View Full Version : question for ebay sellers

6-25-17, 11:03am
I am thinking of selling some china on ebay. For those of you who sell or buy china on ebay, is it preferable to sell by the piece or a set? I have 5 dinner dishes, for example, of a mid century modern pattern.

6-25-17, 11:19am
I do sell occasionally on eBay, but not china. However, I've looked for china on eBay, and it's usually for replacement pieces. I think you have the best flexibility to list it by the piece and then state how many you have available. That way people will buy 1 or 5.

(post a picture--my DD LOVES mid-century modern)

6-25-17, 11:36am
The dinner plates are Canonsburg Butterscotch from 1967 and look like this:


also want to try selling Metlox Margarita salad plates which look like this:


I think you are right about selling piece by piece, and its a whole lot easier to package, too-- time to try this instead of thinking about trying it.
I like the 70's china right now!

6-25-17, 11:41am
I think they're great! We had a Mikasa pattern with those same "harvest gold" tones and big flowers. I should have kept them!

6-25-17, 11:41am
speaking of old china patterns, my son showed me that show The Americans about the Russian spies and all I could see was the Midwinter Autumn china they were using:
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.vnCO2UF1bbzGWwck097L2wEsDI&w=151&h=105&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&dpr=1.25&pid=3.1&rm=2 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=midwinter+autumn&id=DF5F47D3D26DDB88756416A9D31D67401DBEC9B7&FORM=IQFRBA)

I confess I collect Midwinter-- it is awesome in all the Eve Midwinter patterns!

6-25-17, 11:48am
Speaking of mid-century modern: Take a look at the cover shot on this not-very-flattering article about worst home decor.

When we moved in in 1985, we moved in with that exact green mural on our dining room wall. We didn't remove it for years.


And my kitchen looked almost exactly like the first one. in the article


I love how "ugly" and "worst decor" describes the home I raised my family in! Anyway, we eventually divested the shag carpet, harvest gold appliances, and teapot wallpaper.

iris lilies
6-25-17, 12:30pm
speaking of old china patterns, my son showed me that show The Americans about the Russian spies and all I could see was the Midwinter Autumn china they were using:
https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.vnCO2UF1bbzGWwck097L2wEsDI&w=151&h=105&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&dpr=1.25&pid=3.1&rm=2 (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=midwinter+autumn&id=DF5F47D3D26DDB88756416A9D31D67401DBEC9B7&FORM=IQFRBA)

I confess I collect Midwinter-- it is awesome in all the Eve Midwinter patterns!
oh, super cool! I love poppies. i will have to look for that dinnerware on The Americans.

I am not evolved enough to appreciate 70's stuff, it still looks out dated to me, but I know it will soon be very fashionable, much like the 60's stuff that is so hot. I do like 60's ranches and all that go with them.

6-25-17, 1:56pm
Catherine, to be in not one but two "worst house photos"--its both funny and disheartening.
IL, you are right about evolution--I am not there yet with those kitchen pictures, for example. Here is some of the Midwinter china I have and collect-- its the color scheme of the bad kitchens:
Midwinter Sun

Midwinter Nasturtium

not sure why I have been drawn to these lately!

6-25-17, 5:19pm
I love that Midwinter sun pattern. It takes me back to the 70's. I'm suddenly feeling very nostalgic about decorating my first apartment back in '75.

6-25-17, 8:16pm
I love that Midwinter sun pattern. It takes me back to the 70's. I'm suddenly feeling very nostalgic about decorating my first apartment back in '75.

I know, Simplemind, it takes me back to a happy time!