View Full Version : Ellis Island Records

9-19-18, 5:06am
I was very excited to find this site and to see my mother's record from 1947. From New York she, her mother and my aunt continued on to Canada.


9-19-18, 7:31am
Most of my siblings and my mother went to visit Ellis Island in 2002. My great grandmother (Mom's grandmother) came through there from Ireland. We have photos of her name on the wall as well as copies of her name via crayons-on-paper. (I forget the name of the technique - sorry). It's a wonderful place to visit.

9-19-18, 7:41am
I have a last name that ends in a vowel. When people hear or see it, they sometimes ask: "What kind of name is that?"

I always say: "American."

Interestingly, one of the managers at my work said that when she saw my last name on the hiring announcement just before I started she anticipated that I would look considerably different than I do. She said: "You did not look at all like I expected you to look."

At my previous job, during the phone interview, the hiring manager/my boss-to-be asked: "Are you white?"

9-19-18, 8:45am
I haven't found any of my ancestors there; I was told my g-grandfather sailed here via the Panama Canal, but since he ended up in Minnesota (!), apparently without his ship...

I like genealogy for the same reason I do thrifting--the thrill of the hunt--and discovering the odd gem among the pebbles. I'll have to look again at Ellis Island for ancestors whom I've discovered since I last looked.

How neat that you have pictures to compile!