose lips will probably get the Litvinenko treatment.

11-27-16, 1:40pm
Does anyone actually have any evidence of Russian hacking? It has long been known the electronic voting machines are hackable. But it's just as plausible at this point to assume IF they were hacked (and we don't know this) they were hacked by say the RNC or most likely of all the local state Republicans, as the Russians. You might say why I'm not even handed and say the Democrats could have hacked, they theoretically could have, just I think there is less evidence of that from prior elections, so no I don't think it's as likely. And Michigan has a paper ballot (electronically tabulated) and so isn't even on electronic voting and so isn't hackable in the way pure electronic voting is (I''m not saying 100% that the vote counting of paper ballots couldn't also be off but ..). Michigan geez, a state Hillary couldn't even carry in the primaries ...

11-27-16, 2:02pm
I'd be interested in what sort of quality control the actual electorate does right after the votes are counted. You would think they would have some statistically correct sampling program that verifies a select sample numbers of votes with some high degree of confidence that it representing the whole population. And by an independent group. Which would make an all out recount redundant or quibbling. Maybe not, but if they don't do some independent QC I can see a major concern.

11-27-16, 4:19pm
Trust but verify.

11-27-16, 6:23pm
It will be interesting to see how the recount comes out. Of coarse the Clintons are the ones who rigged the primary's and they have had a month to work on this. They may have thought they had it covered already, thus their supprise. You really don't think Stein is the one behind this do you, unless she really is only interested in the money. Of coarse Bernie sold out also so it's not a surprise.

Are they also going to check if the voters were eligible? How many Illegal, felons, and dead voted for Hillary? The left always states there is never any voter fraud, until now.

What do you think Trump would have done if he had lost besides whine?

11-27-16, 7:17pm
He apparently said today that he actually won the popular vote if you deduct illegal votes.

11-28-16, 12:03pm
The recount process in Wisconsin will probably start Thursday if Jill Stein pays up tomorrow. Most of our voting here is done through paper ballots that are read and counted using optical scanners. The Wisconsin Election Commission is currently arguing with the Stein people over whether those ballots need to be read and counted by hand or just rerun through the scanners. I’m told this year has been sort of unusual (at least in our county) in the number of ballots that left the office of president blank. The state Clinton campaign has made it pretty clear that they are making no allegations but just observing.

Nobody I talk to thinks there’s much chance of this process finding another 27,000 votes for Clinton, but then again those same people thought Trump was just a flash in the pan. Still, it seems unlikely that the fantasies of disappointed Trumpian riots to match the not-my-president hysteria will materialize.

iris lilies
11-28-16, 1:37pm
A percentage of blank votes for President that is higher than usual seems EXTREMELY normal, understandable, predictable this year. What is wrong with these people!!! It is their (Clinton campaign) fault that they lost this election, it was theirs to win. They didnt put up a candidate people could stomach. You all will remember that there were some serious politicos in the Democratic camp who did not want her, and I am not talking about crazy Bernie supporters, I mean old political hacks who made some moves to hobble her early on.

I am glad I didnt vote for Jill Stein.

11-28-16, 1:58pm
He apparently said today that he actually won the popular vote if you deduct illegal votes.

Trump still whining. Always wants to be in the limelight.

11-28-16, 2:09pm
A percentage of blank votes for President that is higher than usual seems EXTREMELY normal, understandable, predictable this year. What is wrong with these people!!! It is their (Clinton campaign) fault that they lost this election, it was theirs to win. They didnt put up a candidate people could stomach. You all will remember that there were some serious politicos in the Democratic camp who did not want her, and I am not talking about crazy Bernie supporters, I mean old political hacks who made some moves to hobble her early on.

I am glad I didnt vote for Jill Stein.

I thought about leaving it blank, but wanted my disapproval to be a matter of record. In my state, when you write a name in it gets recorded in a category called "scattering". So I decided to vote Libertarian as a way of putting points on the board.

I certainly agree we had a poor menu to choose from this year. We had a GOP wild card emerge from an overcrowded field, and a not-so-inevitable Dem candidate who excelled at raising money and party in-fighting but ran a surprisingly bad campaign. Maybe it's time to give the smoke-filled rooms another look.

11-28-16, 2:10pm
Trump still whining. Always wants to be in the limelight.

Some people are just sore winners.

11-28-16, 6:08pm


iris lilies
11-28-16, 9:32pm

I don't think it is as simple as "she missed the deadline" as the
W Times and my very own Gateway Pundit and other politically right bloggers wish it to be. I followed the W. times' link to the Philly Inquirer and it is more complex than that.

But that said, I do not think there is much chance that the Stein vote mining operation in any of the states will prove fruitful.

11-28-16, 9:36pm
But that said, dwill nt thnk there is much chance that Sten's vote mining operation in any of the states will prove fruitful.

I think it's more of a cash-mining operation for her.

11-29-16, 8:50am
I think it's more of a cash-mining operation for her.

I'm certainly​ seeing more of her now than I did during the campaign.

Zoe Girl
11-29-16, 9:08am
Some people are just sore winners.

That is part of what is really bugging me, we expect our sports teams to be gracious winners, our candidates, our kids. I would expect if my candidate won to be gracious about it. But it seems that the rudeness is part of his appeal, sigh. It is like a dog that got the bone from another dog and just keeps growling instead of enjoying the dang bone,

11-29-16, 10:06am
Some people are just sore winners.

Looks that way. Some people are just whiners no matter! Have to admit I find it stressful to have someone like this. When he was quiet, albeit a short while, it was pleasant.

11-29-16, 11:11am
Yes, quiet was good. I keep hoping there is more good thinking to him than I think.

12-1-16, 12:29pm
Gimmeasimplelife -
in the midst of all of this snarky stuff being replied to you, I want to say that I live in the 85004. That includes the expensive downtown, but also some of the less privileged areas. I love Phoenix. I love the people that live here. I especially love the downtown core. I recognize that many people who live here are of Mexican heritage as a result of the US taking over the Northern part of Mexico many years ago. I work with people from probably 10 or 12 different countries who have immigrated here. I love the diversity. I hear what you're saying. And I understand the fear that is in many peoples hearts since Trump has been elected. It would be much harder for me to understand your post if I had never moved to Phoenix. It's a different world when you're close to the border and in this particular urban setting. I do believe that people should be immigrating in a legal fashion. However some of them are leaving some pretty awful situations in their countries. Whatever I views on immigration, each person deserves to be treated with the same unconditional positive regard. Keep up the good work - I understand what you're sayingTammy, just wanted to say Thanks for your post. I've been under the weather the past few days and small world, I have an afternoon appointment at the hospital you work at for a CAT scan......gastrointestinal issues. Anyway I'm pretty much stepping away from politics until I feel better but just wanted to say Thanks for the support. Rob

12-1-16, 12:56pm
Tammy, just wanted to say Thanks for your post. I've been under the weather the past few days and small world, I have an afternoon appointment at the hospital you work at for a CAT scan......gastrointestinal issues. Anyway I'm pretty much stepping away from politics until I feel better but just wanted to say Thanks for the support. Rob

Humor, just have to do it.

See you in around four years then.:laff:
Get better, Rob.

12-1-16, 10:12pm
...gastrointestinal issues. Anyway I'm pretty much stepping away from politics until I feel better but just wanted to say Thanks for the support. Rob

Humor, just have to do it.

See you in around four years then.:laff:
Get better, Rob.

Goodness. I hope he doesn't have an upset stomach for four years! Although I can certainly understand if he does...

12-2-16, 12:43am
Goodness. I hope he doesn't have an upset stomach for four years! Although I can certainly understand if he does...

The whole thread started with feeling better, and ended with feeling bad.

12-2-16, 7:54am
Get better soon Rob!

Teacher Terry
12-2-16, 12:31pm
Rob, I hope you resolve your health probs soon. TAke CAre:))