View Full Version : May 100 Items

5-7-11, 3:47pm
Loved the idea of the 100 Items Spring Fling in April but only got up to 8, so I would like to aim for 100 in May.

We might move so that is putting a whole new lens on our stuff for me.

1 electric grill on Craigslist = 1 item

DH is listing a camping backpack on eBay, too. I might list my two vintage bikes. I will use that money toward a new bike.

5-7-11, 5:08pm
Awesome! I dind't make my goal, either, so I'd love to join in. Not sure if I have that much to purge, but we'll see what happens! :-)

5-7-11, 9:57pm

Metal crap that someone dumped by our garbage - 1
Manual from an activism training I did several years ago freebied on CL - 1
28 items in giveaway box ranging from shirts to pants to mason jars - 28
3 pots - 3
self-watering globes - 2

1 from earlier + 35 = 36

Not bad for one day!

5-8-11, 1:58am
That's great fidgiegirl! That's a lot of stuff to toss in one day!

I will join in this challenge too since I love a good clutter toss.
I put 7 things from the bathroom into the giveaway pile. (Did 3 days ago)
I threw out 4 things from the bathroom that were expired (sunscreen and medicine). (Did yesterday)
I put 14 clothing items into the garage sale/cut up and use for new items pile. (Did today in about 10 minutes)

That took a lot less time to do than I thought it would. Total for the month so far: 25

5-8-11, 12:55pm
Thought I posted here yesterday but, guess I lost it..
I usually try for 5 items a day and last month I think I did at least that but, at some point I lost count...but that is okay too!!!
Posted to lunchtime May 08
--20 CD's to charity
--portable walkman to Grandson
--5 more books (because I brought in 4 from yardsale)hehe
--16 garden things to curb
--2 big christmas bows to garbage
Total 44 to date...yeah!!

5-8-11, 2:57pm
2 wine glasses and a computer game to church rummage
I'm thinking of selling my Wii. I've had it for over a year and only used it twice.

5-8-11, 5:28pm
2 poor quality screws from exterior light kit
1 anti-tip kit for stove (we never installed it and probably won't since we don't plan on standing on the open oven door)

Total: 3

5-8-11, 6:52pm
@reader99, good idea. Sell it while it is still worth money before the next latest and greatest is out.

As for me, 1 pair of socks to my sister and several more arranged for pickup. 12 pairs of socks total. I am going with all a black/grey color scheme for my clothes so out with all the tans and browns! Yippee!

+12 = 49 total


5-8-11, 7:57pm
+1 shirt
+1 backpack type bag
+1 necklace

+49 = 52 (Yippee!!)

5-8-11, 9:04pm
You are on a roll, fidgie! :-)

1 magnet
1 honey dipper thingy

Total: 5

5-9-11, 11:08pm
Threw out a pair of socks. +1

Threw out a reusable grocery bag that had two holes. I would have repaired it except that it was a fold-up kind with cardboard in the bottom, so it couldn't be washed at any point anyway. It makes me kind of mad, actually. Now that reusable bag will take longer to degrade than if I had just used the throwaway bags and all because it was cheaply made and cheaply designed. At any rate, for our purposes here, +1.


5-10-11, 7:52am
1 DVD returned to its owner
1 mountain of plastic grocery bags recycled (more than I could count or possibly use!)
1 huge pile of cardboard boxes also broken down to be recycled (I thought about keeping some "in case" I need them, but decided against it)
1 tin container

Total: 9

5-10-11, 8:32pm
May 10
--1 bag of paper to recycle
--2 magazines to recycle
Total to date 47

5-10-11, 8:43pm
Woooo!! Keep going, everyone! Goodbye to JUNK!!!

5-11-11, 8:42pm
DH sold a long-unused tent. $30 in his pocket, +1 to my count.

= 55

And that sucker was BIG! YIPPEEEEEEEEE!

5-11-11, 8:43pm
Thinking of paring the office supplies waaaaaay down. Really, do we need like 50 or 100 pens? Folders? Etc.? Not sure I can do it. Office supplies are a former gazingus pin. I no longer buy compulsively but it takes a lot for me to part with them.

5-11-11, 11:16pm
Threw out a pair of socks. +1

= 56

Hey! Every little bit helps! :D

5-14-11, 2:56pm
6 wire hangers
2 garment bags
1 microwave

Total: 18

5-14-11, 4:16pm
Ooh, a microwave is a biggie. And so are garment bags.

5-14-11, 4:55pm
4 pairs of hole-y, stretched out, and generally icky socks
1 drawer organizer
1 pair of boots
20 cardboard boxes
1 roll of used bubble wrap (We were done with the boxes and bubble wrap. DH wanted to keep them in the basement, but my MIL wanted them, so he let her have them. I am so glad! ;-) )

Total: 45

fidgie, I TOTALLY need to go through office supplies, too. I mean, how many pens does a person need? I was happy about the garment bags--we had no garments to put in them. ;-) Glad the microwave is gone, too. We had to buy a new one for the kitchen remodel (had to do with the venting somehow), and our old one still worked. We thought briefly about keeping it "just in case," but we decided to get rid of it and not let it collect dust. My MIL works at a thrift store run by our local private school, and she took it with her today. It still works well and looks nice. I hope someone is pleased to stumble across it.

5-14-11, 6:13pm
Someone will be totally happy to have it, Kat.

5-14-11, 6:27pm
2 pairs of shoes
3 clear zippered pouches we always say we will use for travel but never do


5-16-11, 9:59am
6 thin, hole-ridden rags with no absorption (why have I been holding on to these? They frustrate me every time I try to clean something!)

Total: 56

I am going to tackle the office soon. Hopefully I have some more purges to report! I'd really like to make it to 100 this month.

5-16-11, 12:09pm
So far today:

2 pads of paper
1 pack staples
6 binder clips
1 pack index cards (colored)
1 package all purpose labels
1 highlighter
5 pens and pencils
1 card file box
1 silver pencil topper (trash--never found the pencil it belongs with)
1 stapler
1 huge stack of index cards (white)
1 white out pen
3 file folders
1 expired rewards card
1 small mountain of papers shredded
3 empty ink cardtridges (to be recycled)

Total: 86

ETA: I'm going to keep going and see what else I can get...

5-16-11, 3:13pm
1 picture frame
1 more binder clip
a bunch of old assignments from grad school
1 address book
another highlighter
6 cards (from old work program)
2 more pads of paper
5 old tax returns--shredded
1 phone book
3 text books

New total: 108

I am finding that I don't need a lot of office stuff since I am finished with school (for now) and work from home. The university I teach for is moving toward using a lot of e-texts, too, so that helps. Now when I teach a class, I don't need to house the physical book anymore.

5-16-11, 9:15pm
KAT WINS!!! I am inspired, lady!! Office supplies, my loves . . . I bet I can do it.

Over at our house, DH has 10 items up on eBay. I won't count 'til they are gone.

Today, 1 Duluth pack picked up. That's a biggie.
+1 Thermos in the donation box

56 + 2 = 58

Does it count that we bought a sink for our potential new house and I bought Halloween decorations at a garage sale? Bah!!! It's neverending!

5-17-11, 8:15am
Office supplies are hard for me, too, fidgie. What finally did it for me was a) I could never seem to find a pen that wrote and b) I could barely open the top drawer of my desk because there was so much stuff shoved in there. No more!

DH is going to go through his stuff. He thinks he is going to get rid of his art supplies. He always plans to draw or paint "someday," but he said yesterday that he never has time. When he does have time, he prefers to play the guitar. Also, he rescued one of the rags from the rag pile for his knife cleaning kit. He turned to me and said, "Don't worry. I am getting rid of my old cloth so as not to mess up your purge." Hahaha!

Yesterday I got rid of just a few more things:

another text book
a Pottery Barn catalogue that I had saved for a couple of decorating ideas
3 graduation announcements (I kept one but might even get rid of that--haven't decided)
1 more file folder
another old tax return (from 2000!)

Total: 115

Hopefully I will be able to keep up at this pace. I still have to go through photographs at some point and our memory boxes. I should be able to chuck a lot of that stuff, but those are big projects that might be better left to another day!

5-17-11, 8:37am
Uffda, memory boxes. I have too many of these full of crap I never look at. Every time I go through them, they get smaller, and it's time for another pass. I am waiting on this one until my DH goes fishing so I can dig out old love letters and such (from other people!) and burn them up. I think it will feel good. Sometimes I think about them and if he stumbled upon them and they are not something I want him to read and feel bad about. And I feel now that I'm married and those relationships are ancient history that I don't even feel good about anymore or remember fondly, it would be good for me, too.

5-17-11, 4:02pm
DH slipped baseball cards in the giveaway box +1
mini blind +1
Pair of crutches, woo hoo!! +2
11 lightbulbs leaving on CL this afternoon +11

58 + 15 = 73

We pitched a TON of rags in our plumbing disaster.

I sorted out our Japanese lanterns and lights from our wedding. They took up a whole big box. This required a lot of disassembly. Now DH can list on eBay when he gets home.

Have a box full of holiday lights to recycle. If I weren't waiting for the plumber to return I'd get in the car right now and go over there. Alas I will have to do some afternoon after work. Maybe if they show up soon I will go. We will be down to one box of Xmas lights and one box of Halloween stuff, including lights.

Can you believe we will have an EMPTY plastic box downstairs? Amazing.

5-17-11, 4:04pm
@ fidgie--I have too much stuff in my memory boxes, too. Usually after some time passes, I can get rid of things more easily, leaving only the real treasures. I know what you mean about the love letters. I got rid of all of mine along with any pictures (from school dances, etc.) when DH and I were dating. I felt like you did--I didn't want him to stumble across them and feel hurt, like "Why is she keeping these when she has me?" And, like you, I didn't look back on those relationships with any kind of fondness, and it felt good to let them go. Actually, when DH and I moved into our house, he built a fire for me so I could burn all of my old journals. They covered a really painful time in my life, and their destruction felt very freeing.

I feel like a dork posting more stuff I purged, but I got started on the stuff that has been housed in what will be the nursery. I had no idea how much stuff was in there! It's like a catch-all for craft projects, gift wrapping, extra bedding, etc. I have to find a new home for everything, so I have a lot to let go of:

1 wine gift box
3 plastic containers with lids
1 make-up bag
23 books
1 tube anti-aging cream
2 picture frames
1 silver tray
10 dvds
1 purse
2 shams
1 comforter
1 bed skirt
1 featherbed
1 end table
1 set of bed rails
1 electric blanket
2 huge zippered bags
2 small cloth bags
2 gift bags that had seen better days
15 items of clothing (maternity clothes I got from a friend--she's pregnant again, so I have to give them back!)
6 rolls wrapping paper

Total: 203

I still have a long ways to go, but it's a start!

5-17-11, 8:11pm
Decluttering must be addictive--DH just did a purge of his own. Out:

1 watercolor pad
1 artist's pencil kit
Celtic stamp set
water color set
1 calligraphy kit
2 erasers
9 pencils
7 paint brushes
8 sheets (4 fitted, 4 flat)
10 pillowcases
1 blanket
6 misc. cables
USB converter
1 Xbox controller
2 hands free devices
2 memory sticks
1 memory system (this is to memorize scripture; he has an electronic copy on his ipod now)
1 VHS tape
1 carpenter's pencil
11 books
1 flag

Total: 272

I have been wanting to get rid of a lot of this stuff for quite some time, but he wasn't on board. Now it's outta here! Yeah!

5-17-11, 8:43pm
Awesome! I am trying to convince DH that we should pare the linens to two sets. But we have a whole bucket of perfectly good linens and he doesn't want to get rid of them. Oh well, our impending move, even though it is less than certain, is motivating us to get going. We don't want to wait until it's on top of us in the event that we do get the other house. And if we don't, well, then it's outta here anyway!

5-19-11, 6:11pm
Yeah, a move is a great motivator. You can purge as you pack and get the added bonus of having to haul and unpack less stuff. :-)


2 over mitts
1 drawer organizer
1 throw blanket
10 binders and folders
3 extension cords
1 candle holder

Total: 290

DH mentioned that we should go through the game closet. Can't wait to do that. It is a death trap FULL of crapola. :-)

5-19-11, 9:32pm
May 19
Way to go Kat you are doing amazing!!
--1 cheque book cover to garbarge
--1 pr. of holely underwear (while DH wasn't looking hehe)
--1 note book--charity

Total 50 and I need to get going to catch up this month...if dandelions counted I would be at 2000...lol

5-19-11, 9:39pm
Well, Plumbpocolypse made me go through some stuff.

One decorative pail +1
3 strands of light +3

I'm sure there was more. The last week is kind of a blur with stuff shifted around in the basement.

73 + 4 = 77

5-20-11, 7:57pm
Kat, did you enter the death trap yet? :D
Danna, slowly but surely! Too bad dandelions don't count!

one birdhouse thing +1
1 six-foot length of PVC pipe +1


Closing in!!!

5-21-11, 8:31pm
3 handkerchiefs
2 deadbolts
5 eBay items of DH's have sold
1 lampshade to garbage
1 lamp to giveaway box
1 roll of ishy gift wrap to garbage

79 + 13 = 92

Woohoo! Really close!!

5-21-11, 8:55pm
3 mini tape recorders + 4 tapes = 99 ITEMS!!!!!

5-22-11, 1:56am
I got a good start, and then got sidetracked and forgot all about this...lol.

From 2 days ago:
1 pair of my jeans that were worn out
1 pair of DD2 jeans that had huge holes in the knees (she goes through clothes too fast)

Tomorrow I should have tons because I've decided it's time to go through all three DDs' dressers and closets to pare back their wardrobes. They seriously can't even close their dresser drawers anymore. I think the clothes have been multiplying in there when we're not looking.

5-22-11, 7:20am
You can do it, fidgie!!!!! :-)

Good luck on the clothes, Bugeah! Mine are making me crazy right now, too. But I am pregnant and can't really get rid of anything until I am done having kids and know what size I will be...

About the knees of your DD's pants. I have a friend who reinforces the knees of her kid's jeans by ironing blue jean patchs to the inside of the knees. She said it helps them last longer, that they don't wear through as fast. I don't know if that tip is helpful at all, but thought I'd pass it along. ;-)

5-25-11, 2:44am
Thanks Kat for the great tip! That is definitely useful to me. I hadn't even thought about doing that before.

Between today and yesterday I tossed 83 articles of clothing from the 3 DDs. I'm exhausted. But it's really nice to be able to close their dresser drawers now. I just did the weekly laundry though and I'm sure there is more in there that needs to be tossed.

Previous total = 27
Today = 83
New May Total = 110

5-26-11, 7:36pm
Woohoo! Bugeah, you are doing AWESOME! :-)

Did you get rid of that one last item yet, fidgie? I know you mentioned on another thread that your DH has been selling stuff on ebay. Have you broken 100 for the month yet?

5-26-11, 7:51pm
I think we have! 10 containers of car wash miscellanea are sitting on the front step for a pickup after someone is off of second shift tonight. So glad they can go to use and so glad to have them out of my house! That would put us at 109! Yiipppppppeeeeeee!

I put everything back on the shelves after the plumbing disaster and we actually have empty space. Awesome! Simply awesome!

Thanks for asking. I feel a little better after having done this purge, but I want to keep going, too. Especially in the garage . . .

5-26-11, 8:21pm
Plus we were just talking about it over dinner - DH used up a jar of primer plus the remainder of a can of paint in painting the shelves. We will also throw an ancient paintbrush. Actually I am also about to set a rusted metal flower pot out in the alley for scrappers.

+4 = 113

5-26-11, 9:43pm
Fidgie, glad there was a silver lining to the plumbing issues!

I got rid of lots of bits and bobs last weekend. So happy to have it gone. Well over 100 items! :D

I have tomorrow off and I'm taking back some things I ordered a few months ago from Land's End and didn't like. We have one of their Inlets (outlets) here and so I can do it there. Easier than dealing with Sears at the mall. I also have a pair of pants to take back to LL Bean. Will go to the store here. Five pieces of nice clothing to a more upscale charity thrift store tomorrow, too.

5-26-11, 9:48pm
Thanks, Tradd! Good luck on your returns quest.

We also finally threw away an old makeshift table made of a glass top (from an old picture frame) and a metal bottom (magazine holder?) that was outside and all rusty and icky and dirty. The scrappers will hopefully snap it up.

+2 = 115

5-27-11, 9:00pm
--1 large broken fan to the curb (someone picked it up before the collectors came)
--lost count but at least 20 items in the gargage (broken bits, dried paint brushes, dirty rags and much more)
--20 pieces of clothing while taking out and putting away seasonal clothes
--4 hangers in charity box
Total 95 items