View Full Version : This was nice.....just very nice.

1-9-18, 1:26pm
I just checked my voice mail and there was a message from my immediate supervisor at the Banquet Staffing Service. She very kindly thanked me for putting out this morning's fires though I was technically off (I'm still an hourly employee) and said that she would not forget it going forward. That really means a lot to me - having someone express some appreciation, and it is also something very new to me. Tell you what, express some gratitude, I'm much more likely to be fully present during the next (and there will be a next, we are talking food and beverage here) crisis.

So something nice happened today during my wait at the Municipal Courthouse, and something that I really appreciate. Rob

1-9-18, 2:30pm
Ask them for a raise.......and see just how much they appreciate you.

1-9-18, 4:34pm
I had one boss (in 31 years) give out written thank yous and letters of recognition for all kinds of things she saw going on during the work day. They could be little or big things and it was really a wonderful thing to get one. I saved them all. Helped with current evaluations (things did not get forgotten) and helped for future job applications.

1-9-18, 4:56pm
That was nice, Rob. I try to thank people for things they do. Sometimes, they are very surprised......like no one has ever thanked them before.....which is sad.

Zoe Girl
1-9-18, 10:01pm
I am so happy for you, and now I have a warm fuzzy feeling. So see how it spreads! You reminded me to share some positives with my staff at our meeting this week. Our department tends to encourage this however I could use reminders.

1-9-18, 10:45pm
We used to have little appreciation cards to fill out when we caught somebody in the act of doing good. Mostly supervisors filled them out and they were kept in your file and attached to your yearly. Coworkers could fill them out for each other and give it to the recipients supervisor. Everybody loved them because they got attached to candy bars.

1-10-18, 10:35am
An update: This same supervisor called me very early this morning and said, Merry Christmas, you are off today. Turns out that I have too much overtime based on their labor cost software.......I'm going to be capped at 60 hour weeks going forward except for the month of February and March. I'm both elated and down about this - elated since I am truly very tired these days. Down because I won't be able to bank quite as much and I won't have quite the 401(K) balance I was shooting for even though I've maxed my contribution percentage.

Looking at the bright side, though, more time to have a life and the chance to go back to Mass again, something I've really been missing. It's all good and I do appreciate being off today - and my replacement is someone who knows the role so I'm unlikely to deal with work drama today as I was yesterday while waiting in the jury area at Municipal Court. Rob

1-10-18, 10:42am
Ask them for a raise.......and see just how much they appreciate you.Actually, I did just get a raise of .50 cents an hour effective January 1st after my first review. Which went very well btw.....the only negative thing on the review was a suggestion that I work on being better organized, which I believe they are 100% dead on about. Rob

1-10-18, 10:53am
That was nice, Rob. I try to thank people for things they do. Sometimes, they are very surprised......like no one has ever thanked them before.....which is sad.Agreed.....and it's so simple to Thank someone for a job well done....doesn't cost any money at all and builds good will with most people. Rob