View Full Version : A new chance... a new dream very long

boss mare
4-29-11, 2:50am
Last year I made the agonizing decison to sell my equine soul-mate I mentioned in the old SLN I had taken her as far I could show wise. Keeping was not in her best interest as I know that I can't keep up with keep two horses in show shape.... And she is the type who would age if not kept legged up She is the horse in my sig pic
She got the best home ever an 8 year old girl who think that that sunsets and rises on Chippy. Her parents are very pleased with her. The horse will never lack care she will receive the best They are under the guidance of a trainer that I respect... However that did not stop me from falling apart. I was getting panic attacks, and this was affecting others around me my work, started headed towards some pretty deep places
Around Christmas time I did find a horse that I was in love with I had a meeting with trainers in early Jan but the ad was gone,,, I assumed he get sold
I was on the look out for a new one but any horse would have to meet thier aproval I would send them ads of horses and they flunked everyone of them

So I sent them another one I was not happy about the color but he was gentle had show points and was well below my budget. The did not like him either but contacted the breeder/owner to see what else she had.... She sent them a link to the horse that I saw on Christmas time...
So after requesting a an updated video ...we like what we saw.
So a vet check ( long distance) and arrange for hauling and all of the important paper work that we needed He arrived at my house yesterday He is very thing that I have ever wanted. I am at peace I have energy and I am ready for the next 25 yeras will bring. He name is Another Scotch Of Scotch AKA Cooper he is a chestnut and white leopard Appaloosa. There is a older video of him on u-tube if searched for under Another Shot Of Scotch.... If anyone cares to look .... He his doing better now as he is older I don't do well posted links other wise I would try to put one up there

So Cooper is my answer to my turning 50 mid-life crash and burn...

4-29-11, 6:47am
like, facebook style

Float On
4-29-11, 8:49am
Super! Sounds like you and Cooper are going to have a great journey together. He looks smooth.

4-29-11, 11:32am
Yay! Dreams are wonderful, and when life shows up with some of those dream-aspects to it, how much fun is that!!

4-29-11, 1:01pm
May you both have many wonderful adventures together!!

5-1-11, 8:42am

I love animals and had always wished i could work with animals in some capacity; such as working with families and their pets to help families work with their pets; teach them behavioral techniques to work on problems etc.

unfortunatly i developed health problems; and volunteering at the shelters would be too much for me

so there is this therapeutic riding stable for kids with disabilities but they also take people who would like lessons

so i am taking natural horsemanship lessons; learning about horse behavior; how to work with them instead of just jumping on their back and taking offf; its gaining trust and respect; mutually between horse and rider; sort of like the horse whisperer type of thing; i love it!

i am not able to have horses; living in a wonderful condo; but i am learning so much! its really tapped into a passion i had forgotten about; animals

anyway not to jump on your post; but thats exciting; though i can't have my own horse; this is the next best thing


iris lily
5-1-11, 9:50am
Interesting update, OP. Thanks for this insight into your new relationship with this great new horse.