View Full Version : Entering the US in trump's America

3-8-17, 9:44pm
There have been plenty of stories floating around facebook and the like recently of individuals reporting their tribulations in coming to the US or returning to the US. Obviously everything is anecdotal since I doubt anyone has done a study to determine if the treatment is getting worse or just getting more press in light of the muslim ban. But then this came across my feed. Reading between the lines it sounds as though Mr. Khan was notified that his Global Entry status has been revoked and he, therefore, decided not to travel to Canada and potentially subject himself to a grueling re-entry process. Since he didn't go we'll never know if that would have indeed happened. But the fact that he made the decision not to go shows that the fear and intimidation that the Trump administration intends to instill in people is working. Making America great again, indeed.


3-9-17, 7:16am
We are flying to Toronto in may to visit our daughter and son in law. Our tickets were just over 1000 total - round trip for two of us. That's half of the typical cost. It's obvious that many people are choosing to avoid travel to and from the USA whenever possible.

3-9-17, 7:46am
That story sounds odd to me. Mr Khan is an American citizen and has been for over 30 years. He doesn't say who told him his travel privileges are under review and no news organizations have been able to verify any basic facts regarding the matter. I think a little skepticism is in order.

3-9-17, 8:06am

Canadian woman en route to Vermont spa denied entry to U.S., told she needs immigrant visa

iris lilies
3-9-17, 9:03am
I think all of this noise about immigration and having documents n order is a good way to make those with ideas of illegal entry from south of our borders think twice before coming here.

3-9-17, 11:25am
I think all of this noise about immigration and having documents n order is a good way to make those with ideas of illegal entry from south of our borders think twice before coming here.

Yes, because God knows we don't need more food handlers or farm workers here...

It wasn't Mexicans who plotted 9-11 or any other act of terrorism, so I none of this is "keeping America safe." It's just a policy designed to harass and intimidate workers who have employers willing to overlook pesky details to get cheap labor.

We really need a robust guest worker program in this country.

3-9-17, 12:20pm
That story sounds odd to me. Mr Khan is an American citizen and has been for over 30 years. He doesn't say who told him his travel privileges are under review and no news organizations have been able to verify any basic facts regarding the matter. I think a little skepticism is in order.


If this article is to be believed it is likely that he did have his Global Entry revoked. Time will tell if it's true, and if it's indeed a systemic thing targeting muslims but given the petty vindictiveness of trump it wouldn't surprise me if Khan was targeted for this.

Teacher Terry
3-9-17, 12:25pm
My DIL is from Poland and decided to get her US citizenship so she would not have any issues since she goes there to visit. So she passes the test 100% and then the agent tells her if she wants to change her name back to her maiden name she can do so now for free. She tells him she does not want to and about 3 different times he tries to talk her into it. Then he prints out a form and tells her to sign it. She reads it first and it states she wants to change her name. She does not sign and tells him the paper is wrong. He then prints one with her married name and she signs. The 4 of us could not figure out why he would try to talk her into doing that. Any ideas?

3-9-17, 12:31pm
Any ideas?Misunderstanding? Perhaps a ploy to catch those who would fake a marriage simply for the fast track to citizenship?

Teacher Terry
3-9-17, 12:41pm
They have been married for 8 years. She speaks English very well so I don't see how she could have misunderstood. It is weird.

3-9-17, 12:44pm
Perhaps a ploy to catch those who would fake a marriage simply for the fast track to citizenship?

My thoughts exactly based on some of the tricks I know from law enforcement. Similar to how a suspect being interviewed is asked, "do you know why you are here" to which there are lots of confessions, one I know of, confessed to multiple crimes, including one which no one was aware of, at the time.
Easy way to get a stupid criminal.

3-9-17, 12:49pm
Easy way to get a stupid criminal.
Yep, in an Occam's Razor sort of way, the simplest tactics are often the most effective.

Teacher Terry
3-9-17, 1:19pm
We did discuss that possibility last night but it is not a crime to change your name and because she had her green card for so long she could divorce him and not be a citizen and still stay here.

3-9-17, 3:56pm
My interactions with law enforcement over the years in a professional capacity (psych nurses and cops often work together) cause me to think it was a trick question of some sort. While I appreciate all that law enforcement does, I've had to admit to myself that they are under no obligation to tell the truth as they question people. They operate under their own rules. Just like they run red lights and speed and change lanes without signaling -- I wish it were not this way, but it is what it is.

3-10-17, 9:17am
Terry, that is so strange. I would be suspicious, too. What the what? I am glad your dil stood her ground. She is a true American!

Teacher Terry
3-10-17, 12:50pm
Thanks Tybee:)) She was in the US on a tourist visa and some of her friends were here too. They all wanted to marry an American and stay and she did not. She is a HS French teacher and speaks 5 languages. She is on a train and my son a confirmed bachelor at 33 sees her and goes to sit by her. By the time she got off they had plans to meet in Chicago in 2 weeks. My son calls me and says he met the women he is going to marry. I was shocked. She goes home and they date long distance for 3 years. Then they get married and she comes here. Unfortunately, she can't teach here as we don't recognize her degree. It's funny how life turns out.