View Full Version : Watching Royal Wedding!!

5-19-18, 6:28am
I woke at 5:30 to watch the Royal Wedding of Harry to Meghan Markle. So much fun to watch.. many I'm sure don't care, but I'm a total sucker for it all!

Anyone else watching? You West Coasters, did you get up at 2:30am to watch it? :)

iris lilies
5-19-18, 6:34am
I am going to a “pajamas and crumpets” party in 15 minutes. We are to wear our pajamas and a hat. Will be watching the wedding event on a big screen tv, while eating crumpets.

5-19-18, 6:35am
Our coffee cake is almost done. Even husband is watching it. BBCAmerica has fantastic views from BBC1 in the UK.

5-19-18, 6:39am
We don't have our TV up yet, so I have to stream on my laptop, but it's working fine.

5-19-18, 6:55am

5-19-18, 8:25am
I'm a pomp and circumstance kind of women. My husband is shocked that practical logical me gets so into watching this foo foo stuff.

5-19-18, 9:17am
I'll be the party pooper. I can't believe it's on every single major network, including PBS. I wanted to hear the news, but all I got was this wedding.
I really don't care about it.......and am disappointed that the networks thought everybody would be interested. They have at least 2 other stations to their network, why couldn't they
have a little news on those?

Okay.......carry on with your party..... :~)

5-19-18, 9:28am
Yeah, no. Fortunately, I have a bottomless supply of ebooks...

5-19-18, 9:31am
I got up at 3:30 (awake anyway) to watch it. Just watched PBS' stream on my laptop in bed. It was just the video, no talking heads, which was nice. Couldn't figure out who a lot of the celebrities were though.

That head of the US Episcopal Church gave a sermon that I felt was not appropriate for this wedding. All sorts of SJW stuff. Blech.

Loved the bride's dress. The tiara was Queen Mary's (1932).

Now I'm going to sleep!

5-19-18, 10:31am
I loved it!

5-19-18, 11:03am
BBC had fantastic video from all kinds of angles. I would expect them to do it best. I agree with the minister and the Queen has said before that she think sermons should not exceed 7 minutes. He really exceeded that. I loved the varied music.

5-19-18, 11:34am
When it comes to the Royals I am as red, white, and blue as an American can possibly be.

Abolish all monarchs!

5-19-18, 11:43am
I hope marriage works out better for this commoner than it it for Diana.

5-19-18, 12:24pm
I thought it was a great royal wedding, with American touches. I personally loved Bishop Curry's sermon. I loved the traditional hymns, and Ave Maria, and even Stand By Me was a nice touch. She looked stunning, and he looked amazing. Her mother was beautiful and elegant. The queen gorgeous in those colors, but she could have smiled, at least once.

I think they nailed it.

iris lilies
5-19-18, 12:40pm
I got up at 3:30 (awake anyway) to watch it. Just watched PBS' stream on my laptop in bed. It was just the video, no talking heads, which was nice. Couldn't figure out who a lot of the celebrities were though.

That head of the US Episcopal Church gave a sermon that I felt was not appropriate for this wedding. All sorts of SJW stuff. Blech.

Loved the bride's dress. The tiara was Queen Mary's (1932).

Now I'm going to sleep!

Is that who the black guy was ? Yes, he went on and on, my crowd was annoyed with him.Everythingbelse was fine, all music lovely and varied.

Who was the Orthodox minister and why was he there?

iris lilies
5-19-18, 12:43pm
When it comes to the Royals I am as red, white, and blue as an American can possibly be.

Abolish all monarchs!
I am in favor of toppling these usurper Germans and restoring the Stuarts.

5-19-18, 1:12pm
Is that who the black guy was ? Yes, he went on and on, my crowd was annoyed with him.Everythingbelse was fine, all music lovely and varied.

Who was the Orthodox minister and why was he there?

He was the Coptic bishop in London. Guess they were being inclusive although I’m not sure why he specifically was chosen.

I have been to multiple weddings where the clergy chose to push a political/social agenda. A wedding is not the place for such, IMO. If clergy want to do so, they have multiple other opportunities, including Sundays in their own churches.

5-19-18, 1:48pm
I am in favor of toppling these usurper Germans and restoring the Stuarts.

Precisely the mood in our household.

5-19-18, 2:48pm
Michael Curry is the head of the Episcopal Church in the US, chosen specifically by Ms. Markle--likely for his position on social justice, which is important to both her and Harry (not to mention Jesus). The Royal Family does charitable work non-stop, and I'd rather have them than the largest war machine in the history of the world. Also, if the Stuarts/Stewarts come back to reclaim the throne, do you suppose I can claim citizenship if I show proof of descendency? I'm ready to go to any civilized country that will have me.

5-19-18, 6:35pm
I tivo'd it but I'll probably just watch the highlight shows tonight. I saw a bit this morning and thought she looked stunning. I like them as a couple, they seem down to Earth

5-20-18, 2:24pm
Precisely the mood in our household.

It’s been downhill ever since the Romans pulled out.

5-21-18, 5:08pm
I thought it was a great royal wedding, with American touches. I personally loved Bishop Curry's sermon. I loved the traditional hymns, and Ave Maria, and even Stand By Me was a nice touch. She looked stunning, and he looked amazing. Her mother was beautiful and elegant. The queen gorgeous in those colors, but she could have smiled, at least once.

I think they nailed it.

Agree 100%. My DD and I went to Dollar Tree Friday and bought headbands and flowers and I made "fascinators" for us to wear while we watched.

5-21-18, 7:49pm
Watched it. Watched the replays. Loved it. Loved the music. Loved the message. So nice to see something happy on TV. I’ve been to St. Georges Chapel which made it more fun to watch and it looks a lot bigger on TV than in reality.

Float On
5-22-18, 10:52am
Did not watch. Watched a few moments on-line yesterday. Is it true that the only family member she had there was her mother? That seems sad but I understand there are some issues. I heard he picked the flowers for her bouquet. That's a sweet move...if true.

5-26-18, 9:18pm
I hope marriage works out better for this commoner than it it for Diana.

I don't think this marriage will be at all the same. It feels like Meghan is charge of this.

5-27-18, 8:38am
Diana's marriage was a sham from the start and never recovered. This is a much healthier basis and I wish them all the best.

I don't think this marriage will be at all the same. It feels like Meghan is charge of this.

Teacher Terry
5-27-18, 3:23pm
Poor Diane didn't know it was a sham though.

5-29-18, 10:32am
Watched it. Loved the dress, thought the ceremony was beautifully done. I have a good feeling that things will work out fine for Meghan and Harry.

St. George's Chapel is one of the places I would love to visit. My sister has been to Windsor several times and the chapel is on of her favorite spots in it.