View Full Version : so much is happening, I can't keep up

1-26-17, 9:00pm
the State dept senior members just walked out en masse, Trump's SIL is registered to vote in two states, and on and on all day/week long. I will not get my news from tv, I just cannot listen to him and have made the choice to read everything instead. Because of my neuro status I'm having a hard time keeping up. What is your go to website for the latest political news?

1-26-17, 9:31pm
I watch CBS morning news and NBC nightly news. I do better hearing the news than reading it. The biggest help for me is my DH......who seems to understand things better than I do and helps clarify things for me.. Good luck in finding a website that simplifies things for you. And don't feel bad.......there are many of us who are having a hard time keeping up!

iris lilies
1-26-17, 9:51pm
I dont watch tv news, havent watched that in decades. We still get a city daily newspaper but I seldom read it, I read it for local news when I read it. Often DH marks articles for me to read.

We have a radio on all day and switch between commercial stations and NPR. Even if I did not have the radio on, I could get a good idea of happenings in the world through headlines on Yahoo and various websites I pass by.

Why is it important OP for you to "keep up? " why do the tiny thngs matter?

I see that you may share Donald Trump's concerns about voter rolls. He has made noises to the various Secretaries of State that they need to be cleaning up their voter registration rolls so that people like his sister in law are not registered twice.

1-26-17, 10:20pm
Politico has a decent web site that is free. It is nearly exclusive political news and commentary. It leans to the left but not quite as vitriolic as some and they have some decent journalists that are present in the major press conferences.

1-26-17, 10:34pm
the State dept senior members just walked out en masse,

I read it was a masse of four, and that they were asked to leave.

1-26-17, 11:06pm
I've taken this opportunity to avoid all television news; it's been refreshing. Now I only watch an hour or two of entertainment programming at night. Stress reduction, you know.

iris lilies
1-26-17, 11:11pm
Politico has a decent web site that is free. It is nearly exclusive political news and commentary. It leans to the left but not quite as vitriolic as some and they have some decent journalists that are present in the major press conferences.

The first headline I see on politico is "Trump lurches through chaotic day" and that is just a lean to the left? Really, lurching? What would a full on leftie headline say?

but ok, will try it again, sigh.

1-26-17, 11:29pm
I know. It can't go on like this for four years, with Trump lurching through chaotic day after chaotic day.

1-27-17, 12:05am
I've taken this opportunity to avoid all television news; it's been refreshing. Now I only watch an hour or two of entertainment programming at night. Stress reduction, you know.

This has been my recipe for 20 years now.

1-27-17, 1:00am
I've taken this opportunity to avoid all television news; it's been refreshing. Now I only watch an hour or two of entertainment programming at night. Stress reduction, you know.

I recall reading at the time that people were having PTSD type problems because of all the tv news reporting in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and I remember thinking how glad I was that I didn't watch tv. I'd only recently bought a tv at all (after 10 years without) and only to watch rented vhs movies. I still don't watch much tv beyond the houseporn shows on hgtv. But now I look online and I am starting to feel like I get as much stress from that as people do from watching tv news, so I'm tempted to just stop looking at facebook or any news sites. After all, if trump is going to start WW v. 3.0 the nuclear edition, it probably won't really matter whether I've read about it ahead of time. And really, that's the only thing that matters. Beyond nuclear war I have enough privilege that I'm not likely to die from any other thing resulting from the horror show of his administration.

1-27-17, 5:20am
The first headline I see on politico is "Trump lurches through chaotic day" and that is just a lean to the left? Really, lurching? What would a full on leftie headline say?

but ok, will try it again, sigh.

I saw somewhere that Trump has the NYT and Washington Post delivered every day and he browses them in the morning. I browse the NYT online most days and there are times when even liberal me has to hold his nose it gets so stinky. Relatively speaking maybe Politico is not so bad. NYT gives 10 free articles a month but if you clear you browser cache you can start over. Trump has bashed the media so much even my local papers are getting reactionary.

Chicken lady
1-27-17, 5:51am
Freshstart, are there services for the visually impared in your area? It might be worth calling a nd seeing if someone could help set you up with a program that reads the news to you online. You are having difficulty processing visual information/print, and it is a genuine medical disability.

1-27-17, 10:32am
I have the fonts set so I can read with ease, it's just I had a neurological event 2 yrs ago that left me with memory and concentration issues, sometimes comprehension issuesPolitico sounds like a good site for me. I feel the need to keep up because so much is happening so fast and it could affect me, especially regarding social security and Medicare.

1-27-17, 10:47am
I know many people say if something is upsetting you, you should turn it off, ignore it. But I'm like you freshstart.......I need to know what's going on around me, so I'm not blindsided, so to speak. I hope you can find something that helps you more easily.
I've had a neurological event my whole life (kidding, but not really) and have a brain that has real trouble assimilating info........so I can relate somewhat to your problem.

1-27-17, 2:21pm
I'm sorry you have that trouble, too

1-29-17, 1:05am
NPR. You can read the news or listen to it.

Zoe Girl
1-29-17, 10:06am
I am coming out of the self-imposed break, starting here before going to facebook or news sources. I still get emails on issues that I am following. I agree it is too much.

We were having a conversation with our new staff because she slipped and said sh** (we work in schools) about how to substitute or work around accidentally swearing. As a result, and because this is very sensitive to our families on both sides, I declared Trump a swear word. Not really a swear word, but as boss privilege I don't see any reason for us to bring him up in the 3 hours of programming we have.

1-29-17, 11:35am
Politics and religion have no place in the public schools. I think the kids get enough at home and might take anything out of context and then the parents are in an uproar. Which I am sure you have seen over and over. Still too much anger and partisanship.

1-29-17, 12:37pm
I am coming out of the self-imposed break, starting here before going to facebook or news sources. I still get emails on issues that I am following. I agree it is too much.

We were having a conversation with our new staff because she slipped and said sh** (we work in schools) about how to substitute or work around accidentally swearing. As a result, and because this is very sensitive to our families on both sides, I declared Trump a swear word. Not really a swear word, but as boss privilege I don't see any reason for us to bring him up in the 3 hours of programming we have.

Why designate a particular person as an obscenity? Why not just make a rule against preaching any type of politics?

1-29-17, 12:57pm
politics kept out of school? what about history and current events? I don't mean at Zoe's program but in school in general.

1-29-17, 2:45pm
Zoe is at an after school program. Politics and religion are hot button issues that would generally not be taught in an after school program.

Personal opinion here: the discussion of what a child should or should not think about politics and religion is a totally different situation than the teaching of government, comparative religions, civic responsibility, etc. Facts about current events or how to analyze the media is great. Opinions being expressed by teachers regarding their own political views with a thought to conversion is not much different than a religious evangelist. I like LDHAL's comment that preaching politics should not be allowed.

1-29-17, 4:19pm
I am reminded of something Garrison Kielor (of Prairie Home Companion) said: "If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you drank gin straight out of the bottle."

1-29-17, 6:05pm
I think he may have been onto something

1-31-17, 5:32am
I know. It can't go on like this for four years, with Trump lurching through chaotic day after chaotic day.

Zoe Girl
1-31-17, 7:17am
To follow up, I run after school programs for elementary kids. The 4th/5th graders may be engaging in some political discussions in their classroom but I don't want that huge of a topic in mixed ages. But mostly it was a concern of mine for staff relationships. We are building a new team and one guy doesn't seem to have great social skills, so I don't trust that he will read body language and know when to stop if the conversation starts. He has really had a difficult time talking to parents and many of our parents are sensitive to this. I don't tell the parents about my personal religious or political beliefs after all.

1-31-17, 11:41am
I personally think elementary schools should be politics-free zones. The kids suffer enough.

1-31-17, 11:45am
I personally think elementary schools should be politics-free zones. The kids suffer enough.

Can't be done if you're going to teach anything - too many folks see schools teaching anything that doesn't match their own slant on things as "politics". Even when it's just facts without opinions.

2-15-17, 11:26pm
I know. It can't go on like this for four years, with Trump lurching through chaotic day after chaotic day.
Two weeks later: Exhausting. This is exhausting.

2-15-17, 11:30pm
Two weeks later: Exhausting. This is exhausting.

My feeling is that this nightmare will be over soon. Things are spinning out of control way too fast for a bunch of amateurs like team trump to keep under control. Starting with the shameful breach of security at the mar a lago sit room this past weekend. How much top secret info was exposed to random people like waiters.

2-15-17, 11:59pm
maybe, jp1. I am just...I don't know...

