View Full Version : depression check in

Zoe Girl
1-6-17, 8:56am
I did an online check in for my depression symptoms, moderate to severe right now which matches how I feel. More on the moderate end of the scale. And guess what! It says to reach out to family and friends. Um yeah, always trying to do that until I am annoying and need to back off. Well this could just be part of spending so much time alone between days off when no one else was off and a snow day. I have plans to see my daughter on Saturday but they couldn't come Wednesday because their windshield wipers are waiting on a recall part.

1-6-17, 6:44pm
Well at least you have us in the meantime. I know we are only "virtual friends" and that isn't quite the same thing, but we are real, live people and we are still friends in some form who care about you. You fight the good fight every day with minimal support, it sounds like you do amazing work for the kids in your program, and I'm cheering you on from afar!

1-6-17, 7:30pm
Zoe, Rosa has a good point. Many of us have been following your adventures and cheering you on. You are invaluable to your program and the families and pretty much invaluable just because you are you!

Zoe Girl
1-6-17, 9:44pm
Okay getting a little teary, thank you so much. Depression sucks, But I went to work today and was around people and kids, hit an important deadline, and had some fun there.

I actually have met 2 people in real life that I met on these forums! Pretty neat. So I do feel some human connection by having you all as friends. Thanks!

1-6-17, 9:53pm
Okay getting a little teary, thank you so much. Depression sucks, But I went to work today and was around people and kids, hit an important deadline, and had some fun there.

I actually have met 2 people in real life that I met on these forums! Pretty neat. So I do feel some human connection by having you all as friends. Thanks!Wising you the best, Zoe. I know about depression myself too - and being male, for years I bought into the stoic Man Up BS about being male and not seeking help for such issues. Utter BS this is.

I also have a friend IRL from this board that lives outside of Washington, DC. I am in touch with him several days a week and it's just nice to know that someone out there is thinking of me that I clicked with on this board. Of course we have much in common, gay, liberal, but not fitting the gay mold very well at all. It's been a relief to me in my middle age as I've been in touch with this man since 2006 and though it's strictly platonic from afar - someone is out there that I have a great deal in common with. Rob

Zoe Girl
1-18-17, 10:07am
Hey all, just checking in after a bad weekend. I did my best to plan things to get out of the house or have people over every day. Saturday was great, went to a brunch of meditation teachers. Was feeling kinda sick (more sick of work I think with some real tummy issues). Sunday I was supposed to have people over for brunch, turns out that they could not make it. I did not check in the day ahead so I had no idea that one was stuck in another state with bad weather. I had already cooked and so I have lunches all week. Then last night we were supposed to meet for dinner but again the weather prevented her, but I knew that ahead of time. Basically before I went to lead meditation on Monday night I was a wreck. I was caught up in missing things at work, feeling teary, anxiety high. Teaching the group is always a thing that sets me straight, and my meditation, but sometimes it gets to be much. I know that regular people contact is essential, and I really tried last weekend. This coming weekend I am connecting with people at the women's march and meeting with my job coach on Sunday, those are much more reliable plans.

I also came to the realization, which I kinda knew, that I can either keep my hours down at work under 50 or get things done really well. So I am back to doing whatever hours it takes, and not able to tell anyone at work what is challenging. But I am hearing from plenty of others that we know we can't get everything done so we are checking out on some things.

1-18-17, 3:13pm
This is just an out there suggestion but could you investigate some local animal rescues that need cat or dog socialization and on an as needed (for you) basis, go in and play with the cats, walk the dogs and talk to the people? I would suggest a comfortable church, maybe Unitarian, for just the regular communication with others. A friend of mine who has Aspergers found a really nice group of women at the Unitarian church in our city.

1-18-17, 5:01pm
I second getting a little pet therapy.

I, too, follow your adventures on here and am rooting for you. You describe your depression as moderate, would you ever get any help for it? I have it too if you ever want to chat. I think making weekend plans is a great idea.

beach pointe
1-18-17, 7:56pm
Zoe girl, I am in a similar boat - moderate depression. I have been getting professional help for a couple months now, and I am making some progress. 1.5 years ago I moved to a different province, I have become single (and not enjoying single life), and was recently laid off work last year. So...I have some obstacles to overcome and my new unemployed & single life to become accustomed to (and to find a new job)...it is not easy. I am naturally introverted, and somewhat shy, so making friends in my new community is not easy at all. Do not be afraid to lean on friends & family that show they care (and I need to take my own advice!) Get out into nature when you can. And self-care! And I will say this: Never, ever give up!