View Full Version : We evacuated

9-6-17, 9:36pm
Locked up our house after taking everything inside, put everything we thought we could not replace inside and headed north. What a zoo, even today. Most of my neighbors decided to stick it out. Like Houston, most of Florida has experienced a building boom, in swamps and drainage areas and I fear that could cause even more flooding.
We are around Macon Georgia. Atlanta Motor Speedway is letting people camp there for free. We decided to stay here as we are exhausted. Had to get off 75 x 2 to avoid huge traffic jams. 95 was just as bad. The rest stops, where we switched drivers were jammed. People on the grass parking, a big mess.
We are continuing north to visit family.

I'm really glad we left. They are opening shelters tomorrow for people who can't evacuate. Some people don't have the money or are in poor health.

9-6-17, 9:51pm
Good choice. How blessed you are to have a safe place to go to.

9-6-17, 9:56pm
Glad you got away. It's not worth the risk to stay.

9-6-17, 9:59pm
Glad you went to safety, flowers.

9-6-17, 10:12pm
We are very glad. Before we left I gave my neighbors ten gallons of bottled water I keep for emergencies, one didn't have a weather radio so I left ours with them, and they were greatful.

What was was surprising is how few things we thought were really important.

This morning as as we were finalizing packing we had a big thunderstorm. The streets were flooded. We have had lots of rain and all the drainage ponds are full. Also, I only know one other person besides us who has flood insurance.

Going south there were quite a few emergency vehicles, like utility and bucket trucks to clear trees.

I hope there is as little little damage as possible but I am increasingly fearful as I watch this massive storm.

9-6-17, 10:42pm
Stay safe, and I hope your home dodges damage!

9-6-17, 11:04pm
Where in FL do you live? Just curious, if you boarded up, as it doesn't sound like you did.

Stay safe?

9-7-17, 5:54am
Where in FL do you live? Just curious, if you boarded up, as it doesn't sound like you did.

Stay safe?

inland, 40 miles from the coast. We did not board up. This morning it looks like there is not enough plywood in the country to board up everyone on the path.

9-7-17, 6:12am
Stay safe, and I hope your home dodges damage!

i love my house but I had no emotions leaving it. We are safe and when we got here last night felt so relieved. Off later to some historical site DH is interested in.

9-7-17, 8:33am
I'm glad you're safe, and hope everyone in the storm's path survives this latest wave of extreme weather.

9-7-17, 8:37am
Walking away from your home must be very hard. Be Safe and hoping for miracles!

9-7-17, 8:48am
I worry about those who--for whatever reason--can't leave. Lack of transportation, being elderly and infirm, having nowhere to go...It would be logistically impossible for everyone in the potential impact area to get out, it seems to me. What a nightmare.

9-7-17, 9:35am
jane, I worry about the same population. The old, infirm, on the edge of demenia, without close friends and help. There are more of them than we realize.

9-7-17, 9:40am
Two thumbs up to you for evacuating. And you are right - in these situations you learn how little material things overall mean and what is truly important. Good for you for putting your safety first! Rob

9-7-17, 10:04am
I'm glad to hear you are out and safe. I just cannot imagine having to do that...and worry too about those who have no where to go and no means of getting anywhere safe.

Float On
9-7-17, 10:38am
Glad you are out!

Friends from South Beach Miami it took them 6 hours to go less than 200 miles. They made hotel reservations for last night but were amazed at the amount of people sleeping in their cars in the hotel parking lot. They said traffic was basically a parking lot and gas was running short. They still have 300+ miles to go today to get to Atlanta friend's home. Another friend needed to wait till today to leave South Beach. I'm anxious to hear her tale of travel woes.

9-7-17, 10:40am
They are opening shelters where I live so I think everything that can be done is being done. All over the south there is a lot of poverty and low wages so everyone that can be fully prepared or can get out early should do so and let resources go to those who really need it. We were gassed up and had our shelter in place and evacuation preps done last week.

Teacher Terry
9-7-17, 12:04pm
So glad you got out. At this stage of my life if I had to leave I would take my pets and their stuff and go. Nothing else really that important. It's sad for the older people with limited mobility, etc. Some of the pictures were heartbreaking of people in wheelchairs sitting in water waiting for help.

9-7-17, 12:10pm
So glad you got out. At this stage of my life if I had to leave I would take my pets and their stuff and go. Nothing else really that important.

We live in an area that is at very high risk for wildland fires. If one gets going seriously, there's very little chance of stopping it.

So our plan all along has been to be able to leave the house in <10 minutes during wildfire season, taking only us and the pets. We drill this a few times a year, ideally we manage 5 minutes.

Three years ago I fought a wildland fire that was only 3 lots away from mine, and downhill from our home. It was about 2/3s of acre at its maximum size. (Which sounds small, but in dense forest, it's a bit daunting...) If it had jumped the fire line we established, we would have almost certainly lost our home. While I was working the fire, my wife, daughter, and pets had evacuated. I spent the next several years removing some vegetation from the lower slopes of my lot, and put in some defensive lines, but that'll only buy me a little time if there's a big fire.

9-7-17, 12:21pm
Glad that you got out and have somewhere safe and comfortable to stay. What a scary time for those unable to leave.

9-7-17, 7:28pm
Last update shows 80mph winds forecast at my house. In Virginia with lots of other Forisians. We went a little west once we were out of Florida and had little traffic. Just going a few more hours north to family tomorrow. I am so thankful we left

9-7-17, 7:39pm
Glad you'll be with family! You definitely did the right thing getting out when you did.

9-7-17, 7:42pm
I left Miami today with my kids. My husband refused to leave the house. My father and brother flew down to Miami this morning to accompany me and my three kids up north in my van. I'm so sorry my husband refused to come. I packed only essentials. Looked around at my home and mentally said goodbye. I'm so hoping that my husband stays safe. Most of our shutters were up but DH told me to go and that he'd do the rest. It was really hard to leave him. But I have to think of my kids.

9-7-17, 7:46pm
Stuck inside with kids and no power would definitely be no fun even if nothing worse happened. I'm glad you have family to help you with them at this time.

9-7-17, 7:51pm
I am so worried about the elders and poor. The 96 year old in the following article and her fellow residents wont do well.


9-7-17, 8:15pm
I left Miami today with my kids. My husband refused to leave the house. My father and brother flew down to Miami this morning to accompany me and my three kids up north in my van. I'm so sorry my husband refused to come. I packed only essentials. Looked around at my home and mentally said goodbye. I'm so hoping that my husband stays safe. Most of our shutters were up but DH told me to go and that he'd do the rest. It was really hard to leave him. But I have to think of my kids.

Which evacuation zone were you in? I'm not understanding why your husband refused to leave the house - was he afraid of looting, etc.? I just can't get my mind around it. Hope he stays safe.

9-7-17, 9:44pm
We do not live in one of the two zones that were evacuated. Zones A and B were evacuated. We are in Zone C. DH had more faith in our house than I do. But I have friends who lived through Andrew. I have heard enough of their stories. I hope to God the forecast is wrong bc the center of the cone passes through my area. He says that our house has been through plenty of storms and came through fine. I'm not going to take that chance when I have this option. I have lots of friends who stayed though.

9-7-17, 11:08pm
A friend's daughter and BF lived in Key West and are not evacuating. They are stupid, stupid people. Hurricane warnings have been posted, as well as storm surge warnings for the Keys.

9-8-17, 6:34am
I left Miami today with my kids. My husband refused to leave the house. My father and brother flew down to Miami this morning to accompany me and my three kids up north in my van. I'm so sorry my husband refused to come. I packed only essentials. Looked around at my home and mentally said goodbye. I'm so hoping that my husband stays safe. Most of our shutters were up but DH told me to go and that he'd do the rest. It was really hard to leave him. But I have to think of my kids.
You did the right thing to keep the kids safe. I can't imagine how hard that was.

9-8-17, 6:40am
A friend's daughter and BF lived in Key West and are not evacuating. They are stupid, stupid people. Hurricane warnings have been posted, as well as storm surge warnings for the Keys.
Oh my goodness. In the keys they even evacuated all emergency personnel and said don't bother calling 911. One of the last things they did was drive the city busses around to pick up anyone who had not been able to leave yet and drive them out The storm surge there is expected to be 20 feet. There is the potential of Harvey or Katrina destruction or even worse. What part of "strongest storm ever" do they not understand?
So sorry when I hear these stories.

9-8-17, 6:47am
A friend's daughter and BF lived in Key West and are not evacuating. They are stupid, stupid people. Hurricane warnings have been posted, as well as storm surge warnings for the Keys.

We just did a multi-agency Big Storm drill tonight. I can't imagine not leaving. I wouldn't even stay to help people, there'd be no point.

9-8-17, 9:35am
I have family in Fort Lauderdale. They, with their children and grandchildren, are choosing to stay. They talk about praying. They have the financial means to not only leave but to take an extended vacation for everyone. I just don't understand that way of thinking.

9-8-17, 9:49am
I'm listening to a Miami radio station online. They're staying that worst case scenario, the Keys will be covered with water.

9-8-17, 3:11pm
We do not live in one of the two zones that were evacuated. Zones A and B were evacuated. We are in Zone C. DH had more faith in our house than I do. But I have friends who lived through Andrew. I have heard enough of their stories. I hope to God the forecast is wrong bc the center of the cone passes through my area. He says that our house has been through plenty of storms and came through fine. I'm not going to take that chance when I have this option. I have lots of friends who stayed though.

Looks like CNN is now saying that the latest consensus is that the hurricane will hit Marathon/The Keys, and may spare the eastern shore/Miami the worst, although it will certainly get hit hard, and the storm surge is also a significant danger. They also said that the Everglades may allow Irma to actually speed up as it travels northward.

I'm thinking of my friend in that very exclusive community of Ocean Reef in Key Largo. I'm wondering what it will look like after it's all over. I'm not concerned about her safety, though--she's probably out of harm's way in one of their two other residences in the Northeast.

TVRodriguez, as my mother used to say, I'll "shoot one up" (pray) for your DH and your home. dmc, I'll do the same for your home. Glad you'll be safe and enjoying Tennessee.

9-9-17, 12:40pm
Last update shows 80mph winds forecast at my house. In Virginia with lots of other Forisians. We went a little west once we were out of Florida and had little traffic. Just going a few more hours north to family tomorrow. I am so thankful we left

Glad you found a route with little traffic, flowerseverywhere. Have a safe trip. My brother tried to make flight reservations, but everything was booked. He drove South, and then returned home. He is in Pompano Beach. He has a rebuilt home that is designed for this type of disaster. I hope he and his wife are okay. You must feel very relieved.

9-9-17, 2:20pm
They evacuated trailer and manufactured homes yesterday. Today low lying areas and opened more shelters in my county. We are technically not in a flood zone but I would not be surprised to see some as one area is less than a mile from our house. Our rain forecast is 10-15". Ground is already saturated. We have a surveillance camera and can already see rain and blowing trees and it is still a ways away. Hard not to be obsessed. Now in Maryland. RV park full of Floridians we were the early escapees. Most of us hit little traffic but it was steady.
House is three years old and up to the latest standards for hurricanes but stuff happens out of your control.

9-9-17, 4:24pm
I think a lot more people left because of what happened in Texas. Maybe after this, people will have more sense about leaving. some people are saying that they have no money to leave.........but isn't there help to get people out of there, and take care of them a bit for awhile?

It's so weird to see all this horrible stuff happening.......while our lives go on as usual..

9-9-17, 4:24pm
Not looking good for my area. We left and took very little with us, but we are out. I'm still disappointed several of my friends refused to leave. I can't believe how worried people are about their stuff. My wife is upset worrying about a cookbook of her moms and a quilt.

Im thinking I still have memories, and I can buy more stuff.

Im worried about the storm surge, we don't need that on top of the wind.

9-9-17, 4:28pm
Still hoping the best for your place, dmc. I can't imagine losing so many physical things to memories........like a cook book and a quilt. Your wife is probably also putting all her fears of everything into those particular things.
Keep us posted dmc, and we all hope the best for you.

9-9-17, 5:04pm
Interesting take on Florida, and why people should/shouldn't live there:


9-9-17, 5:12pm
It's so weird to see all this horrible stuff happening.......while our lives go on as usual..

It's fascinating in a way to see how human society is/will react to 24x7 live coverage of events in faraway places. Bad Stuff happens all the time, but until recently we didn't get to witness it in real-time, with such an amazing array of data and interpretative material available to us.

I've been recently considering a move to Iceland. If one active volcano there in particular decides to let loose, it will require the evacuation of most of the country. And these eruptions are not uncommon - 25% of the population was wiped out in 1783 by one.



9-9-17, 5:31pm
Still hoping the best for your place, dmc. I can't imagine losing so many physical things to memories........like a cook book and a quilt. Your wife is probably also putting all her fears of everything into those particular things.
Keep us posted dmc, and we all hope the best for you.

thanks, we live between Naples and Sarasota, so it looks like we are going to get hit. We gave many things to our kids before we moved down, so that helps some. But I still have quite a bit of stuff that has been in the family for quite a while, and is valuable, that may be lost.

If the damage is due to flooding and we have to rely on flood insurance to pay, it will be costly. But I knew that when we moved there. We have plenty of coverage for wind.

But we are fortunate and don't have to worry about how we will move forward after the storm. We can rebuild, or move. Many dont have those choices.

We are headed to Missouri tommorow to visit my sister for a couple of days and will wait for reports of the storm damage from there.

9-9-17, 8:56pm
I wouldn't have stayed in the Keys, not with the predicted storm surge. As a new york times article points out, there are 42 bridges between key west and the mainland. If any of those gets destroyed/seriously damaged, anyone further south will essentially be completely stranded and on their own. I'm glad to hear that they thought to utilize the buses to clear out as many people as possible that didn't have other options. I'll never forget the images of the school bus lot in New Orleans that was full of submerged buses that no one thought to utilize for evacuation during Katrina.

i'm glad to hear here that most of our Florida members have evacuated. I went to school at the U of Miami in the late 80's so I have plenty of friends down there to worry about without also worrying about people from other parts of my life like this forum. The stories from Andrew (2 years after I graduated and moved away) were pretty horrible. I'm not looking forward to hearing more stories like that this time around.

9-9-17, 9:03pm
It's so weird to see all this horrible stuff happening.......while our lives go on as usual..

Tell me about it. We just got home (literally, an hour ago) after spending two weeks in London and Paris. Had a great time. But these past several days my facebook feed has been blowing up with stories of Florida friends' preparations/evacuations/freakouts/etc. Meanwhile I'm posting pictures from the top of the Eiffel Tower, the D'Orsay and L'orangerie, and Buckingham Palace...

9-11-17, 11:58am
we live 25 miles west of Chattanooga, TN and are amazed at seeing so many FL tags.

I guess most motels just of I-75 on the way North were filled and they just kept driving.

We expect 1-3" rain and gusting wind from the storm.

9-11-17, 3:06pm
Some pics from neighbors show a lot of little damage. Our Lanai screens have some damage. Some neighbors have trees down, damage to roof or solar panels. 10" of rain but it did not come onto my home. Some neighbors had leaky windows it was such a driving rain.
All in all good news. Little things can be fixed. No loss of life reported anywhere near my house. Only minor property damage. Lots of debris on the streets and yards.

9-11-17, 3:28pm
Just talked with a friend. Very little damage in our area as well. There is some sea wall damage and trees down. As far as our house we have some lanai screens torn and we are missing some eggs and champagne. If we don't get back soon there is risk of some wine and whiskey also vanishing.

9-11-17, 10:22pm
Just talked with a friend. Very little damage in our area as well. There is some sea wall damage and trees down. As far as our house we have some lanai screens torn and we are missing some eggs and champagne. If we don't get back soon there is risk of some wine and whiskey also vanishing.
One of our neighbors who had keys came over and borrowed Mustard. The stores were closed and they had a mustard emergency. Cracked us up.

iris lilies
9-11-17, 10:25pm
One of our neighbors who had keys came over and borrowed Mustard. The stores were closed and they had a mustard emergency. Cracked us up.
How are you guys all communicating? Are cell phones functional? Internet for email?

9-12-17, 7:08am
How are you guys all communicating? Are cell phones functional? Internet for email?

email,for,some, land or cell,phones for others. Power has been intermittent in my area as well as coverage. Some neighbors sent out group emails after checking n neighbors. Plus we are getting some local news.

9-12-17, 7:59am
One of our neighbors who had keys came over and borrowed Mustard. The stores were closed and they had a mustard emergency. Cracked us up.

We are pretty well stocked up, I told him to feel free, I thought it was funny that they had a Champain and egg need so soon.