View Full Version : Autumn

8-30-17, 5:54am
I love fall in New England - the crisp cool mornings for walking, the warm sunny afternoons. Do you do anything to celebrate or enjoy the season? Any rituals like apple picking? I am looking forward to September and October in particular.

8-30-17, 6:07am
It's going to be 100 today. Cannot fathom fall weather:help:

Chicken lady
8-30-17, 6:54am
I pick apples every year and make applesauce. Used to go with the kids so it was an event. Now it's just me getting apples.

the equinox is coming up soon!

8-30-17, 7:36am
Twas a chilly and misty morn here in Columbus, OH.

8-30-17, 9:56am
I hold out hope that we're going to have a Fall. We've had one day of drizzle since sometime in June. It hasn't been unbearable, but I'm glad I don't live where the weather is the same all the time.

Sad Eyed Lady
8-30-17, 10:13am
After a hot, humid summer I am looking forward to some cooler, less humid weather. We have had some drop in temps, but still Summer-ish like weather here. I love Fall, but dread what comes after!

8-30-17, 10:06pm
We had a windstorm for 20 minutes today with gusts up to 67mph. Trees and limbs down all over town. Power outages. Stoplights dead. Traffic snarl at rush hours.

Temp dropped 15 degrees-WIN:cool: at least there was 1 win!

8-31-17, 8:19am
We drive around and look for old abandoned apple trees and collect free apples. I also collect daylily pods to grow daylilies from seed.
Oh, and we stop for cider and doughnuts at farmstands.

8-31-17, 9:11am
I change the spark plug and gas up the snowblower.

Oh, wait, you said "celebrate or enjoy" the season :D

Around here we get to leaf-peep. The riverboat company for which we have our pass cruises until October, which can be an excellent time to float down the Mississippi River looking at beautiful foliage on both banks.

We also get to open the bedroom window at nights and sleep with fresh air rather than conditioned air. There are local apples to eat (the University of Minnesota has created may popular nationally-known varieties of apples and we can get them right from nearby orchards). And I will admit to a certain joy in autumn rituals like putting up lily bulbs for the winter and preserving food grown in backyard gardens.

8-31-17, 10:59am
In Phoenix, Fall means temps less than 100 degrees, plus getting a pumpkin latte at Starbucks. It's not official, and I know I'm pushing it, but it helps define end of summer for me.

8-31-17, 12:18pm
It is the beginning of camping season for us. Kids are back in school so campgrounds are not so crowded. Labor Day, the unofficial end of summer around here, is a turning point for me. I feel a sense of renewal. Freshly pressed cider (the real stuff not preservative-laden store bought cider) is our way of celebrating the beginning of fall. Add a couple of homemade doughnuts to the cider.

Teacher Terry
8-31-17, 12:24pm
WE like to go for a few days to Apple Hill in CA where everything apple related is sold. It is cooler there and really pretty. Lots of vendors, arts and crafts, wineries and breweries to enjoy tasting and sitting outside. Many of the farms participate so it is really big and fun. WE take our RV and go to a park that has a swimming pool and hot tub. Really relaxing and we can take the dogs. We usually go every year.

8-31-17, 12:48pm
Fall is the season of abundance around here so a celebration of apples, squash, pumpkins etc to enjoy. I think that I love each season for its uniqueness especially since I don't need to drive in inclement weather.

8-31-17, 1:36pm
It's going to be 100 today. Cannot fathom fall weather

+1 one holds out hopes than in a month or so one won't be frying alive :~) That is all, of course it comes at the price of S.A.D. and darkness so not the world's greatest tradeoff. I guess I prefer summer, but super hot now.