View Full Version : Good news! Officer in Minneapolis facing murder charges.......

3-23-18, 8:28am
I got up early this morning so as to send emails and leave voice mails regarding a recent police shooting of an unarmed young African American man in Sacramento, CA when I realized that there is some good news in this area to report.

An Officer Noor of the Minneapolis PD is on trial for murder charges for his brutal and completely unnecessary murder of a 40 year old Australian national named Justine Damond. I am doing what little I can to express my voice and the voice of the 85006 in wishing life imprisonment for this Officer with no chance to ever see the light of day again and his pension accruals? Need to somehow go to the victims of the Minneapolis PD left behind due to this sociopath behind a badge who couldn't control himself.

I won't be able to keep up with this trial as I normally would due to the demands of my job and it being Peak Season but I am doing what little I can.......let us all hope this horrible Officer is put away for life thereby causing other Officers of the Minneapolis PD to think twice before pulling the trigger and to help them realize that the balance of power has shifted and that the public will no longer tolerate such abuse from sociopaths. Rob

Float On
3-23-18, 10:11am
Sad news:
16 police officers shot to death in 2018 so far....
129 in 2017.
58,627 assaults against law enforcement officers in 2016 with 16,677 injuries.
Since the first recorded police death in 1791 - over 21,000 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. There are 21,541 names engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.
The safest day of the week for a police officer is Tuesday...the hardest is Friday.
These are just a few facts from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.

I am a praying woman and I do pray for my Highway Patrol Officer that lives across the street. He has a wife and so far two toddler children. Its scary times out there for anyone in law enforcement - what with all the meth and guns in the hands of people who intend to do harm, people who are not taking their anti-psych drugs on a regular basis, etc.

Sure, there are "bad eggs", we're all human, we all have problems and are capable of something. I would hate to live in a country without law and without those who uphold the balance of law. We need to all do our part to be law abiding. And I'm speaking as someone who has had an officer pull a gun on me. He had every right to do so on a NM highway. End of the story he gave us an escort to the hospital and I learned a valuable lesson not to leave a car and run towards an officer in the dark.

I'm sorry Rob, I know you had an experience....but I get tired of the cop bashing and how you come across as saying 'all police are bad'. Around here a police officer starts off probably making less than you do.

3-23-18, 10:32am
I read that the police in Austin have been held in high regard for their swift work in catching the bomber. Free coffee, meals, pats on the back. That's the way it ought to be.

dado potato
3-23-18, 10:40am
I always have a smile and wave for the deputy who serves and protects our neighborhood.

That said, I believe it is timely that police departments reflect on how they can do better, including (but not limited to) how officers initiate lethal force. Protest tends to turn up the heat under the stewpot. So, elected city council members ask more questions of police chiefs, and elected sheriffs are sensitized to the issue in their own bailiwicks.

3-23-18, 12:55pm
Sad news:
16 police officers shot to death in 2018 so far....
129 in 2017.
58,627 assaults against law enforcement officers in 2016 with 16,677 injuries.
Since the first recorded police death in 1791 - over 21,000 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. There are 21,541 names engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.
The safest day of the week for a police officer is Tuesday...the hardest is Friday.
These are just a few facts from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.

I am a praying woman and I do pray for my Highway Patrol Officer that lives across the street. He has a wife and so far two toddler children. Its scary times out there for anyone in law enforcement - what with all the meth and guns in the hands of people who intend to do harm, people who are not taking their anti-psych drugs on a regular basis, etc.

Sure, there are "bad eggs", we're all human, we all have problems and are capable of something. I would hate to live in a country without law and without those who uphold the balance of law. We need to all do our part to be law abiding. And I'm speaking as someone who has had an officer pull a gun on me. He had every right to do so on a NM highway. End of the story he gave us an escort to the hospital and I learned a valuable lesson not to leave a car and run towards an officer in the dark.

I'm sorry Rob, I know you had an experience....but I get tired of the cop bashing and how you come across as saying 'all police are bad'. Around here a police officer starts off probably making less than you do.


Teacher Terry
3-23-18, 1:14pm
How I feel about the police varies by where I live. When I lived in Wis I had nothing but praise for them. However, in the town I live now I have seen them be brutal for no reason and plenty of shootings as soon as they arrive on scene without provocation. In the reverse innocent police are killed all the time which is sad.

3-23-18, 4:57pm
I have no joy whenever anyone is killed and when anyone does this, I find that a really sad way to view life at any time.

I fight injustice whenever I can but to celebrate someone being killed is a greater injustice to humanity.

3-23-18, 5:31pm
Trial. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

iris lilies
3-23-18, 6:09pm
I have no joy whenever anyone is killed and when anyone does this, I find that a really sad way to view life at any time.

I fight injustice whenever I can but to celebrate someone being killed is a greater injustice to humanity.

is someone here expressing joy about this killing? I am not seeing it.

3-23-18, 6:32pm
Innocent until proven guilty. Due process.

3-24-18, 8:52am
Innocent until proven guilty. Due process.


3-24-18, 10:31am

I am old fashioned, I guess. haha

My mom made me watch the original 12 Angry Men when I was a little kid. It resonated then and today.

3-24-18, 11:36am
I am old fashioned, I guess. haha

well maybe a bit naive, as I don't think most (some 90-95% or so) of charges ever get a trail, aren't most criminal charges in this country plea bargained? However, even I would hope most murder charges aren't (or things are further gone than I ever suspected).


3-25-18, 5:50pm
I am old fashioned, I guess. haha

My mom made me watch the original 12 Angry Men when I was a little kid. It resonated then and today.

I certainly share your preference for due process over the current trial-by-zeitgeist. Shows you what a dinosaur I am. But nobody wants to do the hard work anymore. They prefer a more glandular approach to justice.