View Full Version : Spinal Fusion

Jill Sanders
4-30-11, 11:28pm
I have a question for anyone that has had back surgery. First of all, believe me when I say I have put this off as long as I could. The pain started 3 1/2 years ago and was pretty intense. I was able to do several different things that brought the pain level down where it staid until last August. Now the pain runs down my legs and makes it sometimes difficult to walk. I can only handle working two hours at a time and no longer make any long shopping trips. I finally scheduled surgery for Sept. They tell me recovery will be rather long and I didn't want to ruin my entire summer. What I would like to know is some of the issues I might have to deal with during recovery. Since I have no idea what to expect, I would like some input. Please no scare tactics tho! I spoke to my sil the other day about it and she had nothing good to say. I really have no choice at this point if I don't want to be in a wheel chair in a few years. So, just some good advice, please.

4-30-11, 11:51pm
I did not have it done myself, but an acquaintance had some sort of spinal fusion a number of years ago. Her's went well, and while she couldn't be as active as she had been before her injury (play active sports), it alleviated her pain and she was able to basically resume her life.

I'm very sorry you are having to go through this.

5-1-11, 1:21am
I don't know if this is similar or not, but about 11 years ago my Mom had metal rods put in her spine. She had really bad scoliosis and had been in a lot of pain for many years. I remember that she was pretty much laid up in bed on pain meds for about 3 months I think. My Grandma had to come take care of her during that time since I was still a teenager. But now she can stand more straight (still not all the way straight) and she has much less pain than before. I know that she's really glad she went through with it. I don't know any of the details though. Hopefully someone else here can be more helpful. I wish you luck with your surgery and I think that if you are in that much pain then you are doing the right thing by getting the surgery. No, it won't be fun, but it should be worth it in the end.

5-2-11, 5:22am
DH has been there (and still is, unfortunately).
He decided for surgery for spinal stenosis and a severely sliding vertebra. So a disk was removed/replaced, some pressure removed from the nerves and some fusion done on the lower back.
Surgery went well. He could walk one day after surgery and came home from hospital after one week.
He was not allowed to sit longer periods for the first 3 months or to carry weight but had to walk regularly.
We put our bed higher (some bricks under each leg) and also created a day bed in the living room (beer crates under a matress).
Table of the PC was also increased so that he could use it when standing.
Biking was allowed after 3 months and DH has been very good in doing his exercises.

All was good for 3 years. But now it seems that the disk above the fusion is getting loose and that the stenosis has come back, too.
This seems to happen in about 10% of the cases.
There are not a lot of long term surveys out on results of surgery . Most seem to end 2-3 years after surgery. Maybe there is a reason...

DH is a bit depressed, also because the 3 years have been so good. Pain still is better than before surgery, though.
The only advise from the medicals is: do your exercises and if pain gets too bad to take we will do another surgery with more fusion.
DH wants to avoid new surgery as long as possible. He has modified his exercises and pain has been reduced since autumn.
On some days he can walk only a mile without pain. On other days he walks easily for 3-5 miles or longer.
We will see...

I suppose that you have tried everything regarding building muscles and exercises.
I would look for a very experienced surgeon. Then the surgery really can help.
But it might not help forever. However, the 3 good years have been priceless for us.
All the best to you!

5-2-11, 4:18pm
I'm so sorry to hear about your back pain. I know how distresing and disabling it can be.

My brother fell and smashed several vertebra. After ten years of horrible pain he finally opted for spinal fusion surgery. His results were similar to what chrisgermany describes. He is not 100% pain free, but at least 90% improved. (He is also about one inch shorter.) The surgery is rather risky and I think should be treated as a last resort.

I myself have suffered from disc problems, back pain, spasms, sciatica, etc. I found a combination of yoga and massage to be the best therapy. (I use a massage chair daily - it has changed my life! :)

I also highly recommend reading Healing Back Pain by Dr. Sarno.

Best wishes for your good health!

Jill Sanders
5-6-11, 12:43pm
You have all given me something to think about. I am actually considering putting off the surgery for now and trying a couple more things. Someone mentioned accupuncture to me and I would like to lose another 15 lbs to see if it would help. I will let you know the results.

5-7-11, 7:06am
In another forum someone recommended the McKenzie method of PT. You may want to check that out, too.
I hope you get better soon!