View Full Version : Had a surprise party for my birthday

5-15-11, 3:18pm
How fun is that?

It was sweet of my dh and really frugal. I came home and about 15 people joined us for the evening. There was music and guitars and guests brought tidbits and my dh got a big cake and a cheesecake.

There were streamers everywhere and a big bowl of swag for the guests, just little treasures he found. We ate nothing big, just appies and cheeses and drank wine and sang.

Really a perfect birthday party in a wonderful community and no one worried about dishes or the mess. The place looked like a bomb had gone off the day after, but easily cleaned up, and I will remember the event forever.

Why not try a small surprise party for someone you love. If it is as simple as mine it might be fun.

5-15-11, 4:51pm
Cool! :D

DH's birthday is coming up, so perhaps we'll do that for him. :)

5-15-11, 4:58pm
just make it easy on yourself and get finger foods. He requested a card only, no gifts, but I got lots of gifts. It was fun and messy. Something bout my dh doing it made all the ladies help him out so much.

5-15-11, 5:29pm
That sounds so neat Kally! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Happy Birthday!!

5-15-11, 5:52pm
That sounds so awesome. You have a very thoughtful DH! Glad you enjoyed.

5-15-11, 6:31pm
How wonderful. DH's 40th is coming up in August so maaaayyyyybe . . . .

5-15-11, 6:47pm
AND YOU DIDN'T INVITE US??? http://www.sherv.net/cm/page/hidden/yahoo/hidden-24.gif (Shame on you)! :laff:

Glad to hear you had a good time. Happy belated birthday to you Kally!

5-15-11, 9:03pm
That truly is sweet. How nice to have someone who cares for you so. Just a quick question, though...
...what is swag?:thankyou:

5-16-11, 8:03am
Sounds like fun! Happy Birthday!

5-16-11, 10:21am
What a nice birthday surprise!

5-16-11, 12:30pm
What a lovely party. Happy birthday!

My husband threw a surprise party for my 30th. He flew our favorite band up from LA (they were sorta friends then; they are friends now) and put them up in a hotel. He invted 50 friends and family and had a BBQ in our backyard. The police were called (bagpipes and drums are LOUD) and a fantastic time was had by all. People still talk about it (almost 7 years later) and many husbands in our acquaintance chided Joe for making their job really hard; no one felt they could top that party.


5-17-11, 11:30pm
Oooo. We are doing this for my DB this weekend. He turns 50 today! And me and kiddos and his brother and SIL and mother are all driving up from 4-6 hours to surprise him on Saturday (Shhh, don't tell). His most wonderful fiancée arranged it. I can't wait.....