View Full Version : Celebrating Merka tomorrow!

7-3-18, 7:03am
Hey, what are you doing to celebrate Independence Day tomorrow?

Chillin' & Grillin'? Parades? Parties?

7-3-18, 7:12am
Burgers and potato salad for 2. We'll go to the lake to watch the fireworks.

7-3-18, 7:29am
Burgers and potato salad for 2. We'll go to the lake to watch the fireworks.

Mmmmm! Sounds good and fun!

7-3-18, 7:55am
I am going to the heart of Trump country -- my home town!

They have a parade where the star spangled banner is flown about as often as the bars & stars.

There'll be pick'em up trucks, souped-up tractors, dune buggies, cherried-out muscle cars, old ladies playing accordion, 4-willers, crotch-rockets, water balloons, feral pit bulls, opioid junkies, drunkards, winos, wanna-be gunslingers, "militia men," rednecks, hillbillies, a klansman or two, poachers, and me.

7-3-18, 8:42am
Low-key here: a movie, lunch out, then a pool party at a relative's house. Have to keep cool, it's going to be 107 degrees here in Phoenix.

7-3-18, 8:56am
Going to a friends for a cookout, and then going out on the boat to watch fireworks.

7-3-18, 9:02am
No idea what we're doing. I'd like to see some fireworks -- we haven't the last couple of years because it's either been too hot or the fireworks were someplace hard to get to (and low, so they weren't very visible from outside the venue). It's supposed to be very hot and humid, with thunderstorms, so that may not happen either. We have a(n extended) family member coming to visit for a week so some of the agenda will be up to her.

Maybe it's the weather; maybe it's other things, but I'm just not much into celebrating 'murrica this year...

7-3-18, 9:33am
Oops -- looks like we have plans...


7-3-18, 10:01am
Wow. Must be a super-secret plan. I haven't heard a word. Alex is such a reliable source...:devil:

Teacher Terry
7-3-18, 10:06am
In Kenosha so will be hanging out with friends and doing whatever they have planned.

7-3-18, 10:16am
Pennsylvania just legalized fireworks for average Joe. I’m planning on launching bottle rockets and Roman candles out over the settlement pond and blowing holes in the common areas of the community with M80s and 100s. That should test the patience of the Home Owners Association board of directors. Entertainment for all.

Zoe Girl
7-3-18, 10:21am
I really REALLY hope there are no, or very limited fireworks in our area. The fire danger is high and parts of Colorado are burning of course. Part of the state burns every year. No fireworks, no throwing cigarette butts out the window, no extreme flaming grills,

Thinking about checking my renters insurance

iris lilies
7-3-18, 10:34am
We are going to a restaurant with a rooftop to eat and drink and watch fireworks.

7-3-18, 11:33am
probably stand around watching free fireworks with in-laws as it were. I never really get much say in how holidays are spent. I have come to dislike them really. I'm surprised I don't go awol. not that it matters at this point, I don't lack free time.

7-3-18, 11:38am
I plan on eating the charred flesh of various animals along with some highly processed foods. I will thank my primitive sky god for being born here, and cheer for our mighty war machine and all the good people who serve her.

I will spend some of my ill-gotten privileged wealth on alcohol and explosive devices, and display our striped symbol of oppression for all to see.

Then I’ll take a nap.

iris lilies
7-3-18, 2:56pm
I plan on eating the charred flesh of various animals along with some highly processed foods. I will thank my primitive sky god for being born here, and cheer for our mighty war machine and all the good people who serve her.

I will spend some of my ill-gotten privileged wealth on alcohol and explosive devices, and display our striped symbol of oppression for all to see.

Then I’ll take a nap.
This is hilarious!

Praise god and rah rah for ‘Merika!

7-3-18, 3:23pm
I will be going to a few day's late victory party for Lopez Obrador in the 85006 - Lopez Obrador of the far left and of course just having won the Presidency of Mexico with his new political party Morena - no PRI or PAN President for Mexico this time around and given that Mexico is my safety valve against some of what America is and what it has become, my take is that my July 4th is well spent celebrating that Obrador won in Mexico.

I will also display a few Mexican flags this year as a display of support for Obrador's win and for continuing gratitude that much more sanely priced medical and dental is only three hours away from me across a border. Rob

7-3-18, 3:26pm
Pennsylvania just legalized fireworks for average Joe. I’m planning on launching bottle rockets and Roman candles out over the settlement pond and blowing holes in the common areas of the community with M80s and 100s. That should test the patience of the Home Owners Association board of directors. Entertainment for all.


dado potato
7-3-18, 4:53pm
We plan to go for a drive and enjoy a small-town parade. Then we will host a few friends in our back yard. The repast will be devilled eggs and brats.

I have ancestors who took up arms the American Revolution, and fortunately they all survived the war.

My toast will be to the POWs of the American Revolution, who endured (or not) the prison-hulk ships of the Royal Navy (such as HMS Jersey) or Livingston's Sugar House in New York City. There will be a little round table and an empty chair, salt upon the bread I baked, and an upturned glass.

"Remember, freedom -- it is not free."

7-3-18, 6:48pm
Pulling 3 24-hour duty shifts in a row over the blessed events, as it is our highest-call-volume week of the year.

Drunken tourists, brushfires from illegal fireworks, boaters running aground, heart attacks from the stress of all the cheer, etc. etc.

Woo hoo!

7-3-18, 8:13pm
I plan on eating the charred flesh of various animals along with some highly processed foods. I will thank my primitive sky god for being born here, and cheer for our mighty war machine and all the good people who serve her.

I will spend some of my ill-gotten privileged wealth on alcohol and explosive devices, and display our striped symbol of oppression for all to see.

Then I’ll take a nap.

I DEFINITELY will NOT cheer our mighty war machine! Ridiculous that we spend $720 billion and the next closest country spends $72 billion. What a waste of money!

Will spend the day leisurely eating bbq and relaxing!

7-4-18, 6:34am
Happy Merka Day! Whooooooooooo-hoooooo! Yeah!

7-4-18, 8:40am
Last night, we had our kids and our two best friends here (my realtor and her husband) to our house for drinks, food, and fireworks. The fireworks are right over the lake, right in front of our house!! So nice to not have to fight traffic to see fireworks!

Today our kids are coming up and we'll probably spend time on the lake.

7-4-18, 10:39am
My sister in law has a little cottage on a lake nearby and part of the quaint enjoyment of sitting on the shore today will be the “boat parade” where owners decorate their pontoons with patriotic themes and circle the lake blowing horns and hooting and hollering. I think you have a gem of a spot there .......enjoy!

7-4-18, 3:21pm
Private citizens, local, state, and federal agencies, along with a for-profit corporation, respond, self-organize on-the-scene, and save some folks.



7-5-18, 9:30am
I hope those 72 hours of work allow for some naps or you could be one of those heart attacks!

7-5-18, 9:59am
Thanks, Bae, for helping with the rescue and for being a first responder.
We had a boat taking on water with a pregnant woman in it that happened during the Blue Angels airshow, which took some real coordination on the part of the rescuers. But they managed to get to her with a helicopter and rescue swimmer, so all ended well and we are fortunate to have such skilled first responders!

iris lilies
7-5-18, 10:05am
Last night, we had our kids and our two best friends here (my realtor and her husband) to our house for drinks, food, and fireworks. The fireworks are right over the lake, right in front of our house!! So nice to not have to fight traffic to see fireworks!

Today our kids are coming up and we'll probably spend time on the lake.

Lovely! This is all so great for you, husband, and kids and grandchildren.

7-5-18, 12:26pm
Though not feeling very patriotic, I rode my decorated bike in the parade, always fun. Afterwards there are concerts in the park and food and crafts booths. I volunteered to work a couple hours at the booth for my country dance group (making snowcones.) I watched some of the concerts and dance groups. We walked over to the school field to watch the fireworks in the evening - quite a show.

The weather was ideal, everything went well, but, I dunno, I'm still feeling cynical about the whole thing.

7-5-18, 12:58pm
there are less and less public fireworks etc. festivals we were noting. This stuff used to exist but less and less every year. I'm not particularly pro-firework though so ... but neither were there other public festivals bands etc.. Not a lot of public activities for the 4th of July at all. Maybe it being a Weds didn't help though.

Now you might say this is just because everyone has given up on the 4th of July. Only there was a constant sound of fireworks (set of by individuals even though it is illegal most places) all night. That and sirens, and one imagines: ok who blew off their hand this time ... The powers that be campaign against this but then provide few public ways to see fireworks at all ...

so american society in the year 2018 is anarchistic (that's not purely bad or anything) but community focused not so much so. Bowling alone uh .. fireworking alone that is.