View Full Version : Forum Financial Update - June 1st 2016 to June 1st 2017

6-2-17, 9:15pm
It's been a year since my last update. During that time our expenses have included 2 bi-annual hosting payments of $188.73 each, paid on December 1st, 2016 and June 1st, 2017, and one annual DNS Management Fee of $25.00.

Member donations have covered these expenses and the site's PayPal account has a current balance of $28.57, with no anticipated additional expenses till December 1st, 2017.

We began that period with a balance of approximately $135.00 and have received donations in the amount of $305.49

Many thanks to the members who have made this possible.

iris lilies
6-3-17, 1:32am
Thanks for the update, Alan. Thanks for steering the ship.

Teacher Terry
6-3-17, 1:35pm
Alan, we appreciate the work that you do to keep this site going:))

6-3-17, 1:41pm
Alan, we appreciate the work that you do to keep this site going:))

As well as paying all our entitlements our of pocket--what a guy! :~)