View Full Version : The Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated Or What would you do?

boss mare
1-25-18, 10:38pm
A good friend of mine since 8th grade sent me a screen shot of a FB page dedicated to those of who were in our high school between 1977-1980 and have passed away . Its a very sad list, some of them were very predicable ( drugs/ alcohol ) some surprising . Most surprising is that I am listed !!!!! In some ways I want to say the famous Mark Twain quote but on the other hand, there is an ex husband ( or his friends who would tell him that I am still around) that I would just like to let him believe that I am in fact dead. Curious to see what would you all would do ? edited to add I am listed under my maiden name

1-26-18, 5:01am
One woman was listed with our alumni association as dead but was alive and I talked to her afterwards. My guess is she got tired of them begging for money so had her husband tell them she was deceased.

1-26-18, 6:48am
If you're not in contact with most of your classmates, I'd leave it. But that just might be me. If nobody cares enough to reach out and confirm the info, then there's not a close relationship there.

1-26-18, 8:00am
Yeah, I agree. If you're not in touch with anybody, why bother.

But if you do go to reunions, I'd definitely plan on going, but waiting until there is a big group of people standing around the "passed on" board and then make your grand entrance.

1-26-18, 9:00am

iris lilies
1-26-18, 9:15am
I would find this situation funny and would stay dead, although in reality I wouldnt want to cause pain to a couple of my high school friends, even though I havent talked to them in years.my best feiend is not on Face Book and good for her!

Float On
1-26-18, 9:29am
Stay dead. Show up at next reunion in ghost costume. Don't talk.

1-26-18, 10:00am
Yeah, I agree. If you're not in touch with anybody, why bother.
My take on it as well. Of course, that limits your ability to reach out to individuals, but if that's not a big deal to you, let it be.

boss mare
1-26-18, 11:37pm
I so love the idea of showing up at the next class reunion LOL Its coming up next year ... Class of 1979! I was not exactly enamored with school . I hung out with the older art/creative/free spirit/stoner crowd. I just might do that . I didn't go to the 30th reunion Horse shows were more important still are, however, I would seriously forgo a horseshow if there was a possibility I could cause a stir by showing up, I would . Maybe I ought to volunteer to be in charge of the gone-but-not-forgotten board !Splat!

1-30-18, 12:24pm
Funny how stories can get around. Some years ago, I learned from an old classmate that I had reconnected with, that she heard I had gone through 3 husbands. At first I thought she simply had me confused with someone else, but she was serious. Funny thing is that the first husband is still around. My response was who were the other two guys.

1-30-18, 12:45pm
I ran into a guy I'd known as a child, and he told me he was sorry to hear my father had died. I tried to tell him my father was very much alive (he went on to live another 30 years), and he argued with me. Mansplaining at its best.

1-30-18, 1:09pm
I ran into a guy I'd known as a child, and he told me he was sorry to hear my father had died. I tried to tell him my father was very much alive (and he went on to live another 30 years), and he argued with me. Mansplaining at its best.

Hmmm...so he's arguing with the person who would definitely know better that Dad was still alive. At least my former classmate who heard of the 3 husbands didn't argue over the non-existent other guys.

1-30-18, 2:03pm
Hmmm...so he's arguing with the person who would definitely know better that Dad was still alive. At least my former classmate who heard of the 3 husbands didn't argue over the non-existent other guys.

I would have loved to have heard the whole story there...:~)

iris lilies
1-30-18, 2:11pm
I ran into a guy I'd known as a child, and he told me he was sorry to hear my father had died. I tried to tell him my father was very much alive (he went on to live another 30 years), and he argued with me. Mansplaining at its best.
Similar story though from the opposite point of view. We were standing at my father’s casket during the meet and greet portion of the funeral home’s “viewing” or whatever they call it (although he was not on display.) A line of people came by, including one of my high school classmates who lived behind my parents. She and i were chatting and she said “and your parents, how are they doing?”


My only explanation is that she may not have been sure which guy was dead because my dad had several brothers who lived in our small town.

1-30-18, 2:57pm
I would have loved to have heard the whole story there...:~)

I never got to find out how she got that story. Was about to ask when several other people joined us so decided to just let it go.

I am guessing she got me mixed up with someone else but I still found it positively hilarious. I was a pretty nerdy kid / teenager. The very last one in the class who would be expected to go through 3 husbands by the age of 30 which was when this happened.