View Full Version : The volcano in Hawaii

5-24-18, 12:56pm
Boy, that's really incredible to watch! What a force it is! We're seeing how the islands were initially made. Now they're seeing blue flames, from the methane gas which I guess comes from plants burning??
What I wonder is.....what fills all that space that the magma is coming out of? Are they just big caverns, or do they fill up with something else?
It's just unbelievable to watch. I feel bad for all those people who lost their homes.......but I guess that's the chance they took. Seems like people shouldn't be allowed to build so close to a volcano......and I guess that means really far from it. Watching pictures of this is like watching the earth millions of years ago.
Pretty incredible.

Float On
5-24-18, 1:25pm
It is amazing to watch. I've got friends on the islands. All of them have sent out statements of "thanks for the concern, we're fine" and diagrams of the islands showing they are in fact several islands away!

5-24-18, 3:59pm
DS is honeymooning there right now. I was very concerned, but hadn't realized how far apart the islands really are. One of my fears was they might be connected in terms of their volcanoes, but I don't think that's the case. At any rate.......I told him to avoid any inactive volcano sites and he said "OK!" The the next day I checked where he was with my "Find Friends" and he was at one. :~) I guess I should be happy he doesn't live with my kind of fears.....

5-24-18, 5:26pm
https://scontent.fsea1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/33447263_1825323250821634_420689005806354432_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=AeHCHyb7wpla_BEFls9rYRCb_XU__D0-s3Dz2AMemdym_TxqTND97dVB2Hpn3UQOk_LSIFiWTgrh1WN3XW g6IIFkBGy2FGfa-eDHpys5YxZQxA&oh=064a83a63e2ac9fad00f0364e4d65d1c&oe=5B87FF8C&efg=eyJhZG1pc3Npb25fY29udHJvbCI6MSwidXBsb2FkZXJfaW QiOiIyMDk5NjA3ODIzNTc4OTcifQ%3D%3D

5-24-18, 5:33pm
I love you bae!

5-24-18, 6:19pm
Yep, no one like Bae to graphically slap us into reality.

5-24-18, 7:51pm
That definitely puts it in perspective.

5-25-18, 7:57pm
https://scontent.fsea1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/33447263_1825323250821634_420689005806354432_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=AeHCHyb7wpla_BEFls9rYRCb_XU__D0-s3Dz2AMemdym_TxqTND97dVB2Hpn3UQOk_LSIFiWTgrh1WN3XW g6IIFkBGy2FGfa-eDHpys5YxZQxA&oh=064a83a63e2ac9fad00f0364e4d65d1c&oe=5B87FF8C&efg=eyJhZG1pc3Npb25fY29udHJvbCI6MSwidXBsb2FkZXJfaW QiOiIyMDk5NjA3ODIzNTc4OTcifQ%3D%3D

But, but... what about my friend in Honolulu? Is she going to be ok???

5-25-18, 8:00pm
No joke jp1, the mean girl clique in the office were talking about the volcano today with comments like "Honolulu is on the big island, the one that all the tourists go to". I did not intrude in their conversation.

5-25-18, 9:10pm
Thanks Bae.

5-26-18, 12:37pm
No joke jp1, the mean girl clique in the office were talking about the volcano today with comments like "Honolulu is on the big island, the one that all the tourists go to". I did not intrude in their conversation.

Indeed. Someone on Facebook actually asked my Honolulu friend if she was concerned.

5-29-18, 10:14am
What some people also don't realize, aside from Honolulu being on a different island, is that the island of Hawaii is 93 miles across. It's not some tiny island that's going to get engulfed. DH was glad to hear that the brewery of his favorite beer is on the west side and safely away from the volcano.

The nephew of an in-law relative lives in the affected community and as of two weeks ago, expected to lose his house. He's living with friends and given the ramped up activity with new fissures, fissures merging and new lava coming to the surface, I am assuming that it's gone.