View Full Version : Some hope I pass along to you'all of a political nature.....

7-18-18, 4:20pm
It seems as if James Comey, the former leader of the FBI fired by Trump, and a lifelong Republican by his own admission...….get this: IS URGING ANYONE WHO CARES ABOUT THIS COUNTRY TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS ONLY in the upcoming mid-terms. Gotta say I am not only impressed by this but also a little surprised. At least it's progress towards more blue to restrain the Orange Thug. Bring more of such defiance on! Rob

7-18-18, 4:33pm
I have little faith in the Democratic Party's ability to get anything accomplished.

Every time Trump tweets, my inbox fills up with angry screeching fundraising letters from the local/state/national Democrats. But they never do more than use Trump as a stalking horse.

I'd like to see Republicans and Democrats of good character band together to actually take up their appointed powers in the House and Senate, and re-educate our executive branch about its job. But today, it seems more productive for each Member personally to just posture, while keeping things messed up.

I mean, if they fixed things, what would they have to whine about every day? How would they raise money?

7-18-18, 5:10pm
Every time Trump tweets, my inbox fills up with angry screeching fundraising letters from the local/state/national Democrats. But they never do more than use Trump as a stalking horse.

I had to basically hang up on the third call today I got from the DNC. I gave them a few bucks once and for that act of generosity they hound me. I told them to take me off their call list a few months ago, but it seems to have slipped their mind.

I don't trust Democrats because of what they did to Bernie. I'll vote my conscience in November, though.

7-18-18, 5:14pm
Quite a few honorable Republicans have advised that lately--Steve Schmidt and George Will, for two.

7-18-18, 5:40pm
well that has to be the least persuasive argument to vote for Democrats ever. I mean "vote for them because their policies are better" would at least be an argument. Who is he to say policy difference don't matter anyway. They do matter to anyone affected by those policies. But "policy differences don't matter" = watch Trump get elected again. The Dems already ran a candidate who barely seemed to have a policy, how is that working out for them?

7-18-18, 9:16pm
While that argument is unlikely to persuade too many people in the middle it may persuade reasonable republicans who hate that their party’s politicians have become the trump brown nose party that the only way they will get their party to become honorable again is to hand their behinds to them via the voting booth.

7-18-18, 10:52pm
While that argument is unlikely to persuade too many people in the middle it may persuade reasonable republicans who hate that their party’s politicians have become the trump brown nose party that the only way they will get their party to become honorable again is to hand their behinds to them via the voting booth.

I used to be a Republican. I even served as a delegate.

But I withdrew some years ago, because of the anti-LGBTQ platform planks that were adopted at one of the conventions just to be mean, that was perhaps the final straw, in a large seagoing raft made of straw....

As far as I can tell, there is no real Republican Party anymore, just a bunch of hacks who want to retain control, instead of engage in public service.

7-19-18, 9:36am
Again, we need to get big money out of the picture. Our representatives spend an inordinate amount of time raising funds and necessarily compromising themselves. My own reps are in thrall to Pharma, for example.

Ironically, the Treasury Department yesterday makes it legal for Non-profit entities to give dark money without disclosing details.

I'll probably always vote Democratic, because the party has historically given a damn about the interests of the average citizen, but they--along with the few honorable Republicans left--need to be freed from their golden shackles.

Teacher Terry
7-24-18, 5:01pm
Totally agree Jane!

7-24-18, 5:24pm
I’m no great fan of Trump. I’m also no great fan of the Democrats currently on offer, especially given their apparent lurch to the left.

I don’t feel any particular moral obligation to vote for a party whose ideas run from the abhorrent to the merely foolish simply because I dislike Trump.

7-25-18, 7:32pm
Although I used to lean to the right, I've lost hope in the political process. Democrate and Republican are just two different sides of the same coin. I'll stick to my hope in Jesus. I've read the book and know how the story ends.

7-27-18, 9:34am
Baldilocks, I hear you. I still lean to the left but it was such a discouraging election season, all the way around. Like you, I am trying to focus more on the Prince of Peace.