View Full Version : Being recruited by Unification Church member

5-25-17, 1:16pm
Just did some net research and discovered a very friendly woman I met recently is a member of the Unification Church.

We're getting together tomorrow for a bike ride. Last time we met, she told me she wanted to talk with me about her religion. This should be interesting as I'm an avid, long-standing agnostic/Buddhist/Pagan/Jew who follows no religious/spiritual path other than the Golden Rule.

Ever had any experience with the Unification Church?? Rev. Moon was quite a fellow (from my research) -- not someone I would care to emulate or whose teachings I would follow. For one, he had some harsh words about gay people -- and seemed to have believed he was the Messiah...

5-25-17, 1:27pm
Gosh, I remember the "Moonies" well--I lived right across the street from his headquarters in Irvington, NY between 1974 and 1976.

If your "friend" is inviting you to learn about her religion, that's all well and good, but I would say run if she has any ulterior motives. I think your spiritual life as an "agnostic/Buddhist/Pagan/Jew who follows no religious/spiritual path other than the Golden Rule" needs no tampering with. Spoken as a "Christian/Buddhist/Pagan/who follows no religious/spiritual path other than the Golden Rule."

5-25-17, 1:31pm
Why would you wish to get involved in such nonsense?

Float On
5-25-17, 1:35pm
The only thing I know about Unification church was a friend of our's brother was married to one of Rev Moon's personal chefs in one of those big group weddings they did. I believe they met on their wedding day.

5-25-17, 2:14pm
I'd be inclined to give her the stiff arm rather than listen to an afternoon's worth of blather, unless you like a good argument. My mother used to engage the various holy rollers who came to the door all the time.

5-25-17, 2:19pm
I'd be inclined to give her the stiff arm rather than listen to an afternoon's worth of blather, unless you like a good argument. My mother used to engage the various holy rollers who came to the door all the time.

I have become tight with the Jehovah Witnesses who come to my door. I enjoy speaking with them and they don't overstep their welcome. You can learn something from everybody. I have no intention of going to a Jehovah Witness service, however.

5-25-17, 4:30pm
Why would you wish to get involved in such nonsense?

Won't be getting involved. Just discovered her affiliation today through Google sleuthing. But I am curious about how she will "try" to recruit me. I'm committed to my life-long agnosticism and am very strongly opposed to dogma and brain-washing. My spirituality is best served in a Redwood grove.

Teacher Terry
5-25-17, 4:33pm
i think your friend bringing it up is a bad sign. If I want to know about someone's religion I will ask. We had 2 JW's coming over every week after we semi-retired. I would get up, answer door, dogs would all go crazy etc. We had a bunch of other people come to the door too selling crap, etc. So I bought a huge Grumpy Cat giving his middle paw and it says "no solicitors." On the rare occasion that someone knocks I ask them if they can't read or if they are just stupid?!thumbsup!

Sad Eyed Lady
5-25-17, 5:42pm
I didn't know "the Moonies" were still around.

5-25-17, 6:18pm
My brother dealt with some as customers of his business. They did not try to recruit him, unless giving him free cases of Ginseng Up was a subtle attempt at that.

5-26-17, 9:39am
Just did some net research and discovered a very friendly woman I met recently is a member of the Unification Church.

We're getting together tomorrow for a bike ride. Last time we met, she told me she wanted to talk with me about her religion. This should be interesting as I'm an avid, long-standing agnostic/Buddhist/Pagan/Jew who follows no religious/spiritual path other than the Golden Rule.

Ever had any experience with the Unification Church?? Rev. Moon was quite a fellow (from my research) -- not someone I would care to emulate or whose teachings I would follow. For one, he had some harsh words about gay people -- and seemed to have believed he was the Messiah...

it may be a simple invitation and I would not listen to much more than that.

You know we think it is good manners to invite all newcomers to the area to church.

And I was surprised that some people take offense.

We have the Mormons on their bicycles, black pants and white shirts.

If you let them in, you will be listening until you throw them out.

I do not answer the door anymore.

5-26-17, 11:12am
Yeah--I'd be a pariah in the South in short order. :~)

5-26-17, 1:10pm
Yeah--I'd be a pariah in the South in short order. :~)

Not necessarily, Jane. We've found quite a few free thinkers here in the Southeast after our move from CA. And after an initial invite to their church (from those who do follow an organized religion), we've found there is no further discussion of the topic.

Have been asked, though, a couple of times, whether I've been "saved." I answer with an enthusiastic affirmative and the questioner departs satisfied with only a comment for me to "have a blessed day." That's fine with me. Who, after all, doesn't want a blessed day? lol

Teacher Terry
5-26-17, 2:20pm
Before I bought the sign I had thought about just not answering the door but occasionally the neighbor kids ball ends up in our yard and they ring the bell to ask to get it. Mr. Grumpy cat works 99% of the time. The other 1% is sorry they ignored the sign by the time I am done with them.

5-26-17, 5:07pm
Signs don't seem to work. I have 4 dogs, One bites, One is just bark, one is yappy and one is 80 pound rott mixed. I do not want anyone knocking on my doors. I put signs up and no good. I feel If I did not invite someone then they are not welcome. My neighbors always text or call first as they know my mutts.

It is a different world today vs 50 years ago. I tell my elderly dad this all the time. DO not answer the door if you did not invite someone dad, does he listen nope. He feels the tiny screen door will be enough between him and them.

5-26-17, 5:25pm
I've never had a problem answering the door when the religious people come by a few times a year. They usually respect a calm, not interested-no desire to talk-close the door. It's a little different story with sales people who can be rude and persistent.

5-26-17, 5:39pm
My DH has a unique way of handling uninvited salespeople or telephone calls. He talks gibberish to them. I have to say the first time he did it he had me rolling on the floor laughing. The callers don't know what to make of this guy who answers all of their questions with "Whahn? Oonh ahn!" They quickly hang up. Works like a charm.

Teacher Terry
5-26-17, 6:02pm
My sign is to big you can see it from the sidewalk. Also the fact that Grumpy cat is giving them the finger probably helps. I rarely have anyone ring the bell.