View Full Version : Trump throws out Tillerson.

3-13-18, 9:29am
Trump throws out Tillerson.OMG.... what the hell is he doing?

3-13-18, 10:01am
Actually it sounds like he didn't throw out Tillerson - at least not to his face. Sounds like Tillerson, while in Africa, saw the announcement there was a new person in his post.

3-13-18, 10:08am
He is installing another deep state retired military CIA Director who embraces Israel, hates Iran, sponsored legislation to expanded the surveillance of Americans using NSA computer bulk collection techniques, would like to see the Dear Leader Of North Korea eliminated and is coincidentally a life member of the National Rifle Association. My guess is Rex is a little too chummy with Russia for The Orange Ones taste. Or Rex looked at his bank account and stock options and said, “What the hell do I need this aggravation for?”

3-13-18, 11:53am
What a rotten thing to do to Tillerson. Tillerson shortens his trip to Africa because of the importance of some issues at home........only to find out he'd been replaced. I hope Tillerson can now be equally "fair" to Trump. Trump is truly a disgusting human being.........if he's human at all, that is.

3-13-18, 1:03pm
I have thought on a relative scale that Tillerson was one of the minions more rational characters. I suspect T wants more of a hard liner and someone who will not call him a moron.

3-13-18, 1:21pm
I'm hoping Tillerson and Mueller have a convo soon. A nice meaty one.

3-13-18, 1:41pm
I'm hoping Tillerson and Mueller have a convo soon. A nice meaty one.
Yeah that's what I'm hoping for too!

Teacher Terry
3-13-18, 3:12pm
jane, that would be awesome!

3-13-18, 3:13pm
If I were Tiillerson I'd be happy. I don't have to work for someone I think is a moron but no one can call me a quitter.

3-13-18, 3:16pm
I can't imagine anyone even answering Trump's call to serve in his administration at this point.

I am happy to see Pompeo out of the CIA, and Haspel in. I met her at a dinner a few months ago, and she was quite impressive, and well respected by the agency people in the room. I wouldn't take the top job if I were her though, it's a position that is clearly doomed from the start.

3-13-18, 4:45pm
I can't imagine anyone even answering Trump's call to serve in his administration at this point.

I am happy to see Pompeo out of the CIA, and Haspel in. I met her at a dinner a few months ago, and she was quite impressive, and well respected by the agency people in the room. I wouldn't take the top job if I were her though, it's a position that is clearly doomed from the start.

As Deputy Director......hasn’t she been doing the grunt work anyway? Now she can delegate even more. She just might want to secure all the dirt she can on Trump before he fires her.

3-13-18, 4:57pm
As Deputy Director......hasn’t she been doing the grunt work anyway? Now she can delegate even more. She just might want to secure all the dirt she can on Trump before he fires her.

That's the problem though - in her previous position, she was getting actual work done. As Director, she'll spend her time doing circus performances.

3-13-18, 6:25pm
I can't imagine anyone even answering Trump's call to serve in his administration at this point.

I am happy to see Pompeo out of the CIA, and Haspel in. I met her at a dinner a few months ago, and she was quite impressive, and well respected by the agency people in the room. I wouldn't take the top job if I were her though, it's a position that is clearly doomed from the start.
It looks like Germany wants to arrest her. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/prosecutors-reviewing-request-to-issue-arrest-warrant-for-trump’s-new-cia-director/ar-BBKbawG?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp

3-13-18, 6:33pm
The way I heard it... Tillerson heard he was fired by way of Trump's tweet (twitter?). Trump is truly lacking in class (among everything else)! Truly a moron!

What does that make now for changes in people? 25 or 26? Also, read somewhere that he has not even filled posts he was supposed to and has a revolving door with the positions he has filled. Doesn't bode well.

3-13-18, 6:54pm
It looks like Germany wants to arrest her. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/prosecutors-reviewing-request-to-issue-arrest-warrant-for-trump’s-new-cia-director/ar-BBKbawG?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp

Good luck with that.

3-13-18, 6:58pm

This is incomplete, missing two or three. (Courtesy of NBC)

3-13-18, 7:08pm
Also, read somewhere that he has not even filled posts he was supposed to....

This is a big deal, if one likes government to function. My understanding is that many organizations are basically ghost towns now, between positions not-yet-appointed and people leaving for greener fields. Talking with some of the agencies I work with, there is a concern that soon nobody will be left who knows how things operate.

3-13-18, 8:08pm
Talking with some of the agencies I work with, there is a concern that soon nobody will be left who knows how things operate.

Where is Omarosa when you need her?

iris lilies
3-13-18, 9:32pm
If this continues long enough the President will be reaching deep into his arena of supporters for cabinet positions. Maybe Williamsmith and Alan will be tapped. The
Donald could do worse.

3-13-18, 10:46pm
I have to say that provided the country survives Trumps first term, I have thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment. Too bad it comes at the expense of some people’s sanity. Quit expecting him to act like a President, however that’s supposed to be. Didn’t we lose all dignity in that office a long time ago? Exactly what standards should Trump be living up to? Trump doesn’t take anyone’s advice anyway so he might as well fire them all. It is a damn bloody circus isn’t it? A little awkward.

3-14-18, 5:12am

This is incomplete, missing two or three. (Courtesy of NBC)

WOW.... over 50!!!!

3-14-18, 8:54am
It's been quite a week.

We have a president who communicates with his cabinet via tweet.

We have Mrs. Clinton, bitterly clinging to the limelight, delivering a speech where she adds women who didn't vote for her due to "a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way your husband, your boss, your son, whoever believes you should" to her list of persecutors.

We have convicted traitor and senate candidate Chelsea Manning lecturing the tech industry on the need for ethics.

My digestion is beginning to suffer.

iris lilies
3-14-18, 9:12am
Wait, ChelseaManning is runni g for Senate? That is ridiculous.

I guess I am doing well in staying away from widespread news broadcasts.

3-14-18, 10:28am
Wait, ChelseaManning is runni g for Senate? That is ridiculous.

I guess I am doing well in staying away from widespread news broadcasts.

Manning actually has a good chance of being elected. She meets all the qualifications.....30 years old at least, US citizen and a resident of Maryland. She’s running anti-establishment (duh!) in a liberal district, at a time when it seems like voters have enjoyed making a mockery out of a political system that is......well...a mockery.

And dont forget......we all have that latent bisexuality. Combine the real progressives with the neoliberal fence sitters and she might be the first transsexual and convicted spy to take a seat. Worth the price of admission.

3-14-18, 10:34am
The NBC list I provided is up to three columns now. Seven more people resigned or were fired yesterday.

3-14-18, 11:48am
Manning actually has a good chance of being elected. She meets all the qualifications.....30 years old at least, US citizen and a resident of Maryland. She’s running anti-establishment (duh!) in a liberal district, at a time when it seems like voters have enjoyed making a mockery out of a political system that is......well...a mockery.

And dont forget......we all have that latent bisexuality. Combine the real progressives with the neoliberal fence sitters and she might be the first transsexual and convicted spy to take a seat. Worth the price of admission.

I'm not clear on the difference between a "real progressive" and a "neoliberal", but surely betraying your country and your oath and exposing your countrymen to risk should count for something even to them.

3-14-18, 1:02pm
I'm not clear on the difference between a "real progressive" and a "neoliberal", but surely betraying your country and your oath and exposing your countrymen to risk should count for something even to them.

On the contrary , exposing the surveillance state for what it is and taking on the military industrial complex makes her a hero.........to a real progressive. A neoliberal...embraces the establishment, the military and espouses social justice programming simply to maintain power. These are some of the differences I’ve observed. Progressives are the real left politically. Neoliberals are leftist imposters who want to be copartners with conservatives but don’t want to publicly acknowledge it. In essence, the balance of power shifts from conservatism to neoliberalism without either acting on their mandates or consolidation of power. It is the aggregate membership of the “swamp”. Clinton is largely a neoliberal. Sanders is the most popular progressive. Progressives are outside looking in on both parties and waiting for an opportunity to fundamentally change the direction of the United States and I think they may get their chance next election cycle. At least how I term things. Professors of political science may vary.

3-14-18, 1:32pm
On the contrary , exposing the surveillance state for what it is and taking on the military industrial complex makes her a hero.........to a real progressive. A neoliberal...embraces the establishment, the military and espouses social justice programming simply to maintain power. These are some of the differences I’ve observed. Progressives are the real left politically. Neoliberals are leftist imposters who want to be copartners with conservatives but don’t want to publicly acknowledge it. In essence, the balance of power shifts from conservatism to neoliberalism without either acting on their mandates or consolidation of power. It is the aggregate membership of the “swamp”. Clinton is largely a neoliberal. Sanders is the most popular progressive. Progressives are outside looking in on both parties and waiting for an opportunity to fundamentally change the direction of the United States and I think they may get their chance next election cycle. At least how I term things. Professors of political science may vary.

I would find Manning to be a more heroic figure if there had been no oaths broken and a bit more discretion used than simply broadcasting everything pilferable.

In actual practice, a real progressive would seem to be a neoliberal without the power.

3-14-18, 1:39pm
I would define Obama as a neoliberal. As an example, Obamacare was a sellout to big pharma....that’s what a progressive would say. A progressive has no problem with socialism. A neoliberal hates it almost as much as a neocon. A neoliberal loves being characterized as a socialist because it gives him street cred with the progressives and gets them to abandon their vote for let’s say a Jill Stein and vote for a hawk like Clinton. The more I look at it...the deeper the divide. A progressive hates on Democrats as much as they do on Republicans. Well, almost as much.

3-14-18, 2:15pm
I'm not clear on the difference between a "real progressive" and a "neoliberal", but surely betraying your country and your oath and exposing your countrymen to risk should count for something even to them.

Sounds like an apt description of the regime in power now.

3-14-18, 4:15pm
On the contrary , exposing the surveillance state for what it is and taking on the military industrial complex makes her a hero.........to a real progressive. A neoliberal...embraces the establishment, the military and espouses social justice programming simply to maintain power. These are some of the differences I’ve observed. Progressives are the real left politically. Neoliberals are leftist imposters who want to be copartners with conservatives but don’t want to publicly acknowledge it. In essence, the balance of power shifts from conservatism to neoliberalism without either acting on their mandates or consolidation of power. It is the aggregate membership of the “swamp”. Clinton is largely a neoliberal. Sanders is the most popular progressive. Progressives are outside looking in on both parties and waiting for an opportunity to fundamentally change the direction of the United States and I think they may get their chance next election cycle. At least how I term things. Professors of political science may vary.

There's an article in The Atlantic that makes something like your point. They refer to Clinton representing "Trickle Down America".


3-14-18, 4:59pm
There's an article in The Atlantic that makes something like your point. They refer to Clinton representing "Trickle Down America".


”losing faith in capitalism itself!” Indeed.

The last time I saw that hat it was descending .....


3-15-18, 8:13pm
I can't imagine anyone even answering Trump's call to serve in his administration at this point.

I am happy to see Pompeo out of the CIA, and Haspel in. I met her at a dinner a few months ago, and she was quite impressive, and well respected by the agency people in the room. I wouldn't take the top job if I were her though, it's a position that is clearly doomed from the start.

Poking around for some information on Haspel and I must say her confirmation hearings as Director of the CIA May be a throw down. Apparently she has the stomach for gruesome torture and kahonas to destroy video tapes of the tortures. I expect Rand Paul to object to her appointment and McCain as well. “Quite impressive” indeed.


From last year......
