View Full Version : Menial Jobs

4-7-17, 7:14am
Not wanting to hijack the rant posting on Menial Jobs remarks, thought I would mention it here instead:

I loved my assorted menial jobs when I was young as I was ""thankful"" to have a job in the early 80's in MI. If and When I did not, I searched till the next opening came along. Husband has a saying, No one asked you to work here, you make a choice each day to work here, if you are unhappy leave, don't make everyone else who is happy, unhappy.

Why is not this true today at all the so called menial job employees who take my hard earned money and act as though they hate where they are? (I know not all) Is it the culture? It is the I deserve more attitude? Is it the management accepts this type attitude?

I frequent the stores that I do go to (prefer the net for shopping) that treat me kindly and pleasant. The ones that don't I show by not spending my money there unless I have no choice.

4-7-17, 7:56am
I also include employee attitude in where I shop. I fill out the surveys on quality service and product. I have also been known to send thank you emails or letters. One was put on the employee bulletin board and that group always remembers us. It was a deli in a grocery store that when they heard I could not find some particular baked product went to the back and got me fresh ones right out of the oven. I had only complained to my husband but they heard it and took the step to fix the issue without being asked. They also do a little thing of giving a taste of the sliced product and just that little interaction with the counter person makes it more personal.

I notice the attitude of helpfulness at Bed Bath and Beyond. One time I was asked if I needed any help by no less than 3 different employees.

And I notice when the employees are stretched too thin. Never try and find anyone at Walmart or anyone that then knows the answer.

I love how Aldi gives their cashiers chairs to sit in instead of making them stand all day. Very ala Europe.

ps: It is my personal experience that I get more personal service and less attitude at smaller towns or suburban areas than I do downtown. Maybe they pull from different groups of potential employees?

4-7-17, 8:02am
The habit of having check out personnel seems strange to me! Interestingly, it appears prevalent in Australia, too.

I wonder why it happens? Noone would be expected to stand at a computer. Is it seen as 'lazy', I wonder?

4-7-17, 9:31am
Personally I think it is a way of making life extremely hard on a mostly women staff. I mean you might (horrors have to hire disabled employees or keep on pregnant women who cannot stand for long periods. I can think of absolutely no reason to make cashiers stand all day. They cannot see any better because of the way everything is raised around them. Of course, now they make them bag but the bag stands can be at a seated height.

iris lilies
4-7-17, 9:59am
Our grocery store has killer service, it is great. Once I couldn't find barely in the store, and an employee found it, came running no out after us, and gave me the small box. Didn't charge us for it. That is the kind of customer service we will never forget, it there are daily acts of great service as well.

Each and every time I use photo service at our local Walgreens, the service is above and beyond what I expect. The last time I went there the young employee quickly and efficiently, with no hesitations, took my photo for a passport.I wrote a very good review for her.

At the mom and pop gift shop up the street (full of Useless, stupid things) I overheard an employee on the phone making an appointment for manicure. She said, while on the phone, she needed to save up money for the appt. I thought to myself, this is a wasteland of, well, waste. Stupid crap no one needs, low paid employee taking up space, spending money she doesn't have on stupid crap. I think her environment influences her life habits.

Judgey Judgerson, that is me.

4-7-17, 10:24am
The habit of having check out personnel seems strange to me! Interestingly, it appears prevalent in Australia, too.

I wonder why it happens? Noone would be expected to stand at a computer. Is it seen as 'lazy', I wonder?
Any chance you know the reference, since it is from your side of the pond? (remember who?)
We had a building center that tried to go cashierless and also stay open 24 hours a day, and lost $150K in the year they tried that. The cashiers are a theft deterrent.
In small mom and pop places, a cashier is also the person that helps you find the product, the stocker, etc. In large companies, the people standing there, doing the same thing, over and over and over and over and over and over; it becomes mind numbing and people do not react the same way to mind numbing work (let alone having a good or bad day).
There are older people who like the work, as they miss interacting with people. There are those that are just grateful to have a job, and there are those who just have taken one, while they keep looking, because they need to feed themselves or their families. If honesty is the best policy, then I really don't want fake cheerfulness.

4-7-17, 10:30am
Oops, sorry... My sentence SHOULD have read 'The habit of having check out personnel STAND ...'
Sweetana3's brain obviously inserted the missing word.

Whilst many of our supermarkets have self-check outs... As far as I know, none are run with no personnel.

4-7-17, 10:32am
Found it:


4-7-17, 11:06pm
I have run into just as many attitude problems from people whose jobs are not menial.