View Full Version : Quick intro and hello

4-30-11, 9:27pm
Hello all! I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. I am brand new to this forum. I used to lurk on the old forum from time to time, but it's been a few years. I kind of gave up on my simple-living ways those years due to a lot of life changes and stress. I think I was also trying to implement too many things at once and got overwhelmed. Anyway, I'm here now with renewed passion!

I go by the name Bugeah. I'm a wife, mother of three girls (ages 11, 8, and 5), and live in the green state of Oregon. I currently work outside the home full-time while DH is unemployed, but I just started an online upcycling business from home so that hopefully I can quit my job and work from home in the not-so-distant future.

I've always been pretty frugal and I've always tried to make my life as simple as possible, but I know that I've only found the tip of the iceberg so far. That's why I'm here; so hopefully I can learn from you folks and push myself a little farther. I'm also here for community and building friendships. I love talking to people who have similar interests and goals. Not to mention I'm a rebel at heart and really enjoy that simplicity goes against everything the rest of society is doing :moon:

I really look forward to chatting and getting to know you all. I will pitch in as best I can when I have insight or ideas. Thanks so much for keeping the forums going for all these years!

Sad Eyed Lady
4-30-11, 11:04pm
Welcome to you Bugeah - you will enjoy your time here I am sure.

4-30-11, 11:08pm
You will find this a great site...welcome

5-1-11, 12:34am
Welcome! And I have to know, do you have some British background or experience? You mentioned your daughter's Rainbow group in the other thread, but we don't have Rainbows in Girl Scouts here, though they do in the UK. Maybe it's something totally different you were talking about! So a weird little question for you right off the bat :)

If you are into frugality, you will enjoy the monthly frugals thread, which I also see you already found :)

5-1-11, 1:46am
Rainbow is connected to the FreeMason's. They meet at the Masonic lodges and most of the girls are related to a FreeMason (but they don't have to be). DH happens to be one which is why our daughter is in Rainbow. It's kind of similar to Girl Scouts but is for girls ages 11 through 18, I think, and is more focused on teaching girls how to be "ladies". They dress up in formal gowns and do their hair, and they do service projects and things like that. They just don't do all the outdoors type things that Girl Scouts do, like camping, etc. I didn't know what Rainbow was either until DH got into the Masons. Oh, and no I'm not British at all (nothing against the Brits).

5-1-11, 11:08am
Funny! Welcome!

5-1-11, 6:27pm
Welcome Bugeah. Hope to see you get involved with this big happy family.