View Full Version : New gig!
This could almost fit as well under family or hobbies, but I am starting a new gig tomorrow as a dog walker. The dog is my nephew and he is the sweetest boy. I am a lifelong cat person, so this is a whole new world to me. This will be my first really close, personal, care-taking-type interaction with a dog. He is a 2-year old Shih Tzu with a delightful personality. He belongs to my SIL and BIL, the ones who live with my MIL. SIL finally got a job after a prolonged search. BIL and I took the dog today for a trial walk and went to visit my mother (who lives a short block away). Mom was in heaven and in love with the dog. It was the first time in my life I have ever taken a dog for a walk!
So this is going to be interesting on so many levels. I am a natural optimist, so I'm hoping I can make it work for the best.
Love the dog! What is his name?
He has the intelligence of a 2 1/2 year old is my experience but will love the walk and the cuddles. Never let him off the lead, ever! when outside as that is his best protection. When you encounter other dogs, slow down and, if other dogs want to visit, ask the owner/walker if their dog is OK with visiting. Do not allow your 'nephew' to pee or poo on others' lawns but find certain 'peamail' posts where he can pee. Take extra doggie poo bags with you at all times and find the best disposal locations.
I love my dog and walk him at least twice daily. He is the best mixer with everyone, young or old.
Others will have some input as well. Enjoy your new gig! What fun!
iris lilies
5-6-18, 6:24pm
No one even needs natural optimism for this gig! What could go wrong? Shi Tzus are such cutie pies and like all toy breeds, they loves their people. They exist to be companions.
Razz: His name is Doc Holliday. He is 2 years old, but here is a baby pic:
I should be able to get a more current pic in the days to come.
His leash has a built-in poop baggie dispenser (he is very well accessorized).
IL: I have no qualms about him and me. We already are very fond of each other and he is a sweetie! He lives in the house of whiskey fumes and cigarette smoke though. My concerns are more about BIL and SIL going off to work, MIL being home alone and me going over there every day for my play date with Doc. Who knows, maybe we can entice MIL to come for a walk with us. She hasn't been out of the house since October, and I fear she may never leave unless in an ambulance.
Teacher Terry
5-6-18, 8:25pm
What a cutie. Sometimes that breed can be stubborn though. I would watch out for big dogs because some don't like the little guys and see them as prey.
iris lilies
5-7-18, 9:26am
He is very cute. So glad you can get him outside each day.
Those dogs have short noses and will overheat easily, so be aware in hot weather. Plus, they are so close to the ground and the length of their body is exposed, so a hot sidewalk is tough on them.
Interesting to know about the overheating. There are so many of these cute little guys in my neighbourhood. My bigger dog leans way down and touches noses with most of them on regular basis.
He is very cute. So glad you can get him outside each day.
Those dogs have short noses and will overheat easily, so be aware in hot weather. Plus, they are so close to the ground and the length of their body is exposed, so a hot sidewalk is tough on them.
5-7-18, 11:28am
Thanks for all the tips. I do want to take good care of this little guy!
Today was our maiden voyage. My sister was off work, so Sis, her dog, me, Doc and our Mom walked a piece of the Rail Trail that DH & I walk most mornings. It was really nice, and Mom enjoyed it tremendously. Mom called me later in the afternoon to see if she can join in the walk tomorrow. I think this will be really good for her.
My days are clearly going to look a lot different than I was expecting. I love having whole days to myself at home, and it appears that will be the exception rather than the rule for now. If I stop and think about what I most wanted from retirement though, I am pretty well hitting my biggest goals - to help my mother, to enjoy my life at home, take plenty of walks and avoid meetings.
I got a new picture of Doc - excuse crappy cigarette butt on the ground. I think I showed him a good time today!
He is really cute. How great that your mother is joining you - giving double benefit with the new gig.
iris lilies
5-7-18, 10:31pm
I flirt with the idea of gettng a Shih Tzu. He is very cute! These photos are not helping me avoid that urge.
Teacher Terry
5-8-18, 12:30pm
My friend has 2 and they are cute. We call them cat dogs because they will come when called if they feel like it:~)
5-25-18, 2:47pm
Update: Things are going very well. SIL & BIL said it is a big relief for them to know I am taking him out every day. Mom is joining me, and I think this is the biggest win. It has not been uncommon to find her in her pajamas all day recently, but now she is ready and waiting at the door when I come by with Doc. So I am walking the both of them and earning a little bit of side income. :)
I'm also really enjoying him. This is my first close relationship with a dog. He is so happy to see me when I arrive that it just melts my heart. Cats just don't wear their hearts on their sleeves like that!
The advice was useful about the overheating and the whole bodily functions protocol, so thanks again for that!
There are lots of older folk in my hood and I swear they all have Shih Tzus or dogs that look like little dust mops. Really cute!!
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