View Full Version : Man cold!

10-14-18, 7:47pm
I have a "man cold" from the bowels of hell. I am worried I am going to have to call in sick tomorrow. I am trying to save up six weeks of sick days in case of some real, major health issue. :sick:

10-14-18, 7:59pm
Sending you some virtual homemade chicken soup, UL.

10-14-18, 8:01pm
Sending you some virtual homemade chicken soup, UL.

Thanks! Been a miserable weekend.

10-14-18, 8:04pm
Thanks! Been a miserable weekend.

I get it. DS34 and I also have a crummy cold. I'm starting to feel like you're a 4th son. Be well.

10-15-18, 9:43am
Ugh. I've suffered many respiratory infections and it always seems to be something you can't shortcut, just have to get through it.
Think of it as the universe telling you to take some time off and rest.

and a question: doesn't your employer offer short-term disability? If you did have a major health issue it seems like that would apply and you shouldn't have to worry about hoarding your normal sick time?

10-15-18, 9:53am
Yeah, this cold has broken my will. I broke down and get some Thera-flu.

I am also drinking chicken broth.

This is day three and it feels like the cold is winning this fight.

10-15-18, 9:56am
Stay home - don’t infect others.

10-15-18, 10:08am
Stay home - don’t infect others.
I called off sick.

10-15-18, 10:30am
If you ever have a real issue: look into family and medical leave, the medical leave part applies to you. It's unpaid, but you are legally entitled, save up money to live off if you had to take it if you can (you can save up 6 days pay that you would have of sick leave - of that I'm sure, you could try for 12 weeks). There's too many people the law doesn't apply to for various reasons, and I'm sure some employers are shady and break the law, but it entirely applies to you and a government agency isn't going to be breaking labor law you'd think.


and thank you for not infecting people

There is government disability, short term employer disability yea i don't know a lot of employers don't offer that. But government disability is endlessly complex and I wouldn't look into unless out say months with illness, but the unpaid leave really is easily yours.

10-15-18, 10:50am
There is government disability, short term employer disability yea i don't know a lot of employers don't offer that. But government disability is endlessly complex and I wouldn't look into unless out say months with illness, but the unpaid leave really is easily yours.

You mean FMLA unpaid leave? I don't think that applies to me. I am a single man.

10-15-18, 11:01am
You mean FMLA unpaid leave? I don't think that applies to me. I am a single man.

I linked to the law, ok I'm not a lawyer but neither does this seem legalese:

"to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition."


Miss Cellaneous
10-15-18, 11:09am
You mean FMLA unpaid leave? I don't think that applies to me. I am a single man.

It is the Family and Medical Leave Act. It applies to any employee who might have a serious illness that prevents them from working, as well as employees who need to take time off to care for a family member.

Float On
10-15-18, 1:41pm
Ugh. Sorry. My son went from Allergies to Man Cold and back to Allergies. He missed 2 days of work and blamed the man-cold part on a co-worker who worked while sick so thank you for taking a day off. Makes me thankful I work alone most of the time. We're having a cold snap so I hope that ends the allergy season but it's sure to bring on more colds.

10-15-18, 2:30pm
So what's the difference between a cold and a Man cold?*

I've found Musinex tablets to be the most effective when dealing with a cold. Dh and I just had it last week.

*UA - you're a bit of a drama queen, aren't you? :)

10-15-18, 2:38pm
So what's the difference between a cold and a Man cold?*

I've found Musinex tablets to be the most effective when dealing with a cold. Dh and I just had it last week.

*UA - you're a bit of a drama queen, aren't you? :)

According to Harvard Medical School: "...early man evolved to require more prolonged rest while sick to conserve energy and avoid predators."

Because of female privilege, women recover quicker from colds and experience the symptoms less harshly.

Teacher Terry
10-15-18, 6:32pm
A man cold is one in which the woman takes care of the man when he is being a big baby about being sick:)). Then the woman gets sick and still takes care of everyone.

10-15-18, 6:39pm
A man cold is one in which the woman takes care of the man when he is being a big baby about being sick:)). Then the woman gets sick and still takes care of everyone.

The man cold is backed by research. We men suffer more when we get colds or flu.

Teacher Terry
10-15-18, 6:41pm
Poor babies :D

10-15-18, 6:55pm
*UA - you're a bit of a drama queen, aren't you? :)

Uh, no---it's a thing.

Eat Zicam, UA.

10-15-18, 7:13pm
The man cold is backed by research. We men suffer more when we get colds or flu.

How is "suffering more" quantified? By self-reporting? I don't buy it.

10-15-18, 7:30pm
How is "suffering more" quantified? By self-reporting? I don't buy it.
The great dismisser of evidence and research is now asking for evidence and research?

10-15-18, 7:58pm
I call BS.

10-15-18, 8:01pm

He found a man's immune system may be naturally weaker than a woman's, and with some illnesses, especially respiratory diseases, men are more susceptible to complications than women. This is because of hormonal differences in the genders. The masculine hormone testosterone suppresses the immune system, while the feminine hormone estradiol is immunoprotective.

10-15-18, 8:26pm
So you have complications of some kind? Maybe you should check into a hospital.

10-15-18, 8:41pm
So you have complications of some kind? Maybe you should check into a hospital.

No need to get salty. Why not be graceful and say something like "point taken, point understood."?

Teacher Terry
10-15-18, 9:09pm
The article is hardly definitive and said many scientists dispute it.

10-15-18, 10:37pm
Eat Zicam, UA.

While I agree that zinc lozenges are a good way to shorten colds it sounds like UA is a little late this time around and probably just has to suck it up and get through this. But next time...

10-16-18, 7:32am
The article is hardly definitive and said many scientists dispute it.

Stop trying to invalidate my experience! ;)

10-16-18, 9:03am
Hmmm ...

once a month women have this bleeding thing going on ... with cramps and a propensity toward migraines.

Now and then women push babies out of their bodies.

Talking about a man cold makes me laugh.

10-16-18, 9:41am
Hmmm ...

once a month women have this bleeding thing going on ... with cramps and a propensity toward migraines.

Now and then women push babies out of their bodies.

Talking about a man cold makes me laugh.

Now, man-pregnancy would be a whole different experience that I would love to see.

10-16-18, 9:52am
There are undoubtedly differences in individual immune systems, and some of them may be gender-specific--like upregulated responses in women that result in disproportionate autoimmune disorders--but its as likely that the culprit is the individual's gut microbes. Most of the immune system resides in the gut.


10-16-18, 10:34am
Hmmm ...

once a month women have this bleeding thing going on ... with cramps and a propensity toward migraines.

Now and then women push babies out of their bodies.

Talking about a man cold makes me laugh.

i though he just meant he had a cold pretty much and maybe the man stuff was another lament about having a cold and a woman not being around. I fully expect an argument now how women don't "deserve" sick time. They aren't really sick afterall. Probably just using it for "mental health" days. Oh wait ... they do tend toward lower serotonin so it could be an actual mental health day, still probably "mental health": aka not enough weekend days. Or could be weird womanly problems, but not real sickness.

When I did take "mental health" although I claimed sickness, it was sometimes because I didn't sleep all night (insomnia). I wouldn't have been productive needless to say.

10-16-18, 12:38pm
Gosh. All this 'cause UL has a big cold? Next time UL, start taking lots of Vit C and zinc as soon as you have symptoms. Sorry you're feeling bad. Still not too late to take those 2 things. My kids feel that EmergenC helps alot. I'd get some for you and bring you home-made chicken soup, if I lived closer. Get well soon!

10-16-18, 11:20pm
You know we all love you UL! 😘

Teacher Terry
10-17-18, 12:20am
You big man baby :~)

10-17-18, 6:58am
I think... I might survive... maybe...

10-18-18, 3:21pm
Did you have much of a fever? Do you think it was the flu?

10-18-18, 5:06pm
No fever that I know of. Maybe it was a flu. I dunno.

I am slowly recovering from the man cold though. It was miserable.

10-18-18, 5:20pm
I'm glad you're feeling better. Sometimes a virus doesn't cause a fever......but it's just as uncomfortable.

10-24-18, 11:59am
One of my old high school friends who seems to really like puns posted this on FB. Relevant to the topic :)


10-26-18, 8:09am
One of my old high school friends who seems to really like puns posted this on FB. Relevant to the topic :)


I don't know why, but Bro-chitis and He-bola really struck me as funny.

10-26-18, 3:54pm
I don't know why, but Bro-chitis and He-bola really struck me as funny.

All the best humor has a thread of cruelty running through it.