View Full Version : Looks like Irma is coming

9-5-17, 9:24am
Im starting to put up the hurricane shutters and secure what we can. We are bugging out on Thursday or Friday. Thinking it might be a good time to go on a short vacation, thinking Tennessee.

Got the plane fueled up and ready to go. Last time we had a storm coming the insurance company would have paid to relocate the plane. I didn't go then, just a tropical storm, but I'm calling him today.

9-5-17, 9:48am
Stay safe dmc.

9-5-17, 10:21am
Dont worry about us, we will be hunkered down in Gatlingburg or Knoxville TN. Or somewhere around there, we haven't decided. I just got off the phone with my insurance agent and they will pay up to $1000 on fuel, food, rental cars, and hotel for me to leave. So that makes the decision to leave even easier.

But many stay for one reason or another. Those are the ones we need to be worried about. I offered to take my friends wife and daughter along, my treat, but they won't leave. I'm hopeing they will change their minds, I know he won't, but hopefully they will.

9-5-17, 10:54am
Sounds like you have a good plan. Do you think your house can withstand the winds? Are you close to the water?

9-5-17, 6:57pm
Where I live we have canals that feed into the gulf. The Gulf is a mile or two away. I'm 10' Above sea level. The house was built to the latest hurricane codes, but when all those clay and concrete roof tiles start flying around at 150 mph I'm thinking the shutters are going to get some holes in them.

I guess we will find out. I just renewed my insurance policy and argued to get the value reduced. I'm thinking that may not have been the smartest move today.

Some are leaving, some are staying. We had a hurricane hit here in 2004. Most of the people I've talked to that were here then are leaving.

Ive got a close friend that won't leave, was here during the last hurricane. I've offered to take his wife and daughter with me, my treat, but they won't leave. To worried about the house and boat, I pay insurance to worry about stuff. I don't get it.

We are taking a few prized possessions with us, the Afghan my grandmother made for me, my wife's mothers cookbook, everything else we are putting away the best we can and will deal with it when the storm is over.

9-5-17, 6:58pm
Be safe!

Teacher Terry
9-5-17, 7:36pm
DMC: I agree that things can be replaced but people and pets not so much. I hope your house survives. You guys are smart to get out. I hope your friends change their minds.

9-5-17, 7:40pm
Scary stuff - just saw a picture of the storm online - fortunately it is moving slow enough that everyone can get out of harm's way...

Out here in the west we are burning up - literally. Smoke levels are off the charts here in the Willamette Valley.

9-5-17, 7:54pm
I talked to a friend in Corvallis today; she confirmed that the air quality is horrible there. My partner in Beaverton came out of dialysis this morning to find his car covered in ash. The Seattle area is hazy and the air has a yellowish tint. The Columbia Gorge is ablaze. Evacuations are being mandated east of Portland. Supposedly, there will be rain in Oregon tomorrow.We'll see...

9-5-17, 7:55pm
Not everyone will get out of harm's way. Those that are stupid or think they're invincible will stay, and then wail for emergency services to save them when it's too late.

I have no sympathy for such people. They put emergency services personnel in harm's way because they couldn't be bothered to leave when they should have.

9-5-17, 7:59pm
Dont worry about us, we will be hunkered down in Gatlingburg or Knoxville TN. Or somewhere around there, we haven't decided. I just got off the phone with my insurance agent and they will pay up to $1000 on fuel, food, rental cars, and hotel for me to leave. So that makes the decision to leave even easier.

But many stay for one reason or another. Those are the ones we need to be worried about. I offered to take my friends wife and daughter along, my treat, but they won't leave. I'm hopeing they will change their minds, I know he won't, but hopefully they will.

I don't get it either. Hopefully, they come through the storm OK. Sheesh. Stuff is stuff. Stay safe yourself!

9-5-17, 8:02pm
Safe travels!

9-5-17, 11:19pm
The pace and level of natural disasters lately is just mind boggling to me.....makes me glad to live in Arizona, though here we do have fires most years and some years very bad. This year not so bad -Arizona's usual luck with fires seems to have went elsewhere this year. And it's so crazy for me to see pics of the Columbia Gorge ablaze after I spent five years of my life in Portland, OR - I remember in winters when we would have a cold snap often icy winds would blow over the city from the Columbia Gorge and this is when Portland would get ice -very nasty to drive in and funky for Tri-Met (the transit authority in Portland or at least in the 90's when I was there) buses to tackle. And now the Gorge is ablaze - in OREGON of all places, which to me will be forever green in my memory. Just amazing. Rob

Came back to add: Anyone in Irma's potential path please make wise choices......your life and your pets can't be replaced, most material objects can. And let's hope that Irma decides to be fickle and changes path and doesn't do as much damage as feared.....though even if this were to happen, it looks like Puerto Rico is going to be walloped.

9-6-17, 4:51am
The ones I always worry about are the elders who are mentally and physically unable to leave without help. In Houston, there were flat bottomed boats rescuing wheelchair and bedridden patients from a one floor nursing home with over 2 feet of brown nasty water in it. (and it was not the Dickinson nursing home that had people in wheelchairs waiting in water for someone to help that made it to the media) Or the oxygen dependent or electricity dependent patients at home.

9-6-17, 11:06am
Looks like I'm taking one additional passenger. A college girl is doing her internship here and is looking for a way out. So I can at least do a little good deed. Still planning on leaving Thursday.

iris lilies
9-6-17, 1:44pm
Looks like I'm taking one additional passenger. A college girl is doing her internship here and is looking for a way out. So I can at least do a little good deed. Still planning on leaving Thursday.
Get outta there, dmc! Way to go!

it annoys and irks me no end that dumb humans hang out when thay CAN leave, causing emergency personnel to risk themselves. Screw that.

9-6-17, 2:55pm
I've got the room and car rental set up. Put some extra chlorine in the pool. Should be in the Smokie Mountains tommorow afternoon. Plan on spending a few days there and then head west. One problem they had the last big storm was the power was off for quite a while. I have a generator, but it's not that big. It is quite though, I bought it back when I had a travel trailer.

people are getting a little crazy, they are pissed that the stores have run out of water, and some of the gas stations are out of fuel. We keep some water on hand just because, and I filled up with fuel last week, don't they watch the news?

and tap water won't kill them, start filling up some bottles.

Miss Cellane
9-6-17, 3:12pm
and tap water won't kill them, start filling up some bottles.

Well, they might not have any bottles. The only bottles in my house are the big jugs of water I buy at the supermarket, specifically for the emergency kit. I drink tap water all the time.

My office has a team of 6 people in Florida right now. They flew out Sunday and are scheduled to fly back Saturday. Which I don't think is going to happen. I understand that the company is trying to find other flights out on Thursday, so the team can get as much work done as possible before leaving, but flights are scarce. I don't know why they didn't delay the training in the first place.

I'm dog sitting two dogs for one of my co-workers who is down in Florida. At least she knows I'll take care of them as long as necessary. I'm not sure how the dogs would deal with an extended visit, though. One of them is terrified of my cat. And the cat is taking full advantage of tormenting him.

9-6-17, 8:10pm
On the news tonight they said there were 2 more hurricanes forming in the Atlantic. What's going on?

Also on the news, a lady with a little boy said she was staying put on the coast in Florida because when they built her house, they built it with the new codes. She said the windows are even bullet-proof.
Who would take a chance like that with their child??

9-6-17, 8:37pm
On the news tonight they said there were 2 more hurricanes forming in the Atlantic. What's going on?
Hurricane season.

9-6-17, 8:44pm
It may hit Miami. When I lived in south Florida I remember staying hunkered down one weekend because a controversial court decision was expected with possible riots. Post-hurricane looting would not surprise me.

9-6-17, 9:30pm
Well, they might not have any bottles. The only bottles in my house are the big jugs of water I buy at the supermarket, specifically for the emergency kit. I drink tap water all the time.

My office has a team of 6 people in Florida right now. They flew out Sunday and are scheduled to fly back Saturday. Which I don't think is going to happen. I understand that the company is trying to find other flights out on Thursday, so the team can get as much work done as possible before leaving, but flights are scarce. I don't know why they didn't delay the training in the first place.

I'm dog sitting two dogs for one of my co-workers who is down in Florida. At least she knows I'll take care of them as long as necessary. I'm not sure how the dogs would deal with an extended visit, though. One of them is terrified of my cat. And the cat is taking full advantage of tormenting him.

Fill up every glass on n your house with water. Put some plastic wrap over the top. Use every storage container. Bowls can be filled with water and covered with plastic

9-6-17, 9:33pm
Fill up every glass on n your house with water. Put some plastic wrap over the top. Use every storage container. Bowls can be filled with water and covered with plastic

And don't forget - you probably have a fair bit of water in your hot water heater, and your toilet tanks.

Miss Cellane
9-7-17, 11:28am
Fill up every glass on n your house with water. Put some plastic wrap over the top. Use every storage container. Bowls can be filled with water and covered with plastic

Oh, I know that. But not everyone does. I have some bottled water for drinking in an emergency, and then fill up the bathtub and all the pots and pans with water--the bathtub for flushing the toilet and the pots and pans for cooking and washing and stuff.

One time a hurricane knocked out power on my street--and took down power lines in several places so that no one in a three mile stretch of road could drive off the street--for three days (we were a back road and other power lines servicing greater numbers of people had to be dealt with first). And with no power, the pumps for the wells didn't work. I think there was only one other house besides mine that had enough supplies of food and water and a camping stove to cook on. I had a stack of dirty dishes at the end, because I was being really careful with the water, but that was about the only issue I had. That, and explaining why I couldn't get to work.

9-7-17, 4:49pm
Checked into the motel at Gatlingburg Tn. Got a jeep for a rental car and ready to check the area out.

9-8-17, 10:08pm
Oh, I know that. But not everyone does. I have some bottled water for drinking in an emergency, and then fill up the bathtub and all the pots and pans with water--the bathtub for flushing the toilet and the pots and pans for cooking and washing and stuff.

One time a hurricane knocked out power on my street--and took down power lines in several places so that no one in a three mile stretch of road could drive off the street--for three days (we were a back road and other power lines servicing greater numbers of people had to be dealt with first). And with no power, the pumps for the wells didn't work. I think there was only one other house besides mine that had enough supplies of food and water and a camping stove to cook on. I had a stack of dirty dishes at the end, because I was being really careful with the water, but that was about the only issue I had. That, and explaining why I couldn't get to work.A top loading washer can also be filled.
Probably not drinkable but good for toilets,dishes....

9-11-17, 11:59am
we live 25 miles west of Chattanooga, TN and are amazed at seeing so many FL tags.

I guess most motels just of I-75 on the way North were filled and they just kept driving.

We expect 1-3" rain and gusting wind from the storm.

9-11-17, 2:25pm
We are going to visit the kids, and some friends in St. Louis tomorrow. Looks like the storm was not as bad for us as it was predicted. According to friends who checked out our property, the only damage was screen damage around the pool and lanai enclosure. We even have power. We plan to return later in the week.

Hope everyone else fares well.