View Full Version : Bae.......tsunami?

1-23-18, 7:08am
I hope you and others on the West Coast are safe from the tsunami.

1-23-18, 7:13am
Thinking the same as CathyA. Hope everyone is safe.

1-23-18, 7:53am
Sounds like they have down-graded/cancelled some of the warnings.......so that's good.

1-23-18, 7:57am
I was shocked to see a tsunami warning for Seaside Oregon, where my kids took me to the beach (and where I had the best clam chowder I have ever had.)
I guess you do not think of these happening here. I am glad warnings have been downgraded and cancelled. I imagine Bae has had to prepare as though it might happen, which has to be extensive on an island like that.

1-23-18, 8:28am
Sounds like much of the info was sort of slow getting to the news. Right before they said the tsunami was down-graded, they said that the tide was receding in Alaska......which usually foretells a tsunamic......but I'm glad it didn't get as potentially bad as expected. What happened in Japan a couple years ago was just totally unbelievable.
I wonder if some of the earth-events that have happened recently area all connected........like the volcanoes and earthquakes. I'm sure they must be connected. I hope it quiets down.

1-23-18, 8:51am
A friend's daughter was caught up in it, and texted her from the top of a hill overlooking the ocean. Talk about a pearl-clutching moment...

1-23-18, 11:34am
Of the 139 people who died in the 1964 earthquake in AK (9.2), 5 died in Oregon and 13 in California in the tsunami. Most had gone down to the beach when it was unsafe to do so.

There is constant activity along the plates around the planet.

1-23-18, 11:54am
When I was a child and lived on the coast, we had a tidal wave (tsunami) warning once. We trooped up to the second floor and waited for the all clear signal and a whole bunch of people bundled up their children and headed to the beach to watch the destruction. Darwin in action.

1-23-18, 12:54pm
sweetana.........I remember that earthquake. We had an acquaintance to who lived through it. I never heard of the tsunami that came after it. Interesting.

1-23-18, 12:54pm
A friend's daughter was caught up in it, and texted her from the top of a hill overlooking the ocean. Talk about a pearl-clutching moment...


1-23-18, 1:52pm
CathyA, I was in Anchorage at the time and it was even on my birthday. I can safely say that the earth can and does really roll under the feet and under anything else sitting on the ground. 5 minutes of incredible shaking, rolling and thunderous noise. The aftershocks were, if possible, even worse.

1-23-18, 2:16pm
That's where our acquaintance was too! I think he was in the service at the time. Earthquakes are pretty incredible things. I guess everything in nature is! It must have been quite frightening to be in it!

1-24-18, 9:23pm
There is constant activity along the plates around the planet.

Indeed. A quick look at the USGS website list of recent earthquakes shows dozens, if not hundreds, every day. They send me email anytime there's one over 3.0, but I had to limit my notifications to the western US not including alaska because I was getting obliterated by the emails...

Personally I hope we're either out of town or moved away before the next big one hits san francisco. I've felt several small ones since moving here 9 years ago (including last night at around 10pm) and the novelty has worn off.