View Full Version : I have been selected for a Nielson Survey

1-9-17, 6:14pm
I have been randomly selected for a Nielson Survey.

I know I did one many years ago (like 15 years!) that was a paper format, and they included 5 - 1 dollar bills.

This one had 1 dollar and after I do the online survey, they will send me 10 more dollars.

I am going to do this survey at the library because their computers are faster.

I am NOT going to give any bank account numbers or such so I am not sure how I will get the 10 dollars from them.

I will let you all know more about it after I do the thing in a few days.

Unless it is confidential.

Hopefully, I can influence television in a positive way.

1-10-17, 10:45am
Hopefully, I can influence television in a positive way.

:laff: Good one.
I doubt that one person can have that much effect. Personally, I have my views on what would be positive affects that make tv people walk away.
I expect as so many things do now, they will probably send a prepaid card.

Float On
1-10-17, 1:17pm
I've done that before. The first time was $5 cash, the last time was $1. I basically had to write 'nothing viewed' every day of the requested time-frame because I was busy catching up on the latest season of TWD on netflix and never turned on the TV. I doubt there will be a 3rd request.

1-11-17, 5:30am
I suppose they would have to show me how to turn the TV on first. But good luck and I hope you can have a positive impact on tv.

1-11-17, 8:15pm
What a mess this survey was. First, it didn't even focus on my county. Second, it was too darn long. Third, it had next to nothing about tv or movies. It also didn't state how many questions or how long it would be. Many of the questions were quite invasive - more like a job application or credit check. Supposedly I will receive 10 dollars in cash but don't know when. I know that the one I did many years ago was easy-peasy and nothing like this one. Apparently, these surveys are about other stuff besides entertainment now. I advise people to avoid the things if one is sent to them.

1-12-17, 12:15am
Are you sure it was a true Nielson survey then? Not something trying to get some info, for possible ID theft purposes?

Float On
1-12-17, 10:36am
What a mess this survey was. First, it didn't even focus on my county. Second, it was too darn long. Third, it had next to nothing about tv or movies. It also didn't state how many questions or how long it would be. Many of the questions were quite invasive - more like a job application or credit check. Supposedly I will receive 10 dollars in cash but don't know when. I know that the one I did many years ago was easy-peasy and nothing like this one. Apparently, these surveys are about other stuff besides entertainment now. I advise people to avoid the things if one is sent to them.

Doesn't sound like what I've done.

1-17-17, 8:50pm
Okay, got the 10 dollars, and they sent the tv diary to me to start in 4 days. Strangely, the list of channels they sent me aren't accurate so don't know what that is about. Obviously, this is why so many of our favorite shows are cancelled! Nielson doesn't know what it is doing. But, I will get another 10 dollars when I complete it. Too bad it isn't when a Walking Dead marathon is on.

They have sent me a list for the capital in my state rather than for my rural ville. Weird.

1-18-17, 4:11am
The first survey was probably for demographic/classification purposes.

2-13-17, 7:27pm
Got the tv diary money today, letter said they might send me more surveys in the future.

2-20-17, 8:39pm
I've done it a couple of times before. I remember getting asked which appliances I had and what sort of TV. If I rented or own the house. Stuff like that. I didn't mind since I knew that they were for classification purposes.