View Full Version : Any members near the California wildfires?

10-11-17, 7:59am
The devastation from these wildfires on the west coast are just unbelievable. I hope no one from our SL community was affected.
Can any of you remember the names of the members here who live in that area?

Float On
10-11-17, 8:48am
Geila is from CA. I've messaged her but not heard back yet.

10-11-17, 12:03pm
I hope she's OK. It's all so tragic!

10-11-17, 2:24pm
I was just out in Orange County on business and when I met my colleague in LA County, she had just come from her apartment in Anaheim, and she said that her hair smelled like smoke because her apartment was not far away from the fires, although she was safe.

We have another good friend who lives in Sonoma and she fled to the Midwest with her daughter & SIL. Haven't heard if she's safe. What a shame.

Zoe Girl
10-11-17, 3:56pm
My (former) Buddhist nun is out there and evacuated with her 80 year old mother. Funny that she is near the Nun's fire. But they are okay

Teacher Terry
10-11-17, 6:24pm
I have a friend that was there and the winds kicked up the fire so quickly that when police went door to door they did not let people take anything. They literally just pulled them out the front door in what ever they had on. So their animals got left behind unless they followed them out the front door. So now neighboring towns not affected are trying to take some of their animals so they can take in the ones lost during the fire. Even though we are 3 1/2 hours away we are taking some of their animals. The smoke here is awful from those fires. I feel so sorry for the people that lost everything. It just seems like this country has experienced one disaster after another lately.

10-12-17, 9:33am
Prayers going out to everyone in the path, and for everyone who has loved ones in the path of the fires.

10-12-17, 11:28am
It's all pretty unbelievable. As of last night, there were 3,500 homes destroyed. The U.S. is sure having it's share of disasters of all sorts.
I can't imagine losing absolutely everything......including your entire neighborhood and all the trees.

On the news they said that the fire was moving so fast that the police went door to door and ordered people to get out without grabbing anything at all......or they'd probably die.
What absolute devastation. :(
My heart aches for these people.

10-12-17, 5:49pm
I'm in California, but not near these fires. It's terribly sad. It really makes you appreciate what you have. We have had wildfires very close to my cottage in the past, but have been fortunate so far.

10-12-17, 6:06pm
Saw this today, and you understand it when you see one side of the street gone, and the other side still there. So surreal though:


10-12-17, 8:33pm
Glad you are OK, Awakened. I know Apatheticnomore is also in CA.

10-12-17, 8:42pm
South of that crazy in wine country. However smoke from various fires (most likely the Anaheim fire and not Napa), though it hasn't been too bad where I am, does seem worse for others, a coworker ended up in the hospital from smoke, though they are ok now.

10-13-17, 8:46am
I wonder where all these displaced people are going? Nothing's been mentioned about the Red Cross, etc. Maybe it's too vulnerable an area to even set up help?
Seriously......where are all these people going?
Imagine all the wildlife displaced/killed too? Such a huge tragedy all round.