View Full Version : When minority ideologies collide

iris lilies
6-28-17, 9:22am
Its always entertaining to me when one victim group climbs on top of another victim group for ascendency of the victim mountain.

Our local gay Pride parade featured the popular Balloon Brigade. Their float included the flags of many trod-upon groups but oops, also included the flag for "blue lives matter." Here in Michael Brown country that is VERBOTEN!!!


I guess gay police officers dont exist. Well then, ok.

p.s. According to comments at end of article, lesbians carrying an Israeli flag were not welcome, either. There is tolerence only for certain ideologies in the group that preaches tolerence.

6-28-17, 9:41am
This is definitely the attitude in the social work classes I have been attending this year.

Some animals are more equal than others.

Chicken lady
6-28-17, 9:43am
One of my favorites:

“He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic , rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In !

From the poem " Outwitted”
― Edwin Markham (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/179023.Edwin_Markham)
tags: friend (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/friend), heretic (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/heretic), love (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/love), poem (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/poem), rebel (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/rebel), wit (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/wit)

6-28-17, 10:04am
Wait, so police officers are a minority group now?

6-28-17, 10:05am
Some animals are more equal than others.

Indeed. The ability to get away with murdering someone simply by saying "I was afraid for my life" is pretty darn equal.

6-28-17, 10:49am
Indeed. The ability to get away with murdering someone simply by saying "I was afraid for my life" is pretty darn equal.

No, that is not what I was referring to at social work school. I was referring to a director who sent out announcements stating that the school would not observe any holidays.
She then sent out an announcement announcing that Thanksgiving was an abomination because of Pilgrim's treatment of Indians. We had to sit through class where professor trashed my ancestors (at least the Pilgrim ones, I guess she was endorsing my Pamunkey and Cherokee ancestors.)

Then she sent out an announcement explaining what Ramadan was and saying that folks should be allowed to eat in class. We are not allowed to eat in class. But folks observing Ramadan should be allowed to eat in class.
I sent her an email asking why this holiday--not Yom Kippur or Lent, also fasting holidays, and she said it was because the faculty might not know about Ramadan.

Why would they be faculty at a social work school if they did not understand Ramadan? I don't think that's the reason she sent it.

iris lilies
6-28-17, 10:53am
Wait, so police officers are a minority group now?

Gay police officers?

Hey, just wondering, I dont have the moral ascendency to define who gets to count themselves as downtrodden.

jp1 you DO make me laugh, I have to say.:)

6-28-17, 11:00am
Wait, so police officers are a minority group now?

Why not? If we are to divide ourselves into various little tribes based on race, class, real or imagined gender identity, infirmity, fashion choice, historical grievance, zip code, belief or unbelief, why not cops? Let us all boldly air our complaints, demand recognition and recompense and create little identities for ourselves until we slice the salami into three hundred million minorities of one. And woe betide the intolerant fools who would say us nay!

The Angry Man
by Phyllis McGinley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_McGinley) (1905-1978)

The other day I chanced to meet
An angry man upon the street —
A man of wrath, a man of war,
A man who truculently bore
Over his shoulder, like a lance,
A banner labeled “Tolerance.”

And when I asked him why he strode
Thus scowling down the human road,
Scowling, he answered, “I am he
Who champions total liberty —
Intolerance being, ma’am, a state
No tolerant man can tolerate.

“When I meet rogues,” he cried, “who choose
To cherish oppositional views,
Lady, like this, and in this manner,
I lay about me with my banner
Till they cry mercy, ma’am.” His blows
Rained proudly on prospective foes.

Fearful, I turned and left him there
Still muttering, as he thrashed the air,
“Let the Intolerant beware!”

6-28-17, 11:25am
Gay police officers?

Hey, just wondering, I dont have the moral ascendency to define who gets to count themselves as downtrodden.

jp1 you DO make me laugh, I have to say.:)

Well, we'd have to include just about every profession, except hair dressers, fashion designers and perhaps church organists.

I suspect the LGBT Wall Street traders group wouldnt receive a particularly warm welcome either. The LgBT insurance underwriters group would probably just elicit yawns.

The log cabin senators float would probably manage to get some chuckles though, despite the disdain that most people attending pride likely have for them. After all, a float featuring a bathroom stall that say "log cabin republicans" would be hilarious.

Chicken lady
6-28-17, 11:36am
When my dh was in grad school, they had all these minority engineering groups. He wanted to start the society of "white, male, heterosexual graduate engineering students" because there were only four of them. Then he decided that actually, he hated Wayne, so he was going to make it "the society of white, male, heterosexual engineers with facial hair" facial hair wasn't very popular with undergrads back then.

6-28-17, 2:17pm
Indeed. The ability to get away with murdering someone simply by saying "I was afraid for my life" is pretty darn equal.

In truth, in the state of Washington, police have *more* limited ability to use lethal force than private citizens, and the standard isn't merely "I was afraid for my life"...

See RCW 9A.16.040


It doesn't make a good Tweet though.

6-28-17, 2:18pm
p.s. According to comments at end of article, lesbians carrying an Israeli flag were not welcome, either. There is tolerence only for certain ideologies in the group that preaches tolerence.


6-28-17, 2:45pm
In truth, in the state of Washington, police have *more* limited ability to use lethal force than private citizens, and the standard isn't merely "I was afraid for my life"...

See RCW 9A.16.040


It doesn't make a good Tweet though.

Too bad Minnesota and so many other states arent on the same plan.

6-28-17, 3:12pm
Indeed. The ability to get away with murdering someone simply by saying "I was afraid for my life" is pretty darn equal.Yes it is, if we forced everyone to wait until their fears were realized, it would be too late.

6-28-17, 3:16pm

I can see being offended, irked or annoyed by various symbols, but "made to feel unsafe" seems like a bit of a stretch.

Teacher Terry
6-28-17, 3:21pm
The cops here are trigger happy. If I get stopped I roll down my window and keep both my hands on the wheel. When they ask for insurance etc I ask if it is ok for me to open the glove box and wait for an answer. I have never done this in other places I have lived as I wasn't afraid of them.

6-28-17, 4:48pm
One of my favorites:

“He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic , rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In !

From the poem " Outwitted”
― Edwin Markham (http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/179023.Edwin_Markham)
tags: friend (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/friend), heretic (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/heretic), love (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/love), poem (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/poem), rebel (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/rebel), wit (http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/wit)

That's one of my favorite poems, too!!

6-28-17, 4:58pm
I can see being offended, irked or annoyed by various symbols, but "made to feel unsafe" seems like a bit of a stretch.

I remind SJWs I know that you can feel unsafe while actually being quite safe, like in a university classroom. Or you can feel safe while actually being rather unsafe, statistically speaking, like while driving a car drunk.

iris lilies
6-28-17, 9:07pm
I remind SJWs I know that you can feel unsafe while actually being quite safe, like in a university classroom. Or you can feel safe while actually being rather unsafe, statistically speaking, like while driving a car drunk.
Wait, feelings arent facts? Who knew!!!

6-28-17, 9:25pm
As liberal as I am, I think this stuff is laughable. Maybe it's my age showing.

6-28-17, 11:40pm
The cops here are trigger happy. If I get stopped I roll down my window and keep both my hands on the wheel. When they ask for insurance etc I ask if it is ok for me to open the glove box and wait for an answer. I have never done this in other places I have lived as I wasn't afraid of them.

Your fears are obviously unfounded. Everybody knows cops only shoot unarmed African American males just minding their own business. Now when somebody's Caucasian grandma gets pulled over for going too slow on the Interstate, and the cop kicks her walker out from under her as she exits her car and shoots her in the back as she reaches for her bingo dauber.....well then things will change.

6-29-17, 6:26am
I have heard SJWs (in real life) say that there is a massive influx of white supremacists and KKK members joining police forces across America in order to be able to shoot and kill black men with impunity.

6-29-17, 8:49am
I have heard SJWs (in real life) say that there is a massive influx of white supremacists and KKK members joining police forces across America in order to be able to shoot and kill black men with impunity.

We live in a golden age of hate crime hoaxes and false memes.

6-29-17, 8:59am
I have heard SJWs (in real life) say that there is a massive influx of white supremacists and KKK members joining police forces across America in order to be able to shoot and kill black men with impunity.

Well, that would be a huge waste of resources for hate groups. Black men are doing a dandy job of shooting and killing each other with impunity all across America.

It is just as probable that SJWs are becoming teachers so that they can have sexual relations with their underage students. But at least in the meantime, their moral posturing makes them feel self vindicated.

6-29-17, 9:52am
Another thread to ignore due to hyperbole from both sides. Sigh!

6-29-17, 10:37am
Another thread to ignore due to hyperbole from both sides. Sigh!

And yet here you are.

Teacher Terry
6-29-17, 12:49pm
WS: we have had instances here where a middle aged white woman called the cops because her Mom was suicidal. When they arrived she ran out to talk to them and they promptly shot her in the leg and then went inside and killed her elderly Mom. The lady that ran outside did not have a weapon. She did live.

6-29-17, 2:24pm
WS: we have had instances here where a middle aged white woman called the cops because her Mom was suicidal. When they arrived she ran out to talk to them and they promptly shot her in the leg and then went inside and killed her elderly Mom. The lady that ran outside did not have a weapon. She did live.

Truly a tragic circumstance. It should be remembered that the police were not driving around looking for homicide victims. In fact, the only reason they showed up was that they were summoned by people who realized a suicidal woman discharging rounds is a imminent threat to the community. Not every crisis has a good outcome.

Being given the choice between being shot by a suicidal subject and shooting the suicidal subject before he/she can shoot yourself or someone else.....well that's a position you have to be in just once to truly understand what an awful crap sandwich it is and that a choice has to be made in a split second. That a failure to act could result in your death or worse than that ..somebody innocent. And then afterward, you do your best to live with it ....which is just a little better than having been shot yourself. Especially if someone is trying to incarcerate you or sue you for every asset you possess including the house.

But all that aside. What is the justification for using the pejorative "trigger happy" to describe all law enforcement in your area......as if they are all eagerly driving around wanting to shoot somebody? Don't you see anything inflammatory in that?

6-29-17, 3:13pm
WS: we have had instances here where ....

"Instances" - plural.

This has happened more than once in your community?

Teacher Terry
6-29-17, 4:04pm
The mom was holding a gun to her own head and not at the police. No reason to shoot the daughter or mom. This type of crap has happened a lot here. Then one day I see a young man crossing the street and a cop is on the corner and comes up behind him and shoves into a wall. Innocent people who call the police for help end up getting shot here. When I lived in other states I never saw this type of thing.

6-29-17, 4:22pm
The mom was holding a gun to her own head and not at the police. No reason to shoot the daughter or mom. This type of crap has happened a lot here. Then one day I see a young man crossing the street and a cop is on the corner and comes up behind him and shoves into a wall. Innocent people who call the police for help end up getting shot here. When I lived in other states I never saw this type of thing.

I realize that having not been a teacher in a public school system leaves me naive and ignorant about some of the difficulties of that profession and as well, I hope you will realize that your perspective lacks knowledge and experience in the law enforcement realm.

So I will say this. I have on more than "one" occasion confronted a suicidal subject. Some armed with a handgun, some with a long rifle, some with a knife, even a machete and one holding a baby with a carpenters hammer. There is only one thing predictable and that is they are unpredictable.

It takes a skilled negotiator to find common ground and a patient one to wait them out. But sometimes waiting is not an option. Take your finger and point it at your head and then point it away from you in a split second. That is all the longer it takes for a police officer to become a shooting victim. A long rifle is a fearful weapon. There are few places to take cover that will protect you. A knife wielding subject can close the gap in seconds.

I believe the news report I read, if it was Sparks, Nevada.....said the subject had already discharged rounds from her gun. I don't know specifics and only those directly involved in the investigation do. So we should agree that speaking of groups with categorical pejoratives is counterproductive. Like in ...all welfare recipients are lazy. And all cops are trigger happy.

6-29-17, 4:24pm
The mom was holding a gun to her own head and not at the police. No reason to shoot the daughter or mom. This type of crap has happened a lot here. Then one day I see a young man crossing the street and a cop is on the corner and comes up behind him and shoves into a wall. Innocent people who call the police for help end up getting shot here. When I lived in other states I never saw this type of thing.
There's generally a lot more detail in this type of story, detail that is important to understanding. The narrative that police are going around shooting people is silly, although I guess it serves a purpose in some odd, mis-guided way.

Teacher Terry
6-29-17, 4:31pm
I read all the news articles on these types of incidents. The city has been paying out a lot of $ on these incidents after they get sued by the families but it has not seemed to slow it down.

6-29-17, 4:41pm
I read all the news articles on these types of incidents. The city has been paying out a lot of $ on these incidents after they get sued by the families but it has not seemed to slow it down.

Why would it?
Your discussing a lottery phenomenon. No matter if your in the right, the only way to stop it is to tie up people for years, and spend a LOT of money to get to and through a trial stage. If your a victim, you don't have that. If your the city, you know you tie up police, attorney's, city spokesman, etc. etc for a long time and it is cheaper to settle, even when your in the right.
So more who are actually not deserving, get an ambulance chaser to go after the cities.

Teacher Terry
6-29-17, 5:38pm
As a society we have gotten into a vicious cycle. Cops were targeted by nut jobs and killed for no reason. It became a lot more dangerous to pursue this profession. I think they are more on edge because of this and less likely therefore to ask questions first and then shoot. I also think that the job takes a serious toll on people and due to the terrible things they frequently see they become more callous. I also believe that black men are targeted and feared. I know there is a lot of black on black crime too. I doubt that anyone that has received a bunch of $ for losing someone is rejoicing because they are rich. I would rather have my family member.