View Full Version : Pinning diapers, the process of...

5-18-11, 12:09pm
Few things related to frugality and simplicity speak louder to me than the process of pin-fastening a diaper. Such a simple and plain and elementary task, yet so rewarding. I know in speaking for myself, there's a sort of Zen-like quality that floods over me (and through me) whenever I do it, a satisfying feeling of sorts.

Somehow pulling all the folds together and seeing the end result presented in one neat and tidy bundle creates such a good feeling inside. I don't know, maybe it's just a feeling that only we true cloth diapering moms get... A feeling of relaxed contentment. And maybe, just maybe, it's tied to woman/mommy power! A chance to make a statement knowing we're setting ourselves apart from the norm...

Nevertheless, for those here who have fastened/changed a pin-on diaper on a baby before, does the same satisfying feeling wash over you creating a sort of feeling of- ahhh, frugality and simplicity at it's best?

5-18-11, 12:36pm
I always used liners with velcro tabs. So not the same zen. I have some cute little duckie diaper pins, but never used them.

Square Peg
5-18-11, 1:16pm
I never could get the hang of pinning. For one thing, the feeling of a pin going through the layers of cloth was like nails on a chalk board to me! And I was always afraid of stabbing the baby. And then the diaper would fall off! I am an absolute failure at diaper pinning. I was a big fan of snap or velcro covers. That is awesome that it brings you such bliss though! You should run classes on how to do it properly because I believe it is a dying art.

5-18-11, 1:18pm
I had the feeling you describe wash over me one time when I was changing the bed linens for my Grandmother who had advanced Alzheimers.

I was totally overcome with a feeling of complete contentment and felt I was acting out one of my intended purposes on this planet.

I have found that when my actions align with my beliefs that makes me very content.

I think that's the essence of simplicity and it can be found in everyday seemingly 'mundane' things.

5-18-11, 1:21pm
Seriously Mrs-M, you should take Square Peg's idea of teaching classes and run with it....
I quickly Googled "cloth diaper advocacy group"

and RealDiaperAssociation.org came up.

5-19-11, 11:05am
I raised three babies in cloth diapers; what could be easier?

5-19-11, 4:24pm
I never could get the hang of it, but since we did EC and used all-in-one, grow-with-baby diapers (because I could buy fewer), it was great. I had 12 diapers that went from infant to 2 yrs (size ability), but at 15 months, switched to the gusseted training pants (cloth) that he could maneuver himself for potty. They were very cool, btw, because you could unsnap them like a diaper if there was a miss, but he could pull them up and down if he was on the job. :)

I do think diaper pinning is cool, it's like of like origami.

5-19-11, 5:45pm
Mrs-M I also felt that zen like feeling of contentment when using cloth diapers. I especially enjoyed the process of folding diapers. I would often sit on the livingroom floor and attack the huge pile of flannel. Shaking each diaper out and carefully folding into a kite shape...slowly making piles of ready to use diapers. I found that process both relaxing and rewarding.

5-19-11, 9:30pm
H-work. I remember when Velcro-tab cloth diapers first came out. My oldest was born in 1992 and it was around that time (give or take a year or two either side). Thinking about it now, what an amazing milestone and development in cloth diapering tab-fastening was. I sometimes think what it must have been like, vast numbers of moms breathing a sigh of relief and crying out with joy over the fact of, "no more pins"!

Square Peg. I know exactly what you mean when you say you were scared over sticking baby. I can't honestly say whether or not I went through a stage where I was uncomfortable with using pins or not (babysitting days), but if I was it was definitely short-lived! (No falling down diapers to report, LMAO, but my SIL tells of a funny story where she had that happen once)! Plus side of being a babysitter back then, everyone used cloth diapers and pins, so lots of practice.

Originally posted by Mntlaurel.

I have found that when my actions align with my beliefs that makes me very content.

I think that's the essence of simplicityYay! Yes, that's me! :) So happy to know your grandmother had you...

Glo. I've always thought the same thing, so easy!

Zoebird. I'll bet with a little more practice, combined with a little tutoring (maybe), both you and Square Peg would have turned out to be real pros at it! But there's no doubt that snaps and Velcro have made it a lot easier. (For some, more appealing too)!

Libby. You sound a lot like me, I folded while watching TV, too, but my favourite was pouring the laundry basket out onto my bed and having my kids help! They were so young (still in diapers), so they didn't have the motor skills yet to actually do it (properly), but it sure was fun watching them try! And it made them feel so helpful. I would proudly set them out when done, then secretly refold them once the kids were in bed. :)

Square Peg and Mntlaurel. Story to share. Back in 2006 when I became a SLN member, I was gearing up to start an out-of-home, Home Economics program/course. I had plans on incorporating everything domestic into my teachings (cloth diapering included). I had so much support from family and friends and neighbours over my idea, but as I was making plans to get things rolling, along came two baby boys into my life (our lives). I was disappointed in the fact I didn't get to live out my dream, but so happy to have two new little ones (who I/we would eventually call my/our own) under my care knowing they would be well cared for and loved unconditionally.

On the plus side, I taught both of my daughters how to pin/change, one of my friends, a Family Support & Care worker, and a friend of my oldest daughters who while over at our house one evening, asked if she could change the baby! ROTFLMAO! That one totally blind-sided me! Rubber pants, pins, big old soggy wet diaper, and she wanted to learn how to change cloth diapers! And so she did. :)

But yes, you are right, your idea is great, I'm thinking I could offer to teach it as an extra (so to speak) when the local Babysitter Course comes around again this fall. Great food for though! :)

5-19-11, 9:40pm
We used pins because that was what we had...so happy when one of the older women in my life told me to run them in my hair or stick them in a bar of soap..so helped in getting in without sticking the poor baby..
I always loved folded them too and was amazed that one square of cloth folded differently worked the way it was needed for a boy then a girl...so thankful again for all the wisdom past on to me by those wonderful older women in my life...

5-20-11, 4:20pm
Originally posted by Danna.
We used pins because that was what we had...So true. I actually ran this thread by my mom and SIL and my moms immediate response was- "oh honey, that's all we had back then, in those days". It dawned on me then, moms from that era having no exposure to disposables, pinning was just a given. DSIL on the other hand said what she loved most about pins/pinning was the look.