View Full Version : Law(s) of attraction, energy, vibration

4-28-11, 6:52pm
I wasn't sure where else to post this, so forgive me if it's inappropriate here.

I've recently fallen in with a group of friends who all strongly believe in the law of attraction, specifically the part that believes that "you attract that to which you give your attention." So if you spend your whole day griping about how you don't have any money, you will likely continue not to have any money. Whereas if you are grateful for whatever small abundance you have, and expect more to continue flowing through your life, it will. That's a terrible oversimplification, but the overarching thought is that you attract what you vibrate, like tuning in to a radio station's signal.

There is much of this I believe, and much about which I'm still skeptical. Though I have to say it makes for a much more pleasant life now that I consciously keep my thoughts in a positive direction! It's all very interesting, especially when I start to see perfectly rational reasons why this would happen (I'm a scientist at heart)

Has anyone else studied this stuff, Abraham-Hicks, Rhonda Byrne, Mike Dooley, all those people? Any thoughts or insights to share?

4-28-11, 8:48pm
I can say that my life changed for the better once I focused on gratitude for what I had. I'm fascinated by the whole Abraham-Hicks thing, though I'm half believer and half skeptical. I also like Messages from Michael, though that was a little harder to understand. I also think some of the "luck" is manmade in the sense that, if you are happy and grateful for what you have, you will be more inclined to notice and pursue synchronicities, whereas when you are wallowing in your misfortune, that's really all you can pay attention to. And I think focusing on a goal helps your subconscious keep rolling on what other things you can be doing to take steps towards your goal.

But I do like the idea of a kind and generous universe, and so want to believe in that magic also.

4-29-11, 11:52am
I do basically believe in the concept of the Law of Attraction--but I don't necessarily believe that our thoughts are like a magic genie: "I thought about myself driving a Jaguar, and, bingo, I won one in a raffle!"

However, I do believe in some kind of subliminal energy that creates positivity--now sure how, but I do believe in it.

In terms of other writers along these lines, there are tons: the classic is James Allen's "As A Man Thinketh." There's a relatively little known writer called Catherine Ponder who wrote in the 40s-50s--I have her book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity"--she believes heavily in use of affirmations. Wayne Dyer also writes books along those lines, like Manifest Your Destiny. Deepak Chopra even talks about the quantum changes that occur physically as a result of mental energy.

I also believe starting the day with an attitude of gratitude works miracles, too.

Some of the saints have great stuff along these lines. Of course, this more spiritual approach requires a little more work, a disciplined commitment to God, rather than just the "magic genie" stuff. I'm in the process of really trying to learn, understand and apply the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius.

4-29-11, 12:07pm
Here's my more pragmatic take on this: what you believe in and pay attention to is what you notice when it comes into your life. I am quite sure that many opportunities may have presented themselves to me in various forms; people mentioning something or someone, etc., but because I don't care about, say, being a highly paid car salesman, I ignored it. Ditto other opps - a great buy on a house I don't want or need, the interesting person I should meet, etc.

What I DO want, I listen for, and sort out that wheat from all the chaff. And I pursue these. I also def believe that it's much better for me to love what I have (love the one you're with - thank you CSN!). It's a practice I engage here and there, and it always makes me feel great.

4-29-11, 3:22pm
I wouldn't rely too heavily on a logic chain based on "The Secret". I think such things are an attempt to explain mental processes that we don't understand yet.

My personal aha was when I finally found a non-mystic explanation for the phenonomen of "being a channel for the expression of spiritual creativity". Allowing the right brain nonlogic/verbal piece to do its mysterious stuff seems to be the same phenonomen.

4-30-11, 1:48pm

A parody of The Secret.

4-30-11, 4:23pm

A parody of The Secret.

Thank you... really, thank you.

4-30-11, 11:50pm
Heh, that video was funny.

I do believe in the attention thing. It's really just mindfulness practice. You put your attention into something, and eventually that just becomes your reality.

Unless you're in africa, then you are screwed.

5-1-11, 11:29pm

A parody of The Secret.


I wonder if it's like this: One of those big motivational people tells a story about a man who trained himself to see golf balls in his environment. Become hyper-aware of them, in a way. So everywhere he went, he would notice golf balls (on lawns, alleys, parking lots, weird places) Over the years, he collected thousands of golf balls.

Maybe positive, hopeful thinking is like golf balls. If you tune yourself to "see" a positive perspective, maybe you're much more likely to notice tangible things that move you in that direction, like potential business opportunities, great ideas, proper self-care, changes to get the things you want, great traits in potential partners, etc. Perhaps it accentuates intuition? Makes risk easier?

Unsure, but it's intriguing to me.