View Full Version : Obama got Osama

5-1-11, 11:13pm
Fantastic news - on the 8th Anniversary of Bush's "Mission Accomplished" President Obama announces US armed forces have killed Osama Bin Laden.

Congratulations to all American Armed Forces. Maybe, just maybe this is the beginning of the end of an era of insanity. :cool:


5-1-11, 11:33pm
Good news, indeed. Neat to see the crowds starting to gather outside the White House, etc.

Makes one realize what a good "poker face" the President is capable of assuming, since apparently this operation was upcoming for awhile. So while the President was laughing and joking at the White House Correspondents Dinner, he was sitting on the secret that this was coming.

iris lily
5-1-11, 11:57pm
Fantastic news - on the 8th Anniversary of Bush's "Mission Accomplished" President Obama announces US armed forces have killed Osama Bin Laden.

Thanks for bringing up the inevitable. Whatever bad things Bush did do are trumped only the by the good things he didn't accomplish.

By the way, I'm glad they got the guy.

5-1-11, 11:57pm
This is GREAT news!!

5-2-11, 12:38am
I have the Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz going through my brain:

"The Witch is dead! The Witch is dead! The Wicked Witch is dead!"

5-2-11, 12:38am
How many more Osamas have we created during this time?

5-2-11, 1:37am
I think of the families of the victims of 9/11 and hope that some of them have found some closure with the death of Bin Laden. And I agree with LooseChickens - amazing the poker face Obama kept while sitting on this! I'm sure Al Quida (sp?) is still out there and still a threat - but I can't help but feel relieved that Bin Laden is permanently out of the picture. Rob

5-2-11, 2:01am
This was timed nicely to take attention away from the exposure of the Adobe-layered long form birth cert.

5-2-11, 2:12am
It's a horribly cynical thing to say, but I'm a little surprised to see his death announced. I always thought OBL was going to be held forth as our nation's Snowball (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Farm).

In any case, if it is true I congratulate the hard work and courage of those who carried it out. May his body be treated with respect - not because he deserves it, but so as not to give any more excuses to those who will hold him up as a martyr.

5-2-11, 2:14am
I just hope that we don't have any revenge attacks from Al Qaeda. Definitely happy we got the guy though. And I agree that it's an interesting choice of timing. It will be interesting to see what happens in the coming days.

5-2-11, 2:43am
I am so thrilled to hear that Osama bin Laden is dead. Sincere thanks and appreciation to the Navy Seals who got him, the military members, President Obama and former President Bush. My hope is that in the future the U.S. will start with bringing justice to the person responsible for starting the war rather than to innocent people living in nations abroad who themselves have done us no harm.

5-2-11, 7:56am
Congratulations to the President and the military. My hope is that we can now turn our attention to the fundamental issues facing our country rather than spend time dancing on the grave of an enemy?

5-2-11, 8:12am
My concerns now are that Bin Laden still has lots of followers. They're really going to hate us now.....

5-2-11, 8:48am
My concerns now are that Bin Laden still has lots of followers. They're really going to hate us now.....

they hated us yesterday, too...

5-2-11, 9:17am
Wonder what this meams for the war in Afghanistan? There will be cells of Al Queda for years as so many countries have huge and growing numbers of youth who are uneducated, unemployable and unemployed plus short of food and water.

Not to be negative, but I sincerely hope that the demise of OBL is treated with respect.

5-2-11, 9:25am
Wonder what this meams for the war in Afghanistan?

We're scheduled to start pulling out in July.

The President said we've had a fix on bin Laden's whereabouts since last August. I'm guessing yesterday's actions are the first pre-cursor to a U.S. withdrawl.

5-2-11, 9:59am
Razz.....just curious what you meant by "I sincerely hope that the demise of OBL is treated with respect."?
Is it that you don't want to see "hooray, he's dead" parties? Just wondering.
I too hope that the celebrations don't inflame his followers even more (even though its their kind of behavior).

5-2-11, 10:37am
There's already evidence that the photo is faked. How good that evidence is I don't really know or care. He was just a hand picked face to hate anyway just like Saddam Hussein.

America loves to get together to hate some boogey man.

The Storyteller
5-2-11, 11:35am
What bizarre reactions.

5-2-11, 12:03pm
Great news! I tip my hat to the brave Navy Seals who pulled off this mission.

We are leaving today from SFO to fly to Germany. I have a feeling the security today at the airport will be even tighter than normal. We were flying out of Vancouver Canada when 9/11 happened. So we are used to this.

5-2-11, 12:08pm
There's already evidence that the photo is faked. How good that evidence is I don't really know or care.

You can judge for yourself if you want to. I don't know too much about photoshop, but this image (http://www.breachbangclear.com/site/component/content/article/1-blog/28-deaths-not-enough-but-well-take-it.html)* seems oddly blurry around the eyes relative to the rest of the face. That, and it seems that an injury that would cause that kind of trauma to the eyes would do a lot more damage to the rest of the face - sinuses, nose, teeth, blood leaking out of the mouth or ears. If we have any medical professionals on SLF I'd be curious to hear from them on this.

* graphic, obviously. Discretion advised.

5-2-11, 12:24pm
They are already doing DNA testing to confirm it is OBL. Let the conspiracy theories begin. The big question is why would they fake his death after 10 years.

The Storyteller
5-2-11, 12:42pm
Let the conspiracy theories begin.

I knew it would happen as soon as I heard they dumped his carcass into the sea.

I just didn't expect it to happen here. I tend to give folks here more credit for smarts than that.

My mistake I guess.

5-2-11, 12:54pm
I have a hard time rejoicing in this death. I would be glad if the threat he represented was gone but I struggle to think that more deaths, and deaths at American hands, are a good thing. He's an icon and can be an icon in death (particularly a death-as-martyr) as in life. I guess what I am saying is that I wonder if this will make any measurable difference.

I agree with Razz; I hope we'll have some level of restraint around our public rejoicing. There is something about good taste that I recall from my childhood....but that no longer seems to be a consideration when choosing behaviour. I realize that my opinion is only mine, and will likely clash significantly with others'.

All that being said, I felt a huge shock in my body when I heard the news on the radio this morning.

5-2-11, 12:54pm
Supposedly they had to "bury" him within 24 hours.......to be respectful of his religious beliefs. ??
Why would they want to fake this? I mean, you couldn't get away with it, if he showed up later. That would be just plain silly.

5-2-11, 1:35pm
They are already doing DNA testing to confirm it is OBL. Let the conspiracy theories begin. The big question is why would they fake his death after 10 years.

I don’t know whether to blame the internet or not, but such fatuities seem to be generated with increasing frequency in the aftermath of significant events. Undead terrorists, presidential pedigrees, 9/11 conspirators and Fox-ified assassins all seem to find a home in the informational fever swamps.

Fortunately we of the Illuminati have a solution that will only require minor tweaking of your web browser and the first amendment…

5-2-11, 1:51pm
I knew it would happen as soon as I heard they dumped his carcass into the sea.

I just didn't expect it to happen here. I tend to give folks here more credit for smarts than that.

My mistake I guess.

It's true, even in here there are those that choose to not blindly accept every bit of information from the government as factual. Hegelians.

5-2-11, 1:56pm
I ALWAYS learn something from this forum.....fatuities! Who knew there was such a word...and what a lovely one. I can think of a half dozen applications right now.

5-2-11, 1:58pm

from Juanita's Beauty Shop (http://juanitajean.com/2011/05/02/gettin-it-done/)

5-2-11, 2:24pm
O.K., folks......H*ll HAS frozen over......... (from the Huffington Post)

"Rush Limbaugh did something he rarely does: he praised President Obama on his Monday show for the death of Osama bin Laden.

"We need to open the program today by congratulating President Obama," he said. "President Obama has done something extremely effective, and when he does, this needs to be pointed out."

The effectiveness, he said, came from President Obama's decision to send a Special Forces team to kill bin Laden--something he said, citing news reports, that none of the president's military advisers had thought of doing.

"Our military wanted to go in there and just scorch the earth...but President Obama single-handedly understood what was at stake here. He alone understood the need to get DNA to prove the death...it was President Obama single-handedly and alone who came up with the strategy that brought about the effective assassination of Osama bin Laden," he said, adding, "thank God for President Obama."

5-2-11, 2:26pm
Well, it sounds as though we handled his body with a great deal more respect than he would have extended to those he had killed:

"Washington (CNN) -- Osama bin Laden was buried at sea from the deck of a U.S. aircraft carrier because there was "no land alternative," a senior Department of Defense official said Monday.

"When there is no land alternative, Islamic law dictates that the body be buried within 24 hours, and that was the basis," the official said.

Another defense official said says there was no country willing or able to accept the body for burial, and U.S. forces "took pains to observe Muslim law."

The religious rites were conducted on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea, with the ceremony starting at 1:10 a.m. and finishing at 2:10 a.m. ET.

"The body was washed and placed in a white sheet. A military official read prepared remarks, which were then translated into Arabic by a native speaker. The body of Osama bin Laden was placed on a flat board, which was then tipped up, and allowed to slide into the sea," the second official said."

5-2-11, 2:26pm
This was timed nicely to take attention away from the exposure of the Adobe-layered long form birth cert.

Are you kidding? This is about the most cynical statement I've seen. Do you seriously believe the Executive branch gives a damn about the ridiculous "long form", AND are willing to endanger the very brave US military for a diversion?

5-2-11, 2:28pm
It's true, even in here there are those that choose to not blindly accept every bit of information from the government as factual. Hegelians.

Blind acceptance? Hardly.

5-2-11, 2:31pm
Razz.....just curious what you meant by "I sincerely hope that the demise of OBL is treated with respect."?
Is it that you don't want to see "hooray, he's dead" parties? Just wondering.
I too hope that the celebrations don't inflame his followers even more (even though its their kind of behavior).

Primitive people dance on the grave of their enemies as though that makes any difference. When that festivity is all over and done, those same people have to go back to their daily lives which have changed not one bit. There are primitive peopple in every part of the world not just 'them' of whatever politics, race or persuasion that is different from 'us'.

How stressful was it when other primitive people danced on the graves or bodies of our soldiers? Can we not act more maturely, responsibly and wisely?

At some point in time, we all have to learn to work together to protect our earth.

5-2-11, 2:32pm
Wonder what this meams for the war in Afghanistan? There will be cells of Al Queda for years as so many countries have huge and growing numbers of youth who are uneducated, unemployable and unemployed plus short of food and water.

Not to be negative, but I sincerely hope that the demise of OBL is treated with respect.

Not unlike the Nazi movement. All these decades later, there are Nazi Youth movements all over the world.

5-2-11, 2:32pm
Are there photos of the burial at sea?

5-2-11, 2:34pm
Are there photos of the burial at sea?


5-2-11, 2:41pm
Primitive people...

Wow, how culturist and superior.

Tell you what, let's drop you and a Inupiat man off at Cape Espenberg, and see which one of you is the most "primitive" :-)

5-2-11, 2:48pm
The Lighter Side - Military Grunt Humor:



Rodger Morris
Unitarian jihad Name - Brother Rail Gun of Quiet Reflection

5-2-11, 3:40pm
Sorry to be such a celebratory downer, but: is it a sign that I'm either depressed or depraved that I can't seem to work up any interest in this?

I agree.

This won't fundamentally change anything. The whole *point* of Al Qaeda is that it is a distrubuted *network* of "open source warfare"/4GW players, with no real formal hierarchical command and control structure to target and destroy. Kill Osama, and a dozen other leaders step forward, without any need of cooperation or communication.

5-2-11, 3:58pm
I agree.

This won't fundamentally change anything. The whole *point* of Al Qaeda is that it is a distrubuted *network* of "open source warfare"/4GW players, with no real formal hierarchical command and control structure to target and destroy. Kill Obama, and a dozen other leaders step forward, without any need of cooperation or communication. Sorry Bae, I thought my post was too depressing and deleted it. Here, slightly out of order, is what I said:

Sorry to be such a celebratory downer, but honestly, my mind is going "what dear? Oh that's nice. Have you seen the garlic press?" Is it a sign that I'm either depressed or depraved that I can't seem to work up any interest in this? Seriously, who knows, maybe the dude's been dead for years. Osama been rottin'? Where exactly are we getting the DNA baseline to make a positive identification, anyway? I have no idea who or what to believe any more and I'm tired of listening to the heartfelt stories, half of which are usually lies, but which half?

I just can't seem to feel involved in a situation that appears to have been "photoshopped" in one way or another for an endless decade or more, can't seem to make myself believe this is going to have a whole lot of impact on anything in the long run, and don't appreciate the "official" attempts to jerk my loyalties and emotions one way or another over and over and over. The endless spin basically making me want to say "let me sit down, this is making me sick." I'm not relieved, I'm nauseous at the potential of this being yet another propaganda parade I'm expected to participate in as an "involved" American, wrenching my guts so that I utter a relieved bark of joy at the prospect of more death. Not that I'm saying it is propaganda ... I'm saying "Enough already."

I agree, for those personally affected by 9/11, if this gives them closure then something positive has come of it. Beyond that ...

5-2-11, 4:00pm
I agree.

This won't fundamentally change anything. The whole *point* of Al Qaeda is that it is a distrubuted *network* of "open source warfare"/4GW players, with no real formal hierarchical command and control structure to target and destroy. Kill Obama, and a dozen other leaders step forward, without any need of cooperation or communication.
Now Now!! >8)

5-2-11, 4:03pm
I agree, for those personally affected by 9/11, if this gives them closure then something positive has come of it. Beyond that ...
I don't know about you, but I've always felt that we were all personally affected by 9/11.

5-2-11, 4:06pm
Now Now!! >8)

Stupid iPad

5-2-11, 4:11pm
Stupid iPad

I feel for you. My last Blackberry used to post the silliest things on Facebook. Finally had to pitch it.

5-2-11, 4:14pm
I don't know about you, but I've always felt that we were all personally affected by 9/11. I was appalled and depressed by it, but I didn't lose a loved one. My response was a feeling of sorrow for the victims but also of sorrow for us *all* - the whole world - that we can't seem to learn how to live without hatred and retribution nad conquest as our primary motivators. I was one of the weirdos who didn't ask for revenge, just ... peace. Let it end with US, so to speak. What "I" got was ten years of war. And now this, the coup de grace of primitive victory for one side and most likely the revenge-inciting fuel for the other. And frankly, who knows whether it's true or just a convenient platter for another serving of revenge/justification. After all, if this incites "them" to riot, it incites "us" to fight back, which we appear to have more passion for than anything else. To Arms, To Arms, is there a more exciting cry? I'd like a new planet, please.

ETA: thank goodness for your ipad, then.

5-2-11, 4:14pm
I feel for you. My last Blackberry used to post the silliest things on Facebook. Finally had to pitch it.

The most irritating thing is it wants to autocapitalize the first letter you type after a period. Of course, my hands have been programmed for decades to hit Shift, so I end up with uncapitalized letters leading off each sentence.

5-2-11, 4:20pm
The most irritating thing is it wants to autocapitalize the first letter you type after a period. Of course, my hands have been programmed for decades to hit Shift, so I end up with uncapitalized letters leading off each sentence.
It's those little quirky things that have forced my wife to relegate her iPad to use as a digital reader. Sort of an overpriced Nook.

5-2-11, 4:43pm
I am with kib on this one - I don't know who or what to believe anymore. As Oprah says, all I really know for sure, is that life as a human is eternally absurd. We continue to kill one another ad infinitum. If there is a heaven, perhaps it is a place where no such thought even exists.

5-2-11, 6:03pm
I am with kib on this one - I don't know who or what to believe anymore. As Oprah says, all I really know for sure, is that life as a human is eternally absurd. We continue to kill one another ad infinitum. If there is a heaven, perhaps it is a place where no such thought even exists.

but sometimes we need to kill. the fact of being an animal means killing.

if any situation ever warranted the death sentence, it is this one.

iris lily
5-2-11, 9:12pm
I agree.

This won't fundamentally change anything. The whole *point* of Al Qaeda is that it is a distrubuted *network* of "open source warfare"/4GW players, with no real formal hierarchical command and control structure to target and destroy. Kill Osama, and a dozen other leaders step forward, without any need of cooperation or communication.

ya but Osama was a particularly effective leader. Oor perhaps he was just damned lucky. Who has pulled off a stink like 9/11 since Osama? No one, that's who.

5-2-11, 9:42pm
He needed to go, but I fear we have just cut the head off the hydra.

5-2-11, 10:01pm
He needed to go, but I fear we have just cut the head off the hydra.
Maybe not. It's been reported that the Seals retrieved "a mother lode" of data from the compound. Using this, maybe instead of having two heads grow back for every one cut off, we could do a Hercules on them and torch them all at once.

5-2-11, 11:11pm
Sorry, for being late in seeing and replying to this thread. Phew to this, but I'm still scared as well because of the unknown fear in my eyes.

5-3-11, 12:22am
Rodger, that link was hilarious!

I can't say I was emotionally affected much one way or another by the announcement. Dancing in the streets is a bit much, IMO, but probably to be expected from a segment of the population. I've just started Krakauer's book on the whole Pat Tillman thing, and he goes over how the US was very instrumental in Osama's rise to power and influence. I wonder who we'll be hating in 30 years that is currently on the receiving end of US largess...

5-3-11, 1:19am
Alas, it appears that h*ll did NOT freeze over. Please ignore my earlier post about Rush Limbaugh actually complimenting the President. It turns out that it was meant sarcastically, and was mocking the President, although many, including myself, thought him serious, and actually were surprised that he dropped his usual ugliness, and came together as just another American, and was sincere in his comments.

More fool me, I guess......sorry.

5-3-11, 1:57am
I agree that dancing in the streets is a bit much, and I don't see any reason to rejoice in his death. It should be a sober moment, the ending of even such a life as his. That said, bin Laden had become more symbol than man, larger than life, and our inability to catch the man who repeatedly brought blood and death to our country, right onto our shores, reduced not only the perception of our military might and will, but also our ability to pursue non-military options. We vowed after the first WTC bombing to bring him to justice, then let him go. He brought an act of war right into our greatest city, and boasted of it, and it seemed we could do nothing. Why listen to anything but our guns? Should the world be more adult, more civilized? Absolutely. But sometimes, monsters have to die. Until the symbol was removed, by our hand, our ability to take a higher road was hampered. We not only did it, we did it the hard way, surgically and personally, with minimum casualties.

Keep in mind, there's dancing in the streets in many places in the Muslim world today as well. bin Laden killed as many Muslims as non-Muslims, and in the eyes of many of the faithful he defiled their faith with his violent extremism. There's a sense of relief in many places in the world. Yes, there will be violent reactions. Or at least, actions that were already in planning will have his name stuck on them.

Obama strikes me as a pretty cool customer, and not much of a gambler. The stakes are too high for this to reasonably be a fake, at least in the gross facts. (And no, I don't believe in the Tooth Fairy too.) I doubt Obama has any illusions right now about how carefully this announcement will be scrutinized and how vigorously and tirelessly it will be challenged. If he just wanted a political boost, he'd have been better off to periodically come "close" to capturing bin Laden with a few dramatic near misses, and make dang sure he didn't actually have to deal with him.

5-3-11, 7:54am
Alas, it appears that h*ll did NOT freeze over. Please ignore my earlier post about Rush Limbaugh actually complimenting the President. It turns out that it was meant sarcastically, and was mocking the President, although many, including myself, thought him serious, and actually were surprised that he dropped his usual ugliness, and came together as just another American, and was sincere in his comments.

More fool me, I guess......sorry.

I'm not a Glen Beck watcher, but I did flip over there last night for a second.
He had installed a 'Red Phone' for yesterday only, so the President could call Glen and Glen would congratulate him.
Glen did emphasize it was a one day offer though.

...... what a pompous ass! :moon:

I am so proud of our military and intelligence agencies right now for this successful mission. And to President Obama for this weighty, risky decision.

The Storyteller
5-3-11, 9:49am
It's true, even in here there are those that choose to not blindly accept every bit of information from the government as factual.

Healthy skepticism of our government is a good thing. But tin-foil-hat-black-helicopter-second-shooter-area-51-moon-landing-was-fake nonsense, not so much, except as a fun parlor game.

I think Al Queda was on the ropes, and this pretty much breaks its back. There will no doubt be regional factions that are somewhat successful, and the death throws of the international system will probably a thing to watch out for, but overall it is dead as a serious threat to world peace.

As to mourning even the death of this murderer... I can't get there. Not only did he kill, but he was continuing to kill, using other people as his weapons. So, it isn't just the vengeance thing for me (although there is that), it is all the lives that would have been lost had he continued to live.

I read one report that said he tried to use one of his wives as a shield during the attack, costing her life as well. Coward to the last.

I'm glad he is dead.

5-3-11, 10:03am
Stupid iPad

Whew, reading down the thread I thought for a minute it was something more Freudian.

5-3-11, 10:17am
Healthy skepticism of our government is a good thing. But tin-foil-hat-black-helicopter-second-shooter-area-51-moon-landing-was-fake nonsense, not so much, except as a fun parlor game.

I think Al Queda was on the ropes, and this pretty much breaks its back. There will no doubt be regional factions that are somewhat successful, and the death throws of the international system will probably a thing to watch out for, but overall it is dead as a serious threat to world peace.

As to mourning even the death of this murderer... I can't get there. Not only did he kill, but he was continuing to kill, using other people as his weapons. So, it isn't just the vengeance thing for me (although there is that), it is all the lives that would have been lost had he continued to live.

I read one report that said he tried to use one of his wives as a shield during the attack, costing her life as well. Coward to the last.

I'm glad he is dead.

I agree re. parlor games. The conspiracy theories here hold even less water than usual. If bin Laden has been dead for years and this is a fake, who really cares? If this was a real operation and a success, great, now lets get back to work. The only place a conspiracy could go is that this was a fake and bin Laden is still running around in the hills somewhere. Then what? Will he 'rise from the dead' in 3 days? Forget Mohammad, he can be Jesus! No, no... I just can't imagine our President is stupid enough to ever risk that happening.

I have a hard time getting myself to say "I'm glad he's dead", but its pretty easy for me to think the world is a better place without him. I won't be dancing for the death of a coward, I have better things to do with my time.

5-3-11, 10:47am
Whew, reading down the thread I thought for a minute it was something more Freudian.

That you would think such a thing is, well, ....

Good day to you.

5-3-11, 11:19am
This was timed nicely to take attention away from the exposure of the Adobe-layered long form birth cert.

I think the real conspiracy was that Obama timed this to eclipse the end of Celebrity Apprentice and trump Trump. OMG, I can't believe I had to wait a day to find out who got fired. I think Obama should have looked in the camera and said,

"Osama--you're fired!"

5-3-11, 3:01pm
I think the real conspiracy was that Obama timed this to eclipse the end of Celebrity Apprentice and trump Trump. OMG, I can't believe I had to wait a day to find out who got fired. I think Obama should have looked in the camera and said,

"Osama--you're fired!"

LOL!! I never watch the apprentice but did tune to that channel waiting for the Pres to make his speech that night just to see if he would preempt the show - he did!! Perfect timing! :cool:


5-3-11, 3:21pm
I would not celebrate any death but, and I do understand people being glad he is gone.
Now a question, and hoping not to insult most of the board but,
is anybody considering that they wen't into yet another country uninvited? Granted I realized they were harbouring him?
Just I thought, sitting here as your neighour...

5-3-11, 3:37pm
I think the U.S. was thinking that it was mighty strange that the Pakistani government didn't know that Bin Laden was living right under their noses.......so they probably felt that they couldn't trust anyone. I'm guessing they feared if they shared what was going to happen......Bin Laden would have mysteriously vanished.
I heard that the U.S. forces almost got attacked by the Pakistani forces, since the latter forces had no idea what was going on. That would have been a bummer.
I suppose Pakistan couldn't get too upset........maybe even got caught with their pants down......since they supposedly didn't know Bin Laden was living there.
(A huge fortified compound in the middle of a residential area?????) Makes you wonder who really knew what.

Dharma Bum
5-3-11, 4:17pm
The most irritating thing is it wants to autocapitalize the first letter you type after a period. Of course, my hands have been programmed for decades to hit Shift, so I end up with uncapitalized letters leading off each sentence.

You can turn that off.

5-3-11, 5:23pm
I do know it is likely that they knew he was there....
But, do you really believe you would accept it as right if someone wanted in another country was hiding in your country and
they invaded you to retrieve that person.
Your country, like ours and theirs are very large, we often can't even find our own criminals when they are hiding right under our noses in our own countries. Dangerous criminals have been at large for years in all countries.

5-3-11, 5:23pm
You can turn that off.

You have our gratitude! Following up on your comment, I just found all sorts of switches to turn off the Apple Typing Nanny!


The Storyteller
5-3-11, 6:55pm
We did warn them once when we were going to use their airspace to hit a bin Laden training compound in th 90s while the dude was there. Security forces in Pakistan gave bin a heads up and he hightailed it.

Had we not asked, that would have not taken place and our cruise missiles would have taken him out. There never would have been a 9/11.

Warning the Pakistanis would have been huge mistake.

iris lily
5-3-11, 9:22pm
I think the real conspiracy was that Obama timed this to eclipse the end of Celebrity Apprentice and trump Trump. OMG, I can't believe I had to wait a day to find out who got fired. I think Obama should have looked in the camera and said,

"Osama--you're fired!"

ha ha ha that would have been hilarious!

iris lily
5-3-11, 9:26pm
I'm not a Glen Beck watcher, but I did flip over there last night for a second.
He had installed a 'Red Phone' for yesterday only, so the President could call Glen and Glen would congratulate him.
Glen did emphasize it was a one day offer though.

...... what a pompous ass! :moon:

I think Glen Beck is stupid, but that which you related was funny, that Glen is waiting for a call from the President so that he can Congratulate Mr. Obama It's funny as long as I don't have to watch him perform it.

5-3-11, 9:32pm
Good news, indeed. Neat to see the crowds starting to gather outside the White House, etc.

Makes one realize what a good "poker face" the President is capable of assuming, since apparently this operation was upcoming for awhile. So while the President was laughing and joking at the White House Correspondents Dinner, he was sitting on the secret that this was coming.

I think we may have lowered the bar much too far if we're going to give credit for that. Maintaining that "poker face" was the very least we should expect of our President.

5-3-11, 10:53pm
Originally Posted by loosechickens
Good news, indeed. Neat to see the crowds starting to gather outside the White House, etc.

Makes one realize what a good "poker face" the President is capable of assuming, since apparently this operation was upcoming for awhile. So while the President was laughing and joking at the White House Correspondents Dinner, he was sitting on the secret that this was coming.

I think we may have lowered the bar much too far if we're going to give credit for that. Maintaining that "poker face" was the very least we should expect of our President. (Alan)

Well, it isn't a major measure of the credit I give him, but to have given the order for this operation, knowing that it was a matter of literally hours until it happened, and be able to pull of that relaxed demeanor, does tell me I wouldn't want to play poker with the guy.

Perhaps you'd prefer that somewhat mentally challenged, thousand yard blank stare that afflicted President Bush for seven long minutes after he was informed of the attacks of 9/11? You're right, perhaps the bar was pretty low already. '

iris lily
5-3-11, 11:25pm
Originally Posted by loosechickens
Good news, indeed. Neat to see the crowds starting to gather outside the White House, etc.

Makes one realize what a good "poker face" the President is capable of assuming, since apparently this operation was upcoming for awhile. So while the President was laughing and joking at the White House Correspondents Dinner, he was sitting on the secret that this was coming.

I think we may have lowered the bar much too far if we're going to give credit for that. Maintaining that "poker face" was the very least we should expect of our President. (Alan)

Well, it isn't a major measure of the credit I give him, but to have given the order for this operation, knowing that it was a matter of literally hours until it happened, and be able to pull of that relaxed demeanor, does tell me I wouldn't want to play poker with the guy.

Perhaps you'd prefer that somewhat mentally challenged, thousand yard blank stare that afflicted President Bush for seven long minutes after he was informed of the attacks of 9/11? You're right, perhaps the bar was pretty low already. '

Mentally challenged now.

oh, please.

5-4-11, 6:53am
I was certainly blank for at least seven minutes as 9/11 was unfolding. If that makes me mentally challenged I should just go sign up for some aid program and let someone else take care of me for a while.

5-4-11, 7:58am
Perhaps you'd prefer that somewhat mentally challenged, thousand yard blank stare that afflicted President Bush for seven long minutes after he was informed of the attacks of 9/11? You're right, perhaps the bar was pretty low already. '
Mentally challanged? Wow! Thanks for being consistent Loosie. I was afraid we'd lost the old you as the forums transitioned from the old to the new.:+1:

Let's hope no other president has to ever hear news of such monumental importance and national significance while under the watchful eye of live TV cameras and a room full of children.

And let's continue to have an expectation that president's won't become so giddy at knowing a secret that they just can't control themselves. The country deserves nothing less.

Edited to add: For a different perspective from some of the kids and their principal, who were in the room during that "thousand yard blank stare that afflicted President Bush for seven long minutes", check out yesterday's Time magazine story (http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2069327-1,00.html).

5-4-11, 8:25am
I was certainly blank for at least seven minutes as 9/11 was unfolding. If that makes me mentally challenged I should just go sign up for some aid program and let someone else take care of me for a while.

Well, at least his aids had the presence of mind to inform him of it, inform him again, then whisper in his ear to 'get off your butt and do something presidential!'
Have you ever timed 7 minutes? I mean, just sit and watch the clock as 7 minutes passes. You will be amazed at how very long that truly is.
Of course we were all shocked and stunned. But we weren't pretending to be the President of the United States, now were we. I guess the bar was pretty low when we only expected of our president the capabilities of the average joe. Despite this trend of 'vote for me cause I'm stupid and common and just like you', some of us realize we need a President who is very very smart, and maybe not just like us.

5-4-11, 9:14am
Wow, how little it takes to bring out the stings and barbs from both sides!
How about if we start to think like diplomats who have to make a cordial peace and find some common ground? This comment is triggered by an article in the Christian Science Monitor I was just reading about the challenges that all the countries (US, NATO, Pakistan, Turkey and the Afghan tribes) face in working out the introductory basics of a peace initiative in Afghanistan. This improves the protection of the lives of our soldiers and citizens.

iris lily
5-4-11, 10:17am
..And let's continue to have an expectation that president's won't become so giddy at knowing a secret that they just can't control themselves. The country deserves nothing less.

You are missing the real point, Alan my friend. It's that the Prez is so cool. He's so hip. We want to hang out with him and smoke a cigarette and bask in his cool, calm, leader demeanor. We admire him so much because he's cool and yes he will not spill beans even if they are Really Big Beans. See, he's just so cool.

5-4-11, 10:25am
You are missing the real point, Alan my friend. It's that the Prez is so cool. He's so hip. We want to hang out with him and smoke a cigarette and bask in his cool, calm, leader demeanor. We admire him so much because he's cool and yes he will not spill beans even if they are Really Big Beans. See, he's just so cool.
I think you're on to something there Iris.


For the first time in eight years, we Americans have a president who is cool. It starts with the Ray-Bans. Ray-Bans are the ultimate cool sunglass brand, evoking memories of the John F. Kennedy presidency, of sunny cruises off Cape Cod on his sloop Victura, with the tame photographers from Life magazine in tow.
Obama wears cool suits, too: plain blue, wool, two-button affairs from Hartmarx. Even the $1,500 price point is cool. It doesn't say, "I'm in the pocket of insurance pirates AIG" - those are $5,000 suits. But it doesn't say "Men's Wearhouse" either. Why pretend? Who wants a Ford Focus president? Make mine a Lincoln.

5-4-11, 10:54am
President Obama has class, integrity, Intelligence and a good sense of humor. He is also a great speaker. The more I see of him the more I respect him and trust him. :) I think we are very fortunate to have him as a role model for America. His demeanor make his detractors seem juvenile. I suspect he will be hard to beat for a second term.

Oh and BTW - he really is cool! I wish he would invite Lady GaGa to the White House!!!


5-4-11, 1:45pm
Remarking to the doctors about to cut out an assassin’s bullet, “I hope you guys are Republicans” is cool. Whining like a petulant teenager about the “mess I inherited” is not.

Ella Fitzgerald is cool. Lady Gaga is not.

5-4-11, 2:02pm
I gotta side with LDAHL on this one, especially after bringing Ella Fitzgerald into it. Ubercool. Oh sure Ray Bans are also cool, but if wearing them were all it takes then I would be cool. I'm not. Sigh. I do have to agree with Zig on at least a couple points, Mr. Obama is a great speaker and will be hard to beat in 2012 (although I think Zig and I would cite different reasons for that).

5-4-11, 2:06pm
Obama doesn't come near the bar for "cool"...


5-4-11, 2:25pm
Admittedly Roosevelt is/was cool (both of them). :)

Teddy's leadership on conservationism is a legacy that is sadly missed today - ""The conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life," he told Congress in 1907. "


5-4-11, 3:21pm
Admittedly Roosevelt is/was cool (both of them). :)

Teddy's leadership on conservationism is a legacy that is sadly missed today - ""The conservation of our natural resources and their proper use constitute the fundamental problem which underlies almost every other problem of our national life," he told Congress in 1907. "


Forget those needy showboaters who lived for the approval of the masses. Cool comes from character, not surface gloss. That’s why Calvin Coolidge deserves consideration for coolest chief executive. He said what he thought without regard to how it would play with the chattering classes. Can you imagine Mr. Hope & Change’s speechwriters putting any of the following on his teleprompter?

Civilization and profit go hand in hand.

Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.

Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.

Duty is not collective; it is personal.

Four-fifths of all our troubles would disappear, if we would only sit down and keep still.

I have never been hurt by what I have not said.

The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.

There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no one independence quite so important, as living within your means.

Ultimately property rights and personal rights are the same thing.

I do not choose to run for President in 1928.