View Full Version : 2017 Resolutions?

12-20-16, 7:34pm
Hi all:

I was wondering what those of you that do resolutions are considering taking on in 2017.

I have a few ideas of my own that I am kicking around...

Anyway, might be fun and interesting to workshop some ideas and get a little support from the Simple Living crew.

iris lilies
12-20-16, 7:35pm

12-20-16, 7:42pm
I have one new resolution. I am going to host a luncheon for solo women as a discussion support group as they find their way into jobs, finance stresses and self-esteem issues. A number are facing this and I have my first group set for late January.
One older resolution - paint one new picture per month to decorate my walls. I started this last month.

12-20-16, 7:43pm
I have one new resolution. I am going to host a luncheon for solo women as a discussion support group as they find their way into jobs, finance stresses and self-esteem issues. A number are facing this and I have my first group set for late January.
One older resolution - paint one new picture per month to decorate my walls. I started this last month.

Both are excellent!
Would you be open to posting a painting or two on here?

12-20-16, 7:44pm

Did you spell that wrong? Did you perhaps mean "nun?"

Are you joining the convent for 2017!?

12-20-16, 8:09pm
Mine are all NSFW

12-20-16, 8:27pm
Mine are all NSFW

bae, by NSFW do you mean Not Safe For Wimps?

Chicken lady
12-20-16, 8:36pm
Well, I just looked back over last year's list - I have made some progress on most of the 18 items. I have really good excuses. My biggest success has been my fingernails - which each have white at the tips, although they are not manicure ready.

basically I could just reuse the list. Looking back, parts of it were more "to do" and less "resolve"

part of my bonfire tomorrow night is letting go of things from the past year that do not serve me and contemplating ways to grow and be a source of "light".
in service of that -

I will continue cleaning out and cleaning up my spaces.
i will continue to work on being more mindful of my consumption.
i will continue to work on healthy sleep patterns, food choices, and exercise.
i will write (back) real letters by mid January to a short list of specific friends with whom I am trying to strengthen relationships.
i am committed to helping two young couples start food gardens.
i have ordered a weekend's worth of baby trees to plant in the spring.

that is as far as I've gotten. But I've got a lot of staring into a fire in front of me tomorrow. I have at least two relationships I'm going to need to contemplate.

12-20-16, 8:44pm
start a new job - ok I'm starting a new job next year.

I don't really believe in resolutions, but if I was to make one it might be to journal daily (it's good, it's not exactly overwhelming - but part of the problem is it might honestly lose priority in terms of the things I want to do)

12-20-16, 8:53pm
Well, I just looked back over last year's list - I have made some progress on most of the 18 items. I have really good excuses. My biggest success has been my fingernails - which each have white at the tips, although they are not manicure ready.

basically I could just reuse the list. Looking back, parts of it were more "to do" and less "resolve"

part of my bonfire tomorrow night is letting go of things from the past year that do not serve me and contemplating ways to grow and be a source of "light".
in service of that -

I will continue cleaning out and cleaning up my spaces.
i will continue to work on being more mindful of my consumption.
i will continue to work on healthy sleep patterns, food choices, and exercise.
i will write (back) real letters by mid January to a short list of specific friends with whom I am trying to strengthen relationships.
i am committed to helping two young couples start food gardens.
i have ordered a weekend's worth of baby trees to plant in the spring.

that is as far as I've gotten. But I've got a lot of staring into a fire in front of me tomorrow. I have at least two relationships I'm going to need to contemplate. Bonfire? Hmmmm...

12-20-16, 8:53pm
start a new job - ok I'm starting a new job next year.

I don't really believe in resolutions, but if I was to make one it might be to journal daily (it's good, it's not exactly overwhelming - but part of the problem is it might honestly lose priority in terms of the things I want to do)

Excellent on both the new gig and the journal. :)

12-20-16, 9:05pm
Hi all:

I was wondering what those of you that do resolutions are considering taking on in 2017.

I have a few ideas of my own that I am kicking around...

Anyway, might be fun and interesting to workshop some ideas and get a little support from the Simple Living crew.

If your going to workshop some idea's, then you need to put them out there. No idea's, no support.:doh:

Chicken lady
12-20-16, 9:17pm
Bonfire. Solstice. Might be a little too spiritual for you?

iris lilies
12-20-16, 9:41pm
If your going to workshop some idea's, then you need to put them out there. No idea's, no support.:doh:
Apparently I am workshopping the idea of going to to a nunnery.

I wonder how that would work? Nah, I cant see that happenng IRL, but as a little,vacstion, that might be ok.

12-20-16, 9:54pm
Apparently I am workshopping the idea of going to to a nunnery.

Can I call you Ophelia?

iris lilies
12-20-16, 10:37pm
Can I call you Ophelia?
Yes, if I get mineself to a nunnery.

Zoe Girl
12-20-16, 10:41pm
I didn't think I had one, I find that I cannot often predict what will happen in the year to make a resolution, but then I realized I joined a group on Insight Timer to meditate all 365 days in 2017. I think I could benefit from that.

Chicken lady
12-20-16, 10:42pm
Iris lilies, Will you bring rosemary and pansies?

Mary B.
12-20-16, 11:35pm
Pray love, remember...

I should likely bring the rosemary -- I love the way it looks and so I keep planting it and it keeps growing. And growing. And GROWING! Can I make a resolution to find something to do with rosemary?

12-21-16, 7:14am
At this point I am fairly certain my 2017 resolution will be to read the entire Bible, both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. I will have to read about 4 pages a day.

Chicken lady
12-21-16, 7:32am
The begats can be daunting.

what do you hope to get from this?

mary b, you're one comma short of a nice resolution list. ;-)

12-21-16, 7:43am
The begats can be daunting.

what do you hope to get from this?

I hope to gain knowledge. We atheists take some pride in knowing more about a religion than its followers. We want to be the expert in the debate! haha

I have noticed that when I tell people I read the Quran cover to cover, word for word, they give me some respect when I talk about issuing surrounding radical Islam.

I am also considering making a 2017 resolution to ride my bike on all the Columbus, OH area greenways. That'd be kind of a fun local expedition.

12-21-16, 8:17am
Did you get your bike back?

Teacher Terry
12-21-16, 12:33pm
No resolutions so will have to join IL in the nunnery :~)

12-21-16, 4:04pm
I have a few goals. "Resolution" sounds too serious to me.

I don't see any need to refute anyone else's beliefs in order to strengthen my own. I think that is one area where actions do in fact speak louder than words.

I have a few personal financial goals for the coming year.

I'm trying to train my dog to do back flips, but I guess that's more his goal than mine.

My boss and I have negotiated a very specific list of 2017 goals. Of course, the ultimate goal is not to have a boss.

I've got a growing pile of books I'd like to make time for. But you know.

12-21-16, 5:29pm
As I've mentioned before, I always put my two financial goals on my dry erase board the first of the year.

As for other resolutions, even though I'm goal-oriented, I don't go gung-ho on January 1. That being said, I would love to be motivated enough to do more yoga and more running.

I guess my over-arching resolution is to simply be more aware. Life is going at mach speed at this point, and I really don't want to sleepwalk through the last season of my life. My auto-signature says it: I want to realize life as I live it--every, every moment.

12-21-16, 6:30pm
I guess I belong in the nunnery too. Ever since retiring a year ago, I care less and less about goals. Having them and then not meeting them, just made me feel guilty. So if I have a goal, it will be to continue lightening up and accepting that I really am retired and it's OK to do what I wish with these days.

Float On
12-22-16, 10:15am
Every year I do a personal retreat on my birthday at the end of February. I'm looking forward to making this one a big one - I turn 50.
I'm thinking about my list of 50 but haven't put them in my Retreat book yet...just mulling ideas and goals and things I want to do.

12-22-16, 10:21am
I like the whiteboard money goal a lot! I am doing something similar with projecting out growth of my investment fund.

But the simplicity of the whiteboard is very appealing, and I think I will do the same thing by getting a whiteboard for my refrigerator, and do three figures or four- net worth at top, what I am aiming for, investments , what I am aiming for, money I earn for the year, and what I spend for the year. I need to play around with this idea, as I like the idea of seeing it all the time and keeping focused on the numbers. Thanks, Catherine--I was really inspired by your post that stated you had the white board and what you were aiming for, and then finding you surpassed it.

Teacher Terry
12-22-16, 11:56am
UL: what did you decide about school?

12-22-16, 12:49pm
I like the whiteboard money goal a lot! I am doing something similar with projecting out growth of my investment fund.

But the simplicity of the whiteboard is very appealing, and I think I will do the same thing by getting a whiteboard for my refrigerator, and do three figures or four- net worth at top, what I am aiming for, investments , what I am aiming for, money I earn for the year, and what I spend for the year. I need to play around with this idea, as I like the idea of seeing it all the time and keeping focused on the numbers. Thanks, Catherine--I was really inspired by your post that stated you had the white board and what you were aiming for, and then finding you surpassed it.

I could say that the practice attracts prosperity or manifests my intention by throwing it out to the Universe or some other new age-y thing that is bound to turn people off, but I do find that it works, for whatever reason! My very practical and pragmatic boss used to say the same thing about committing to a business goal: if you commit to selling X number of dollars, or bookings, or proposals, somehow you have a greater chance of actually doing it. Who knows why? I personally just like seeing that big number in red literally hanging over my head.

Mary B.
12-22-16, 2:04pm
The begats can be daunting.

what do you hope to get from this?

mary b, you're one comma short of a nice resolution list. ;-)

Ha! You're right!

Maybe that's what Ophelia was actually doing -- stating a resolution!

1-4-17, 6:32pm
Welp... I am still hammering away on this Bible.

And wow! Shocking and wacky stuff. haha

Zoe Girl
1-4-17, 6:55pm
Every year I do a personal retreat on my birthday at the end of February. I'm looking forward to making this one a big one - I turn 50.
I'm thinking about my list of 50 but haven't put them in my Retreat book yet...just mulling ideas and goals and things I want to do.

I turned 50 in November, I love music so I decided to create a google form, 50 songs for 50 years. Everyone could add a song and artist and any birthday wishes without spending anything. You could do a poll for books or 'bucket list' ideas, or anything really. It was a lot of fun.

iris lilies
1-4-17, 10:32pm
Ok, I changed my mind.I resolve to never again make lasagne without looking at a recipe, any recipe.

1-5-17, 7:21am
Ok, I changed my mind.I resolve to never again make lasagne without looking at a recipe, any recipe.

:idea: LOL I resolve never to make almond crescent cookies with whole wheat flour and regular sugar, only white flour and fruit or icing sugar.

1-6-17, 11:44pm
I'm resolving to make a creative date with myself every day, for one hour - to write, draw, paint.

I'm also having my unattractive teeth repaired. I've lived with them long enough. Looking forward to grinning without embarrassment :)

1-7-17, 6:06am
I resolved to drink more tea. I'm all about the pleasant and easy resolutions.

Zoe Girl
1-7-17, 11:06am
I resolved to drink more tea. I'm all about the pleasant and easy resolutions.

I tend to break them so many years I had resolutions like 'remain the same shoe size' or 'don't fall in love with X (who was gay friend)'. Pretty easy and funny to do.

BTW I love tea, am drinking more loose tea, and live near the Celestial Seasonings factory. There is one tea that you can ONLY get there with mega caffeine, called Fast Lane. Very tasty.

Aqua Blue
1-7-17, 11:14am
Gardenian, my resolution is similar to yours. I have treated my roseasa unsuccessfully with topical men's. this year I am going to spring for out of pocket laser surgery, which is supposed to be much more successful. I am so tired of people saying I look hot, sick or embarrassed when I am not.

1-7-17, 11:17am
ZG: I used to love Fast Lane, but it actually made me kind of irritable and way too energetic. I would say things to my husband like "we need to wash all the walls and ceilings now!" so it was also not good for my marriage!

1-7-17, 11:49am
Aqua Blue..Have you used minocycline? That brought mine under control and now I only use it 1 or two times a week. good luck. I'll be interested in what the pocket lasar surgery does.

1-7-17, 11:59am
Aqua Blue..Have you used minocycline? That brought mine under control and now I only use it 1 or two times a week. good luck. I'll be interested in what the pocket lasar surgery does.

I've done tons of market research on rosacea, and doctors are very frustrated because you can get rid of the bumps (papules/pustules), but the redness (erythema) is extremely difficult to treat. Laser is your best bet.

1-7-17, 3:44pm
I've done tons of market research on rosacea, and doctors are very frustrated because you can get rid of the bumps (papules/pustules), but the redness (erythema) is extremely difficult to treat. Laser is your best bet.

There are lots of anecdotal reports of people's rosacea clearing up when they eliminate wheat from their diet, or refined carbohydrates, or both.

Aqua Blue
1-7-17, 4:51pm
I've been using that now for about a month. I was out last night with friends, they were talking about something slightly embarrassing,but I'm an RN, for heavens sake, I wasn't embarrassed. My face had been particularly Red yesterday and of course someone had to make a comment that they probably should change the subject because it must be embarrassing me. I'm giving the office a call next week to discuss laser, they told me several visits ago that it would have the best results of anything. Nothing else has done much of anything.

Aqua Blue
1-7-17, 4:59pm
Jane, I actually was wheat free and lower charbohydrate for about six months and it hugely helped my arthritis pain, but didnt change the roseasa redness. I do need to get back to that for pain though, as it made a big difference. I went on vacation and got off and haven't gotten back.

catherine, that is interesting about the papulas improving, which mine has, but not the redness. About fifteen years ago I got good results for managing the redness with chemical peels, but that isn't the case anymore. It has become a huge quality of life issue for me, I get so tired of being seen as sick or embarrassed etc,��

1-8-17, 11:19am
I plan on being competitive for the club championship, I won it two years ago. I also plan on taking a few more long cross country trips in my plane. One problem I have is the wife does not like to fly over mountains, so I either fly west of the Rockies, or go around. Maybe if I bought a twin she would feel safer, but I dought it, she is a nervous flyer.

1-12-17, 1:25am
Aqua blue,

Yet more unasked for advice!

My friend had excellent results for rosacea using LED light therapy. She paid around $300 for a light unit - her skin looks great.

Best of luck - you know your face better than we!

Aqua Blue
1-12-17, 9:44am
I hadn't heard of that, I'll check into it, thanks