View Full Version : Back from a long break!

6-13-17, 10:37pm

I haven't been on this forum in almost 6 years. I originally was on the forum that this forum was converted from after reading Your Money or Your Life back in 2004-5ish. Does anyone still discuss some of the concepts from that book or try to apply them? It's good to be back. There are several reasons I haven't been on here, from raising kids to going back to work full-time. I had an email from the forum to wish me a happy bday and instantly, had good memories of the lessons I learned from the previous forum. Glad this forum is still here!!

6-14-17, 5:16am
Welcome back. And I do see references to that book still.

iris lilies
6-14-17, 9:34am
Hi rerun!
start a discussion about an aspect of YMOYL. We will join in.most of us had read it.

6-20-17, 8:54am
Welcome Back!
I still follow some of the concept of the book...but, maybe should give it a reread.