View Full Version : Keeping track of credit card spending

1-16-17, 12:04pm
Since there are places where it is advised to avoid using a debit card, often times I will use a credit card. Then my husband and I will buy things separately and I get the credit card bill and am surprised by the balance. Can I get some suggestions about keeping track and paying it off as I go? What is successful for you as a couple? (How does the right hand know what the left hand is doing?) I am not signed up on line right now....I suppose that will be one option.

1-16-17, 12:11pm
Have a place where all receipts go. If necessary, clip your receipts together and his separately. At any time you will then be able to see what has been spent. I go further in that I circle the date and amount so it is easy to reconcile. You could keep a running list of the total. I have, at times, checked on line to see if something has posted or come through. It may help to sign up on line too.

1-16-17, 1:18pm
Check it online for sure. I check mine at least once a week, especially for fraudulent charges.
You could also each have your own credit card.

1-16-17, 2:31pm
I have mine from my bank, so each day when I check out my balances, if there is anything on the card, I just pay it immediately. Works for me!

1-16-17, 7:06pm
Paige: We keep a running total and the receipts all go in a designated place so I can track them. DH is onboard with this. I do also have access to our accounts electronically, but that isn't my primary tool. Good luck!

1-16-17, 7:56pm
Thanks for your input! I can do this. I can do this. I can do this! Starting today!

1-16-17, 8:58pm
I tend to use my credit card for most purchases - I've got a ballpark of how much I spend and I have my online banking send a payment each payday (every two weeks). I'll check a few days prior to see if I need to bump the amount up or down. I go through my credit card transactions online regularly to see where it's going.

1-17-17, 7:34am
I use one CC for everything (it accumulates points) that is an expense so it is fairly predictable. I carefully check it each month for any unusual entries.
Once a month, all the bills are paid at the same time from my main bank account.

Optional expenses are paid from another account - art classes, etc.

DH used to use my CC for any online or phone purchases but told me about it before doing so. Other than that, he had his own account that he kept separate for his personal expenses. This system worked well.

1-17-17, 1:09pm
Download the app "MINT" to your smartphone. It allows you to sync your budget and your spending. It also will tie in all of your accounts automatically and keep track of them all in one place. It's not incredibly easy to get going, but once you get there it's a lifesaver.

1-17-17, 7:36pm
I check online. 1 concern: are you both purchasing more "things" because of the CC such that you cannot pay off the bill each month? Seems odd if you've been living on debit ie cash.

For sure collate expenditures every day or 2. Put at the top of the page $ available to pay the bill. Then add each expenditure and subtract so you have a running total available "cash". Put it on the fridge or the counter in plain view.

1-27-17, 2:10pm
DH and I use one cc for all purchases, and we both check the website to keep up to date on running balances. I also use Mint, but DH doesn't.

If you don't want to sign up online, you could agree to put all receipts in one place at home (preferably each day) so you can tally them regularly.

1-27-17, 3:15pm
I use Mint, and I also use YNAB (You Need A Budget) to manually input transactions as frequently as possible. My goal is always daily, but that doesn't always happen.

1-27-17, 5:58pm
We only use our credit card for online purchases. I keep tract of purchases by writing them on our budget sheet, then check the bill when it comes and pay through our bank online bill pay. We only have 4 or 5 charges per month at the most so it is easy to keep track of and usually pay the balance monthly. Old school but it works fine.