View Full Version : "Pop outs"
12-15-16, 10:17am
Governor Scott Walker "balanced" the budget this year by robbing from the Transportation fund. This morning 2 cars on the beltline (expressway system in Madison, WI) had flat tires because the roads are so bad they are hitting potholes and causing flat tires. They are calling these "pop outs". The road system here in WI has really deteriorated. You think there is a correlation Gov Walker????
Those are usually caused by water and freezing temps. It's been extremely cold here in Ohio this past week and the holes are "popping out" all over.
iris lilies
12-15-16, 10:43am
Governor Scott Walker "balanced" the budget this year by robbing from the Transportation fund. This morning 2 cars on the beltline (expressway system in Madison, WI) had flat tires because the roads are so bad they are hitting potholes and causing flat tires. They are calling these "pop outs". The road system here in WI has really deteriorated. You think there is a correlation Gov Walker????
Where should he have taken money from? Why did you express "balanced" in quotes? I presume there is a requirement that Wisconsin balance its budget, most all states have that.
On the topic of balanced budget, my guy Rand Paul has been talking about balancing the U.S. Budget, getting ready for spending excess that Trump may be going for. Rand is the only politician I gave money to this year.
A balanced budget sounds really good right now, but that is what I am working on for our household right now, so it is on my mind.
Those roads sound awful frugal-one, and dangerous to boot.
12-15-16, 11:45am
Those are usually caused by water and freezing temps. It's been extremely cold here in Ohio this past week and the holes are "popping out" all over.
This is the first year we ever had such bad roads and we have cold every winter. The roads have been in disrepair and this is the outcome.
[QUOTE=iris lilies;259396]Where should he have taken money from? Why did you express "balanced" in quotes? I presume there is a requirement that Wisconsin balance its budget, most all states have that.
Walker actually took money from the Transportation fund. He never balanced the budget. He just robbed Peter to pay Paul and now we are going to pay!
Because we lack the drama of unfunded pension obligations in Wisconsin, we need something else to argue over. The Transportation Trust Fund is a perennial favorite. We can argue about whether the gas tax is too low/high, whether we should spend a greater proportion of it on rail/bike paths/buses, whether we should implement toll roads, whether some parts of the State get an unfair share of the spending, etc. "Raiding" the trust fund has been a popular budgetary strategy for governors of both parties and a source of indignation for their opposition for a long time.
People here seem to either really despise Walker or really like him. I could see how some, especially around Madison, would want to blame him for every pothole and two-headed calf. If someone takes the position that potholes are a recent development in Wisconsin, it's generally easy to guess their political leanings.
iris lilies
12-15-16, 12:24pm
Because we lack the drama of unfunded pension obligations in Wisconsin, we need something else to argue over. The Transportation Trust Fund is a perennial favorite. We can argue about whether the gas tax is too low/high, whether we should spend a greater proportion of it on rail/bike paths/buses, whether we should implement toll roads, whether some parts of the State get an unfair share of the spending, etc. "Raiding" the trust fund has been a popular budgetary strategy for governors of both parties and a source of indignation for their opposition for a long time.
People here seem to either really despise Walker or really like him. I could see how some, especially around Madison, would want to blame him for every pothole and two-headed calf. If someone takes the position that potholes are a recent development in Wisconsin, it's generally easy to guess their political leanings.
Confirmation bias at its finest.
12-15-16, 1:59pm
Because we lack the drama of unfunded pension obligations in Wisconsin, we need something else to argue over. The Transportation Trust Fund is a perennial favorite. We can argue about whether the gas tax is too low/high, whether we should spend a greater proportion of it on rail/bike paths/buses, whether we should implement toll roads, whether some parts of the State get an unfair share of the spending, etc. "Raiding" the trust fund has been a popular budgetary strategy for governors of both parties and a source of indignation for their opposition for a long time.
People here seem to either really despise Walker or really like him. I could see how some, especially around Madison, would want to blame him for every pothole and two-headed calf. If someone takes the position that potholes are a recent development in Wisconsin, it's generally easy to guess their political leanings.
We know your political leanings. BTW I voted for Walker. A great regret!
I voted for him in two elections and a recall. I think he's an imperfect but reasonably competent governor. Sure, he made me pay for half my pension contribution, but I'm still delighted to be in a solvent pension plan. He was a bit draconian in the funding of the University System, but I think it may have been a necessary jolt to get them to acknowledge reality. I doubt many people outside Wisconsin would have heard of him before the Act 10 kerfuffle. In many ways, his national prominence came from the Left's frantic behavior of that period.
None of this is meant to imply that I am a pothole partisan.
12-15-16, 2:45pm
They can also be caused by high spots being hit by snow plows. Those high spots are as already mentioned, spots where water has soaked in and frozen in pockets in and under the road.
. I doubt many people outside Wisconsin would have heard of him before the Act 10 kerfuffle. In many ways, his national prominence came from the Left's frantic behavior of that period.
I don't recall ever hearing of him until all the Democrats in the legislature fled the state, hiding in Illinois in a fit of pique. They got so much attention nearly all of Indiana's Democratic legislators followed suit, hoping to cash in on their notoriety. Then to have rank and file liberals following up with the wailing and gnashing of teeth which ultimately led to nothing more than making a local politician a national symbol of hope for those who grow tired of such foolishness. These days I often have trouble separating politics from entertainment.
I don't recall ever hearing of him until all the Democrats in the legislature fled the state, hiding in Illinois in a fit of pique. They got so much attention nearly all of Indiana's Democratic legislators followed suit, hoping to cash in on their notoriety. Then to have rank and file liberals following up with the wailing and gnashing of teeth which ultimately led to nothing more than making a local politician a national symbol of hope for those who grow tired of such foolishness. These days I often have trouble separating politics from entertainment.
Who was it who said that politics is show business for unattractive people?
Who was it who said that politics is show business for unattractive people?
Paul Begala ?
12-15-16, 4:05pm
Paul Begala ?
Jay Leno also said it, but also attributed to Bill Miller, in 1991, and based on an older saying that goes back to at least 54.
Our Republican governor and Republican-dominated legislature do the same thing here in AZ. They refuse to set the state taxes at a level that sustains it, so they too "raid" voter-approved designated pots of money to use for the general fund. Year after year.
No idea why they are not all in prison for ignoring the voter referendums.
Teacher Terry
12-16-16, 2:57pm
I grew up in WI and spent much of my adult life there and the roads, schools, services used to be excellent. Yes taxes were higher but you got what you paid for. Then all the Fib's moved in and overcrowded the schools, raised home values in border towns to the point that people that owned their homes outright could no longer afford their taxes, were rude and voted Republican etc and basically are ruining the state. It has become a real embarrassment and my friends/family that still live there agree. It really is a shame.
12-16-16, 3:06pm
I don't know about all the other stuff, and it may be true, but when I was there maybe 8 years ago I was shocked by how bad the roads were. Ok some roads are not maintained here, but it seemed widespread there. And then I learned that apparently snow means roads are always falling into disrepair. :0!
Then all the Fib's moved in .....
What's a Fib?
....and overcrowded the schools, raised home values in border towns to the point that people that owned their homes outright could no longer afford their taxes, were rude and voted Republican etc and basically are ruining the state. It has become a real embarrassment and my friends/family that still live there agree. It really is a shame.
Damned Republicans!
Damned Republicans!
Maybe they should build a Wall to keep out the riff-raff?
iris lilies
12-16-16, 4:01pm
What's a Fib?
Damned Republicans!
We live next to the fibs* and dont like 'em either. Fortunately, they dont want to invade us, we are too downscale for them.
But it's not the Republicans in their state wh Lhave run it into the ground.
Fib=fooking Illinois bastards
What's a Fib?
Fornicating Illinois Illegitimate. A somewhat dated Wisconsin slur directed at our southern neighbor. There is indeed a large population in the Southeast corner of our state of refugees from the harsh blue regime of high taxes and low credit quality. They are more to be pitied than detested, and serve as a stark reminder of what can happen when Democrats dominate a place for too long.
Teacher Terry
12-16-16, 4:42pm
When I moved to the West Coast i was surprised that people here that had lived in either state knew the term:~). It was economically harmful to the people that worked in smaller WI towns since the Fibs commuted to Chicago. Also many were rude, etc. Overall it was bad for the economy and the people.
Fornicating Illinois Illegitimate. A somewhat dated Wisconsin slur directed at our southern neighbor.
Wow! Who knew?
Wisconsin doesn't sound like a very friendly place.
When I moved to the West Coast i was surprised that people here that had lived in either state knew the term:~). It was economically harmful to the people that worked in smaller WI towns since the Fibs commuted to Chicago. Also many were rude, etc.
What, they didn't take kindly to being slandered?
Teacher Terry
12-16-16, 4:46pm
Lots of people in WI have moved to the town I live in. NOt many Illinois people here. They were disliked for many valid reasons. When you have old people that can't stay in their paid for homes because their property values were driven up that they can't afford the taxes and in general people from the big cities in IL are very rude, etc. Just spend some time in chicago.
Teacher Terry
12-16-16, 4:48pm
It actually is a friendly, great place to live. I am not saying all people from Il or Chicago are nasty but I have met a lot of very rude chicago people. Probably like anyone that lives for a long time in a huge city people seem to get that way to adapt I guess.
Lots of people in WI have moved to the town I live in. NOt many Illinois people here. They were disliked for many valid reasons. When you have old people that can't stay in their paid for homes because their property values were driven up that they can't afford the taxes and in general people from the big cities in IL are very rude, etc. Just spend some time in chicago.
No thanks, you're pointing out just how un-welcoming and dangerous those liberal cities and states can be. I'll stick with my friendly and sociable tribe here in my red state.
Interstate and even intrastate hostility is a proud American tradition. I have heard people from Washington speak in colorful terms about interlopers from California bidding up the real estate and expresso. I have heard Minnesotans refer to people from the Dakotas as "Daks" and Ohioans refer to people from Kentucky as "Briars". When I lived in Chicago, "downstate" was somewhere you never went unless you were serving a prison term. I have spoken to people who couldn't conceive of life outside of Manhattan. A professor friend told me that students from out of state in the University of Wisconsin system are often called "Coasties".
The whole "flyover people" vs "coastal effetes" thing is just one thread in the rich tapestry of hostility and alienation that weaves our great land together.
Teacher Terry
12-16-16, 5:09pm
That is just silly! Actually the friendliest state I ever lived in was KS. The least friendly was upstate NY. If you did not grow up there it took people forever to be accepted. In general WI is friendly. It was just a issue at the time that many places have gone through and I am sure is long forgotten. When people are struggling economically they resent the force that caused the change. It is human nature but people get over it. I left in 1993 and I sure it is long forgotten.
Jay Leno also said it, but also attributed to Bill Miller, in 1991, and based on an older saying that goes back to at least 54.
Would that be Stephanie Miller's father, Bill Miller? Barry Goldwater's running mate? She an attractive woman who deals in both politics and show business--perhaps the exception that proves the rule. I listen to her show most mornings.
12-16-16, 11:54pm
Maybe they should build a Wall to keep out the riff-raff?
Build a wall, tear down a wall.
12-17-16, 1:51pm
Fornicating Illinois Illegitimate. A somewhat dated Wisconsin slur directed at our southern neighbor. There is indeed a large population in the Southeast corner of our state of refugees from the harsh blue regime of high taxes and low credit quality. They are more to be pitied than detested, and serve as a stark reminder of what can happen when Democrats dominate a place for too long.
Another stupid remark.
12-17-16, 1:52pm
Wow! Who knew?
Wisconsin doesn't sound like a very friendly place.
Only people like LDAHL think like that.
Only people like LDAHL think like that.Really? I don't think it was LDAHL referring to people as F***ing Illinois Bastards and decrying their rudeness for voting Republican. That's a liberal mindset which runs parallel to the inability to recognize satire. ;)
iris lilies
12-17-16, 2:40pm
No thanks, you're pointing out just how un-welcoming and dangerous those liberal cities and states can be. I'll stick with my friendly and sociable tribe here in my red state.
My world has turned upside down in the past 30 years.
If you had told my 30 year old self that there will come a time that
1) Illinois is no longer a class above my home state of Iowa, and two classses above my adopted state of Missouri
2) I will be proud to live in low-tax MIssouri
3) I will pay $250 to Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum to attend their annual event
4) It sucks to be in Illinois
I would not have believed you. Illinois was one of the places I looked to move to. P. Schalfly was The Devil. missouri was OK but kinda sad.
Growing and maturing in outlook served me well.
early morning
12-18-16, 10:27am
Phyllis Schlafly was never the devil, merely one of his henchmen. I detested her politics in the 70s, and her death has not dimmed my disgust for her narrow-minded loud condemnation of women who wanted to be treated as equal human beings.
I too always found Schlafly to be a bizarre figure. IL, why do you pay the $250 to attend the Eagle Forum event? What do you find valuable about their events? I'm interested in what they are talking about now.
Fornicating Illinois Illegitimate. A somewhat dated Wisconsin slur directed at our southern neighbor. There is indeed a large population in the Southeast corner of our state of refugees from the harsh blue regime of high taxes and low credit quality. They are more to be pitied than detested, and serve as a stark reminder of what can happen when Democrats dominate a place for too long.
Apparently they prefer low taxes and low road quality over high taxes and low credit quality?
It sounds like they're also a stark reminder of what can happen when Republicans infiltrate a place.
iris lilies
12-18-16, 12:10pm
I too always found Schlafly to be a bizarre figure. IL, why do you pay the $250 to attend the Eagle Forum event? What do you find valuable about their events? I'm interested in what they are talking about now.
DH, me, and our friend went to the 2015 Eagle Forum event because several of the Presidential candidates were there. It is held in St. Louis, so it's not as though we have to travel for it. i wanted to see Rand Paul who was the dinner speaker. He talked about his mom and his childhood. Mrs. Paul, his mother, received the Eagle Forum's annual award.
I remember those days of the Equal Right A,emdent battles. I'm still not sure what would have been gained immediately if it had passed. Ok, women in combat would have likely been moved along faster, but was the Armed Forces ready for that? That whole shebang demonstrated the difficulty of amending the constitution, probably a good thing.
Phyllis Schlafly's positions on issues are not very interesting to me although she herself was kinda interesting. I think there are new ways to thonk about feminism, but she didnt repressent those positions.
My world has turned upside down in the past 30 years.
If you had told my 30 year old self that there will come a time that
1) Illinois is no longer a class above my home state of Iowa, and two classses above my adopted state of Missouri
2) I will be proud to live in low-tax MIssouri
3) I will pay $250 to Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum to attend their annual event
4) It sucks to be in Illinois
I would not have believed you. Illinois was one of the places I looked to move to. P. Schalfly was The Devil. missouri was OK but kinda sad.
Growing and maturing in outlook served me well.
In my youth, Illinois was spoken of as corrupt but competent (this was Chicago in the era of the Daley machine).
Nobody talks about competence anymore.
Really? I don't think it was LDAHL referring to people as F***ing Illinois Bastards and decrying their rudeness for voting Republican. That's a liberal mindset which runs parallel to the inability to recognize satire. ;)
You are correct; but if the narrative requires a villain, I am happy to oblige.
Actually, I think the whole FIB thing originally started as a critique of the more aggressive driving style of Illinois tourists. The commuters in search of a more affordable lifestyle came later. Having lived in Boston for a few years, I can testify that there are much worse places for traffic terrorism than the Midwest.
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