View Full Version : Smart phone

iris lilies
9-16-18, 1:38pm
I finally got a smart phone. But I wont be carrying the thing, too much trouble.

We had to get new phone aervice because only AT and T works in
Hermann. So I gave up my Tracphone which I never liked especially anyway, but it did the basic job it was supposed to do.

Teacher Terry
9-16-18, 1:48pm
I like the iPhone much better than the Android. Much easier to use. I carry it around in case of my car breaking down, etc. yes

iris lilies
9-16-18, 1:51pm
We I got an IPhone because I live on an IPad, so everything looks familiar.

I already got a set of images sent to me via text. Hmmm, that’s different. Not sure what to/how to do them.

9-16-18, 3:27pm
I use mine mostly as a portable computer and camera, it is rare that I make or receive a phone call or text.

9-16-18, 4:17pm
I use mine as a backup for my beloved flip phone. :~)

9-16-18, 4:21pm
I use mine as a backup for my beloved flip phone. :~)

I was cleaning up my lab the other day and found some of my old flip phones - they were really quite a good solution if you just wanted a simple phone - small, light-weight, easy to carry, relatively robust.

9-16-18, 4:32pm
I still have my favorite cell phone ever, the Motorola Startac analog, circa 1996 or 97. If it were possible to be used I would certainly do so.
I also still have the must functional digital non-smart phone I ever owned, the Nextel i830. I'm still upset with Sprint for killing Nextel's service.

9-16-18, 7:49pm
I don’t have anything against smartphones. My wife has a nice iPhone 7 that is useful in many situations. I would not have a cellphone if it weren’t required for happy wife happy life existence. So my $50 Consumer cellular Doro flipphone does a nice job when I remember to take it with me.

9-17-18, 7:23am
I have an android tracfone. Perfect for my needs.

9-17-18, 8:18am
If I leave the house with my iPhone I feel "under-dressed". But I use my laptop much more than the phone.

9-17-18, 8:54am
If I leave the house with my iPhone I feel "under-dressed". But I use my laptop much more than the phone.

Ditto. I use mine as a pager--people call me and I decide whether or not to call back, effectively freeing me from annoying junk calls--and emergencies, which--Thankfully, I haven't had yet. But I like a big screen, personally.

9-17-18, 11:13am
I continue to be on the fence about going back to a dumbphone. On the one hand, the smartphone appeals to the minimalist in me, since it packs so many functions into a single package: phone, text, camera, email, clock, MP3 player, etc. etc. etc. On the other hand, I actually use only a few of these features, and most of the ones I do use are available on a dumbphone. I hardly ever use the camera, for example, or the web browsing capability (I find my No. 1 use of the browser is to check traffic in my area). However, a dumbphone would be only slightly cheaper in terms of monthly cost.

The thing I find most annoying is the bloatware they load these things with and the continual invading of my privacy. I know you can shut most of this stuff off, and I have, but it bugs me that I have to, and even when you think you've gotten rid of all of it something new pops up. I also really miss the flip phone form factor--seems trivial, but it bothers me more than I thought it would.

9-17-18, 11:23am
I admit that I was one of those mossbacks who clung to his flip phone until his family literally wrested it away from him. But it’s growing on me.

Over time, I’ve gotten spoiled by all the things it can do for me. GPS and mapping mean I never need to degrade myself by asking for directions. I have an app that emulates my favorite calculator. I have a pocket sized cineplex whenever I want. Siri’s wise counsel is always available. A flashlight and a compass and a calendar keep my pockets less full. The wonders of the American credit and banking system are at my fingertips.

I used to view the future in terms of flying cars and underwater cities. Now I see it’s all about the phones.

9-17-18, 11:40am
My flip phone has a camera. It has web access too, but on a 1.5 inch screen, why bother.

When I'm abroad in the world, I appreciate my smart phone.

9-17-18, 8:51pm
On the other hand, I actually use only a few of these features, and most of the ones I do use are available on a dumbphone. I hardly ever use the camera, for example, or the web browsing capability (I find my No. 1 use of the browser is to check traffic in my area). However, a dumbphone would be only slightly cheaper in terms of monthly cost.
The cost would depend somewhat on your carrier. Our carrier, Consumer Cellular, makes packages of data optional (and -- bonus -- shareable among all on the account). For the very-light-use folks, dumbphones can cost as little as $3-10/month.

I also really miss the flip phone form factor--seems trivial, but it bothers me more than I thought it would.
Samsung has offered a couple of folding smartphones (https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/samsung-unveils-w2018-flip-phone/), in limited editions and at seemingly unlimited prices. And Alcatel's GO FLIP (https://us.alcatelmobile.com/alcatel-go-flip/) runs a Google-supplied operating system (as do some other higher-end dumbphones, like the new Nokias; it's not Android) so it has the flip form factor but a more-standardized set of features than the completely-proprietary OSes that dumbphones offered in the past.

9-17-18, 10:07pm
Personally I don't actually make many non-work phone calls anymore. Most of my personal communications now happen via text, email or facebook posts. The exceptions are for things like dealing with my cat's prescription refills, the auto body shop (hopefully just a one time short term thing), etc. Even my doc's office now has an app and I can make appointments through it.

As LDAHL mentions, I love all the other non-phone things I can use my iPhone for. GPS, Camera, podcasts/music/pandora, calculator (not being an accountant I just use the native iOS calculator), weather forecaster, newsreader (the Pocket app is great for storing and retrieving articles) and wikipedia (most often used for "where are they now?" searches when we're out at happy hour friday listening to one hit wonder classic rock tunes (Dead or Alive? ("you spin me right round, baby right round, like a record, baby right round right round") Dead. At age 57...) are all on my first page of apps screen.

When I travel, whether for work or vacation I don't take my laptop (work or personal). I just use my phone for everything, and I'm fine with it. Maybe one day I will abandon the laptop even at home, but I'm just not quite ready to use a 5.whatever inch screen for all my non-work needs.

9-18-18, 7:30am
Love my iPhone 8 Plus. I splurged on the biggest memory and I’m so glad I did. I take lots of pictures with my phone and I don’t have to clear them out of the camera roll due to space concerns. I also download my dive computer logs via Bluetooth directly to phone to dive logging app. Love it.

9-18-18, 7:38am
What we are discussing is a technological substitute for a brain and patience.

This is a phone:


9-18-18, 8:06am
I finally got a smart phone.

Congrats! You are a cyborg now. ;)

But I wont be carrying the thing, too much trouble.

Resistance is futile!

9-18-18, 8:06am
What we are discussing is a technological substitute for a brain and patience.

I’ll bet you said the same thing about the wheel.

9-18-18, 8:10am
I’ll bet you said the same thing about the wheel.

Come on! He ain't that old!

9-18-18, 8:17am
I’ll bet you said the same thing about the wheel.

Imagine the lives we’d have saved if 5500 years ago people would have realized that heavy things belong right where they are. But no! They had to go invent the wheel and the rest is history.

9-18-18, 8:48am
Imagine the lives we’d have saved if 5500 years ago people would have realized that heavy things belong right where they are. But no! They had to go invent the wheel and the rest is history.

Damn liberals!

9-18-18, 12:00pm
Imagine all the music we wouldn't have if not for the wheel.

I have a Samsung candy bar style phone that replaced my Nokia candy bar style. I wish I could get a Jitterbug that wasn't stuck with their service but could be used with mine as my phone costs me $70 a year. I like those style of phones where you charge the battery once a week and you don't have/use internet junk. I generally write or print the bit of directions I need if going somewhere, and there is only one store where I would like the look up the price stuff, as it is a damaged freight store where things have been a bargain to really overpriced.

There is one "smart phone" that is being developed that I am interested in as well as two that are not available in this country. I think the one being developed, really doesn't have the cell broadcast bit and they are expecting it to use wireless (Purism).
I tire of people expecting the phones to think for them. I have had idiots yell at me 'because Google told them to call us" when searching for a business name, and they don't realize that a common name can be across multiple states and an area code is an actual thing that tells you if there in your area or not.

pony mom
9-22-18, 8:32pm
I fought against Smartphones for years and finally broke down and got one......and love it! The web at my fingertips anywhere, camera, photos, news, maps, music, everything you could want or need. I got a deal on a Motorola E through Boost Mobile and pay $35/mo. for a ridiculous amount of service.

9-23-18, 4:37am
I like my phone too!
Texting is such a gift to those of us who have trouble hearing.
I like having a camera with me, and a flashlight, and my calendar, and an ebook in a pinch. I use my weather and air quality apps a lot as well.

I do prefer reading and writing on real paper, and even paper maps vs digital. I do hate getting phone calls (almost always junk calls.)