View Full Version : Lunar Eclipse -- Blood Moon Morning -- January 31

dado potato
1-29-18, 9:12pm
Oh, to be out west, somewhere far from light pollution at 4:51 AM PST. And no clouds, no fog, please!

Not only will the moon turn copper-colored in the shadow of the earth, it will be at the perigee of its orbit, and thus 14% bigger and 30% brighter than it is at the apogee.

Fortunately NASA will be video-recording the event, so I will bet dollars-to-donuts the lunar event can be watched streaming on the internet, and canned on YouTube.

Last time I watched a lunar eclipse, it was a night with no breeze. And just as the eclipse became total, a great horned owl gave a territorial hoot.

This is what they sound like, if they give a hoot!

1-30-18, 5:55am
Exciting - I hope we have clear skies!

1-30-18, 7:39am
Even if the skies were cleared, apparently the east coast will only get to see the initial stages before the moon goes below the horizon. I hope to be able to watch some of it at work on the internet. After all a Super Blue Blood Moon doesn't come 'round but 100+ years!

1-30-18, 10:41am
Just checked the weather forecast and they are predicting clouds. >:( I had planned to get up early to see it but now I probably won't.

Float On
1-30-18, 12:51pm
Just checked the weather forecast and they are predicting clouds. >:( I had planned to get up early to see it but now I probably won't.

I was afraid of that. Reminds me of this summer's Eclipse. I went home to the farm to be in the totality area and the dang clouds came in 1/2 hour before it started and left 1/2 hour after it finished!

1-30-18, 12:57pm
I woke up this morning about 4a.m. and thought I'd left the outside light on. I got up and looked out and the moon was almost full and so bright! I love looking out at night and seeing the moon shining through the trees. On those nights, I usually leave the drapes open and pretend I'm sleeping in the forest.

I hope some of you get to see the moon tomorrow night. I think it's supposed to be cloudy here. But even if you miss it.......you have many, many more nights to see the lovely moon.

1-30-18, 1:06pm
On the west coast here, and though there MAY be clouds, I will be up anyway, with my camera ready.

1-30-18, 1:07pm
I woke up this morning about 4a.m. and thought I'd left the outside light on. I got up and looked out and the moon was almost full and so bright! I love looking out at night and seeing the moon shining through the trees. On those nights, I usually leave the drapes open and pretend I'm sleeping in the forest.

I hope some of you get to see the moon tomorrow night. I think it's supposed to be cloudy here. But even if you miss it.......you have many, many more nights to see the lovely moon.

You're a photographer, Cathy. Do you ever find it's hard to photograph the moon when it's big and beautiful? Sometimes when I'm amazed by something in nature, I have to remember to put down my camera and just be part of the moment. (Actually here's a blog post (https://silententry.wordpress.com/?s=camera)I wrote about this subject of how a camera can become a wedge between you and life).

1-31-18, 6:56am
Hi catherine........you're right. A number of times when I see something that's fleeting, instead of standing there just taking it all in, I'll run for my camera......but when I return, the thing is gone. :( I've often thought about how needing to take pictures of everything wonderful I see, instead of just using the time to take it all in, is losing the moment. Plus, when I take a ride in my cart and take my camera, I feel overly "obliged" to it. Sometimes I just go for a ride through the woods and field without it. But.....that's usually when I see something really extraordinary. I guess that will always be a dilemma!

There have been lots of beautiful moon nights, and I'd love to take pics of it. But that requires the tripod, etc., and many times it's just too cold out.
I have to admit, I've taken so many pictures, I fear my computer and back-ups might explode. I just can't help myself. :)

1-31-18, 7:35am
I woke up about 4:20 and saw the bright, gorgeous full moon. At 5:30 I actually went outside (temps in the teens!) to look at it. By the time I left for my morning walk around 6:40, the moon had already set but the colors of that moonset were actually "blue blood"!!! There was a subtle mix of blue and reddish-pink across the horizon... absolutely beautiful. I hope someone is getting a chance to see the actual eclipse.

1-31-18, 7:48am
Lucky you happystuff! Where are you located? Here in central Indiana it's overcast.

Zoe Girl
1-31-18, 9:46am
I saw some of it this morning when I took my son to work at 5:30 am (Denver). It was really super cool!

1-31-18, 11:00am
It ended up being a clear night here. I woke up at around 5:00 so I got up and went to take a look. Very cool.

1-31-18, 12:16pm
Saw the eclipse as I was coming back home from Jazzercise this morning about 6:45 a.m. CST. When I left at 5:15, the moon was full and quite large. As I was coming home, it was almost entirely eclipsed.

1-31-18, 3:19pm
Too much cloud cover here to see anything. But the clouds were very bright where the moon glowed behind them in the darkness.

1-31-18, 5:01pm
Saw it around 6:20 am this morning here in Phoenix. Really spectacular.

dado potato
2-1-18, 12:16am
This morning there were clouds here too... but I saw a NASA video of totality.

Tonight is chill and clear. The blue moon is high, like a celestial wheel of Oregonzola! ... and super bright.

It makes distinct shadows of bare tree branches across the trackless snow. I stuck my head out of a sliding door to admire the scene. The wind-chimes in the trees are tintinnabulating uproariously.

2-2-18, 1:12am
We had clouds come and go, but were able to see most of it - very chilly but memorable!