View Full Version : What type of sleeper are you? (Position wise).

5-12-11, 12:12pm
What group do you fall under in relation to sleep positions?

I was reading a medical report related to sleep and positions, and it recommended that people sleep on their sides. According to the report, sleeping on ones back or stomach places added weight and stress on the organs.

5-12-11, 12:34pm
Tummy sleeper with a belly pillow, sometimes a puppy as a pillow. Second choice is side-sleeper. I cannot sleep on my back. After sinus and open gall bladder surgeries I had to sleep on my back and didn't get a good nights rest for months in spite of the Vicodin.

5-12-11, 1:02pm
Your puppy pillow sounds so welcoming Goldensmom! I can feel the warmth and love right now.

5-12-11, 2:30pm
Aw, I want a puppy pillow!

Float On
5-12-11, 2:51pm
I sleep all three ways. I sleep best when I can have the whole bed to myself and sleep diagonal - I like a lot of space but my DH usually ends up with 3/4 of the bed and I'm hanging on to the side for dear life. No wonder I dream about slipping and falling so much.

Do puppy pillows hog the bed?????

5-12-11, 4:15pm
I sleep all three ways. I sleep best when I can have the whole bed to myself and sleep diagonal - I like a lot of space but my DH usually ends up with 3/4 of the bed and I'm hanging on to the side for dear life. No wonder I dream about slipping and falling so much.

Do puppy pillows hog the bed?????

A great big YES to that. Not so much when they are babies and 12-20# but when at one year and 70# and laying side ways with legs extended, someone's butt is off the bed (usually mine) but still so soft and cuddly. I love the puppy grunts and groans they make when sleeping and of course I don't want to disturb them - babies need their sleep.

5-12-11, 5:22pm
Side sleeper here, start out on back but end up in relaxed fetal position.

San Onofre Guy
5-12-11, 6:17pm
I can think of nothing less appealing than having a dog or a cat sleeping in bed with me!

5-12-11, 6:28pm
Sleeper? Why do you ask?

Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?


5-12-11, 6:33pm
Back or side sleeper (either side). Back or right side for falling asleep. Back when I have a headache, so I can put an ice pack on my forehead.

Slightly related, I am a "sensitive" sleeper; I need to wear earplugs, and the room needs to be dark, and the right temperature. And I need a small pillow between my knees when I am on my side (or else my lower back hurts). And I have to read for at least 10 minutes when I get into bed, or I can't fall asleep. Oh, and I also have to wear a bite guard because I clench my jaw when I sleep. I hate that I need so much paraphenalia to get a good night's sleep. And even with all of that, I still wake up every morning with a stiff neck because I think I need a new pillow. :(

One last sleep-related topic: Jammies, nightgown, T-shirt? None of the above, thanks. ;)


5-12-11, 6:50pm
Tummy sleeper. That is the thing I miss most since getting pregnant--sleeping on my stomach! ;-)

5-12-11, 7:35pm
Side, and also diagonal - like lots of room.

Float On
5-12-11, 8:28pm
One last sleep-related topic: Jammies, nightgown, T-shirt? None of the above, thanks. ;)

Kara Tank top and cropped cotton or silk jammie pants. I can't wear a nightgown without it working it's way up around my neck and choking me.

5-12-11, 8:42pm
I can think of nothing less appealing than having a dog or a cat sleeping in bed with me!

Really?? Nothing?? How about an alligator?? Or a skunk??

5-12-11, 8:50pm
Fetal position..! Side to side - definitely NOT on my back or tummy. I often migrate in the middle of the night to our
couch - it is much softer...! I am a light sleeper and my wife snors. I snor too, but I don't wake myself up.

5-12-11, 8:54pm
Re: pets. One of my two cats sleeps with me sometimes, for part of the night. The dogs are allowed in bed as long as there's only 1 human in the bed (I always go to bed earlier and DH is still in bed when I go to work) and they are nice to cuddle with (believe it or not, as bony as greyhounds are).

The hound in my avatar, Mandy, slept with me every night for the 1.5 years DH slept in the guestroom while doing nighttime dialysis. I was greatful for the company. The first night we were both home from the hospital after the transplant, Mandy had to sleep on the floor. I thought we would have trouble, but there was only one tiny, brief wimper, and then everyone settled into the new routine. Dogs are so adaptable. :)


5-12-11, 9:36pm
Thanks everyone for sharing with me. You've all touched on so many things I can't possibly begin to comment on everyone's entries, but as for couch-sleeping, I find couch-sleeping so hard. I'm good on the side when I'm facing away fom the back of the couch, but once I turn over, no go. Knees up against the back, face up against the back, no can do. As for Mandy, Treehugger, I'm astonished at her ability to readjust with little to no fuss. Dogs really are so dependable and dedicated. Always there for their owners, never a complaint, and so accommodating.

5-12-11, 9:59pm
Definitely a side sleeper. I am not good at sleeping, though. I am so restless. I have to wear pants to bed even when it is hot out because the air on my legs keeps me awake for some reason and even the blankets don't seem to help that.

My husband sleeps like a rock, but other than him very few critters or humans dare share a bed with me.

5-12-11, 10:54pm
Tummy, although it aggravates the arthritis in my neck and shoulder, so I'm trying to learn to sleep on my side. Not been very successful so far, but I'm tired of waking up with neck pain.

DH and I are usually in separate rooms - we're both light sleepers and on very different body clocks and he tends to get up several times a night. I don't care how beautiful the sunrise is, unless it's after 7am I'm absolutely not getting out of bed for it. The one advantage of being in different states for work is that there's no way he can wake me up at the crack of dawn. :)

5-13-11, 12:03am
Stella. I believe with age, sleep worsens in many. I read an article a few years ago that broke down the entire sleep function/process of humans and was it ever interesting. I wish I could remember how the breakdown measured out, but with age (typically) sleep got worse. All I remember is, birth to age 18 was the age group where the quality of sleep was at perfect levels, after that it went down hill.

SoSimple. I do enjoy having the bed all to myself when DH is out of town. I find myself stretching out, sleeping in all sorts of weird and unusual positions, and basically hogging the entire bed (covers included)! Such a treat. If you are making the transition to side-sleeping, make sure you have a proper pillow for added support. (You can stack two pillows together to obtain the desired support needed).

5-13-11, 12:43am
Ooh puppy pillows and kitten feet warmers are great. I could not sleep without my critters. San Onofre Guy you don't know what you are missing. You ever hear of three dog night?

5-14-11, 4:18pm
Originally posted by Setis.
You ever hear of three dog night?LMAO! When I seen your comment I instantly conjured up an image of a middle-aged guy tucked under the covers amongst two dogs! Each dog offering one extended paw suggesting their love and affection for their master. Thanks for the happy vision! :)

5-14-11, 5:04pm
LMAO! When I seen your comment I instantly conjured up an image of a middle-aged guy tucked under the covers amongst two dogs! Each dog offering one extended paw suggesting their love and affection for their master. Thanks for the happy vision! :)

Close Mrs. M but its a really, really, really cold night when 3 dogs will keep you really, really, really warm. It's also a 1970's band.

5-14-11, 6:32pm
Originally posted by Goldensmom.
Close Mrs. M but its a really, really, really cold night when 3 dogs will keep you really, really, really warm. It's also a 1970's band. LMAO! :) Speaking of the band, I just couldn't help myself. One of my favourite old songs.


5-15-11, 2:34am
This is interesting... and I'd like to take a moment to talk about sleep apnea. I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea a year ago (OSA for short). I had been chronically exhausted for 10 years, and chalked it up to many things... despite my whole family having OSA. I was super resistant to sleeping with a CPAP. It just freaked me out. However, waking up every hour, sometimes startled awake and with my heart pounding, as well as disturbing my spouse, I finally went to see a sleep specialist.

My OSA is very mild - I was experiencing 7 sleep disturbances an hour. My father had over 100 an hour. It's very likely that his cardiac history is due to his OSA, since he had a heart attack at 58. Untreated OSA can double one's risk of heart attack. It's implicated in many chronic illnesses. I have to say that getting enough sleep has changed my life. I do believe that some of the employment struggles I went through was due to untreated OSA and my exhaustion and brain fog I was in for several years. I also have an uncorrected overbite, which contributes to OSA.

Please, if you or your bed partner is snoring and exhausted, get checked out. I promise you that it will save your sanity and perhaps your life. I got used to sleeping with a mask over my nose; mine is called an called APAP - adjustable positive airway pressure. Basically, snoring happens when one's soft palate collapses against the back of one's throat during sleep, and the airway is restricted. Snoring is the vibration caused as the person attempts to breathe against this obstruction. Waking occurs when the person cannot get any air, they are essentially suffocating. The machine forces a steady stream of humidified air into the throat to splint it open so the person can breathe unimpeded, and sleep soundly. It's miraculous to actually sleep a full night and wake feeling rested. Something that I thought I'd never feel again... I cannot tell you what 10 years of chronic exhaustion and poor sleep does to one.

Here is a checklist to point one towards investigating OSA.
Answer yes or no to the following:

1. I have been told that I snore.

2. I have been told that I hold my breath when I sleep.

3. I am overweight.

4. I have high blood pressure.

5. My friends and family say I’m often grumpy and irritable.

6. I get morning headaches.

7. I wish I had more energy.

8. I sweat excessively during the night.

9. I have noticed my heart pounding or beating irregularly at night.

10. I suddenly wake up gasping for breath.

11. I have lost interest in sex.

12. I often feel sleepy and struggle to stay awake.

13. I frequently awake with a dry mouth.

If you answered YES to three or more statements above, you show symptoms of sleep apnea. Treatment may include an oral device worn at night, air pressure devices, or surgery, as well as simple behavior changes, such as exercise and weight loss, as well as the avoidance of alcohol.

Ok - thanks for listening!

5-15-11, 9:56am
What an interesting thread! A few of you have mentioned liking to sleep alone. I actually can't sleep alone! If DH is not in bed with me (like if he is on a business trip or something), I cannot sleep. Sometimes when he is gone I stuff a bunch of pillows down his side of the bed to trick myself, but that doesn't work ;-)

My cat, Charlie, sleeps with us, too, and if he isn't there on my left side, I have trouble getting to sleep.

I also have to be on the left side of the bed. I can't sleep on DH's side (the right side). This goes for hotel rooms, too.

I never realized what a weird and persnickety sleeper I am until just now. LOL

5-15-11, 5:55pm
Redfox. Thank you so kindly for the helpful and informative list. I didn't realize there were so many side-effects related to sleep apnea. So happy to hear of your happy ending Red! :)

Kat. Oh, I envy you! (Being so content not sleeping alone). Don't get me wrong, I love snuggling and cuddling next to my husband, but somehow the luxury of being all alone in bed with no one to hog the covers or get in the way is such an appealing thing! :D

As for favoured bed-side, I'm a left-side sleeper too! (Just at home although). Away from home it doesn't seem to matter much to me. Isn't that a strange one! :laff:

5-16-11, 5:01pm
On my side with 3 dogs scattered about. Thank god for a king size bed!! I do have a side also - usually on the left too cause I like to leave my right hand free (for the various weapons, hand grenades, and nuclear bombs I keep on my nightstand ;))!

5-16-11, 8:46pm
Originally posted by Spartana.
On my side with 3 dogs scattered about.The wonderful side of/world of dog-ownership! :)

5-17-11, 2:26pm
The wonderful side of/world of dog-ownership! :)

Well I shouldn't complain because I use to have 2 BIG dogs (labs), and one mid sized dog (border collie) and 3 cats that all slept with me in a queen size bed. It was always crazy back then. Here's some pict of them. Don't have pics of ther two new dogs yet. They are smaller and the bed is bigger!


5-17-11, 4:41pm
sorry if I put too many doggie pics up in a thread about sleeping - I just love my critters! The two new ones are just too cute so will have to get pics of them too.

5-17-11, 6:24pm
Start on my left side and migrate to the back at some point during the night. One of our two Jack Russells will start at our feet and worms her way up between us at night.

5-17-11, 6:59pm
sorry if I put too many doggie pics up in a thread about sleeping - I just love my critters! The two new ones are just too cute so will have to get pics of them too.

Never too many dog (or cat) pictures regardless the thread topic.

Mighty Frugal
5-17-11, 9:30pm
Tank top and cropped cotton or silk jammie pants. I can't wear a nightgown without it working it's way up around my neck and choking me.

hahahahaha too funny! I hate nightgowns too....thanks for the laugh

Mighty Frugal
5-17-11, 9:36pm
I am a 'burrow down' tummy sleeper....side in a pinch. I'm also in the 'it's a treat to sleep alone' camp. Really wish having my own bed was socially acceptable for married people....also need another bedroom for that....but on rare occasions when dh is out-man...is there ever a big smile on my face as I lay in the centre of the bed and kinda ooze everywhere....bliss..don't tell him though-he can't sleep without me

5-18-11, 12:55am
Love those pictures Spartana! They're all such cuties!

Crunchycon. Awww... So sweet.

Goldensmom. Ditto!

Mighty Frugal. Hehehehehe... I promise not to tell. :)

5-18-11, 1:02am
Fetal position..! Side to side - definitely NOT on my back or tummy. I often migrate in the middle of the night to our
couch - it is much softer...! I am a light sleeper and my wife snors. I snor too, but I don't wake myself up.

Have either of you ever been checked for sleep apnea?

5-18-11, 11:51am
side sleeper

5-18-11, 3:56pm
Have either of you ever been checked for sleep apnea?

I have not, but my tossing I think is due more to a mattress that is past it's prime...and our couch is so nice and soft, and I sleep like a baby on it!

5-19-11, 9:48pm
Ah yes, side-sleeping is heaven isn't it Debi! Simply divine...