View Full Version : Won a lawsuit

10-6-18, 6:33am
Actually it was my dads lawsuit, but the money will help pay for his care and my sister and I were very involved. And it really wasn’t so much about the money, it really wasn’t that large of an amount, it just helped vindicate some of the lies that were being spread the last two years.

unfortunatly dad has demintia and I’m not sure how much he understands at this point, or if he will remember he was even at court for the last two days.

But two years ago when he was in a little better condition, and when I wanted to settle and just to put it behind us. He was adamant that he would rather lose everything than give in. So he got what he wanted.

of coarse the other side is threatening to appeal so we have to see where that goes, but we feel much better today.

im also amazed at how people will just flat out lie on the witness stand. I was actually impressed at their ability to lie and smile about it, when we and they knew they were lieing. But I guess the jury figured it out.

Hopefully this wont drag out much longer.

10-6-18, 9:51am
Good for you and your family, dmc. I worked in the legal world and I, too, was surprised at how many people were cool liars under oath, and really good at it too. I have never served on a jury but I admit I would not be the best juror in terms of judging someone's facial expressions and body language - I don't seem to have that social and emotional IQ that can detect a real BS artist.

If they ever make lie detector devices that are 100% reliable, there would be a lot of legal situations where the outcomes would change.

10-6-18, 11:17am
Glad to hear that our legal system actually works when there are conflicting testimonies. Some of my knowledge of real courtroom scenes boils down to a few hours of Judge Judy on cold winter days. Sometimes you can pick up on story tellers by eye and body language. I suppose once you get out of small claims court proof becomes more technical.

iris lilies
10-6-18, 12:01pm
I think people sometimes are lying but they have convinced themselves they are persecuted and the lie in their mind is righteous when faced with the size of their persecution.

In every day life, not on a witness stand, careless lying seems to be the method of untruth for the day. Careless as in “I am not really sure of what I am saying but I want this to be true therefore I will present it as truth.”

10-6-18, 6:05pm
The other side basically said that even after dad had suffered two severe strokes ,and even contrary to the medical records,that he was just as sharp and as in good shape as before. That on the way home from the hospital and even though the medical record show he had dementia and needed 24 hour care. He was able to stop at the bank and change his bank accounts. He was even able to sell off some of his property that was in his name solely and put it into the accounts who’s ownership had changed. Suposadly even though he had a siezure he was still driving and playing 18 holes of golf a day. The evidence showed otherwise. Except they did let him drive and no way he should have been behind the wheel.

He also had supposedly signed the back of several titles years before giving them to his girlfriend, she just waited till he left to have them put in her name. She was a joint owner. Of course her vehicle was in her name only. He just wanted her to have both.

1-4-19, 4:29pm
Well they have filed for an appeal. They offered to not appeal if we would just give them approximately $15,000. Even though they feel they would be successful. They would do this just to keep us from more litigation. Isn’t that nice of them.

We declined their offer. I don’t understand why they want to keep dragging this on, but now I really don’t care.

1-5-19, 10:33am
Well they have filed for an appeal. They offered to not appeal if we would just give them approximately $15,000. Even though they feel they would be successful. They would do this just to keep us from more litigation. Isn’t that nice of them.

We declined their offer. I don’t understand why they want to keep dragging this on, but now I really don’t care.

Hang in there. Those scam artists don't give up easily. Is this in a jurisdiction where the winning party can get their attorney's fees paid by the loser? That would be some sweet justice if the judge forces them to pay.

silly moo
1-5-19, 1:06pm
The more liars repeat the lie, the more it becomes truth for them. They would not be offering a settlement if they thought they could win. Good luck to you!

1-21-19, 12:38pm
So sorry you are going through this. I have been lied to and lied about on rare occasions, it's very upsetting. I hope that justice works for you and your dad in the end.

1-21-19, 5:25pm
We recently had a garnishment to seize a pickup truck and force the sale on the courthouse steps. When the Sheriff went to pick up the truck they claimed they didn’t know where it was.

But I guess they finally realized that spending money on a appeal and trying to hide assets cost to much, so I think we have settled. They still haven’t paid us, but we agreed to the amount.

Teacher Terry
1-21-19, 5:37pm
I hope that they have to pay your legal fees.

1-22-19, 10:02am
I hope that they have to pay your legal fees.

Yep, it ain't over until you have the money in your hands and the final settlement is lodged with the court. I'm sorry you're having to through this. In cases like that sometimes you just have to wish karma will have its way with them.