View Full Version : 189 channels is nothing compared to 3.4

10-19-18, 8:28am
Oops: the title should be 189 channels is nothing compared to 3.4 MILLION books

I just read something online that said that most people have 189 channels, but watch only 17.

Last night DH flipped around, and I was going to join him watching TV, but he settled on a series that I wasn't that familiar with or interested in so I decided to get my kindle and read while he watched TV. I thought about how often lately I'm simply uninterested in the choices available on TV. Not because there isn't some high quality stuff on TV, but reading is more pleasurable to me. I'm currently reading a work of fiction and another work of non-fiction.

After all, TV only has 189 channels, and I have 3.4M books available to me, on Kindle alone. It made me wonder why I waste my time on such limited offerings on TV!

I was recommending a book to my son that I thought he would like, and he said, "Mom, you know I'm not a reader like you." It's interesting how reading books has taken such a nose dive, crowded out by TV and reading blurbs on the internet.

Reading may become some type of a niche activity in the future, like fencing or stamp collecting. And odd, because of all the billions of possibilities of things that there are to read.

Just a random Friday morning thought. I know there are a lot of readers here. Do you feel you're becoming a dying breed?

10-19-18, 10:59am
I agree; I'm dazzled by my ability to store hundreds of books on my Kindle and/or PC. And I find myself watching less and less TV, too--though I'm glad to have it for supplemental information and occasional entertainment. I may eventually ditch cable for a streaming service.

Teacher Terry
10-19-18, 11:08am
I love to read and love having books on my phone. Much easier than carrying a book around with me.

10-19-18, 11:26am
I love to read and love having books on my phone. Much easier than carrying a book around with me.
I have thought of using my iPhone 6 Plus for downloading but hesitated due to concern about taking too much memory. Has it been a problem for you?

10-19-18, 11:45am
I have thought of using my iPhone 6 Plus for downloading but hesitated due to concern about taking too much memory. Has it been a problem for you?

I have an iPhone 5c with only 16GB and it's no problem at all. You can choose which books to download to your iPhone. I just checked my storage capacity, and my Kindle is responsible for only 279MB. Looks like I have about 50 books downloaded from the Cloud to my iPhone. I also read directly off the computer, and on my iPad mini (I actually use the iPad as a "kindle")--I gave my Paperwhite Kindle to DH.

10-19-18, 11:50am
I have an iPhone 5c with only 16GB and it's no problem at all. You can choose which books to download to your iPhone. I just checked my storage capacity, and my Kindle is responsible for only 279MB. Looks like I have about 50 books downloaded from the Cloud to my iPhone. I also read directly off the computer, and on my iPad mini (I actually use the iPad as a "kindle")--I gave my Paperwhite Kindle to DH.

That Kindle for PC download is the bomb. I love reading on a big screen. And I love my Kindle Paperwhite for how light and portable it is.

Teacher Terry
10-19-18, 12:15pm
I have the iPhone 7 and no issues at all.

10-19-18, 12:16pm
That Kindle for PC download is the bomb. I love reading on a big screen. And I love my Kindle Paperwhite for how light and portable it is.

I tend to read straight off the computer if there are a lot of pictures and illustrations in the book. I also loved the Paperwhite, but while traveling it seemed redundant to have an iPad AND a kindle, so I just use the iPad now, but I agree, the Paperwhite screen is great, and it's very light.

10-19-18, 3:37pm
I still prefer to read books in paper format. The storage capacity of my backpack is limited, but i’m rarely reading more than two books at a time so it’s good enough for me. The library has storage for 3.9M books so it’s kinda just like a kindle... 😄

10-19-18, 4:16pm
So old school! :D

I try to limit myself to a title or two also--sometimes it's hard to make a choice with an embarrassment of riches at my fingertips. At the moment, I'm reading a book on peanut allergies, and a light mystery. The more choices (audio, video, downloadable, paper, etc.) the better, I say. With ebooks, I don't have to find parking at the library or worry about returns--library ebooks just disappear when they're due.

10-19-18, 5:15pm
I have to admit I'm not much of a "reader" in the customary sense of looking at a series of large-ish books with randomly-chosen subjects. But I'm also not much of a TV watcher (in fact, not generally a fan of video because so much of it is done so poorly).

I prefer to read tech stuff -- things about computer security or industrial design, or how X is produced, or about how Soandso invented a facet of the Internet or a new treatment for a chronic disease. And I'd rather read on my computer, since if there's something into which I want to dive more completely, a quick highlight with the pointer and a right-click gives me a Web browser tab that starts me on my way. Or lets me look up words I don't know. Or backgrounds of people I'm reading about. Video is okay but too many times I'm watching something and thinking "Just get on with it!!".

But that's just me.

ETA: Back in 1992, Bruce Springsteen released a song called "57 Channels (and Nothin' On) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/57_Channels_(And_Nothin'_On))" This is not a new issue. ;)

10-19-18, 5:15pm
Yes, I do feel like a dying breed in answer to your original question. I don't see too many people in my sphere reading on their lunch break like I used to, but checking social media.

My DH reads several books a week. A technophobe, he uses the library. I do too, but not to his level. I download books to my ancient Kindle Fire, too.

Currently I have two checked out from the library --one is a YA novel in Spanish--but I find myself listening to podcasts a lot lately, too, while sewing or doing another project.

DH actually reads while the tv runs in the background. He just has to have it on. Once while we were both reading I asked if we could just turn it off, and he looked at me like I was an alien or something.

10-19-18, 5:44pm
I usually read with background noise, too. When I was in school, I used to study with the TV on all the time.

iris lilies
10-19-18, 8:15pm
I am re-watching The Sopranos. I did not watch this show when it was first released, and as it was released. I watched induring 2014-2015 after it finished.

I am watching on my Ipad, it sits within 10-12” of my face.

I am finding this kind of viewing experience to be impactful. Tony Soprano sits on my chest every evening. He and I are pretty connected.

10-20-18, 7:31am
I have the original Kindle Fire and it no longer has updates, etc. The web access is pretty limited as most things won't load or run. The book portion still works fine, however for a recent trip abroad I got a Samsung Tablet that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Downloaded the Kindle app and now have access to everything! I also have a few books loaded onto my simple android phone as well as several hard-copy books. I like reading but don't do it as much as I would like. With our recent disconnect from cable, I'm starting to read more. I like it!

10-20-18, 7:43am
I read physical not electronic books and I create my own non-background noise because I like to read them out loud. It sinks the book into me and helps keep my mind from wandering. I find in the electronic age I am more distractable and have a shorter attention span. I also read a couple of magazines hard copy.

10-20-18, 8:03am
I read physical not electronic books and I create my own non-background noise because I like to read them out loud. It sinks the book into me and helps keep my mind from wandering. I find in the electronic age I am more distractable and have a shorter attention span. I also read a couple of magazines hard copy.

Wow. That. must take forever to read a book! I realize speed is not the objective here, but I wouldn't read out loud unless someone asked me to read to them. I like to occasionally speed-read through passages that are less interesting. But I totally understand that reading outloud would help focus you on the content. I would probably enjoy reading some authors out loud.

10-20-18, 8:09am
I read physical not electronic books and I create my own non-background noise because I like to read them out loud. It sinks the book into me and helps keep my mind from wandering. I find in the electronic age I am more distractable and have a shorter attention span. I also read a couple of magazines hard copy.

That electronic attention span thing is real. I didn't have much of one to begin with, but now--zowie! I'm like a gnat on crack. :D

10-20-18, 12:58pm
My Great Lakes shipwreck books are mostly hard copy. Some just aren’t available on Kindle. I first got a Kindle in 2007 or 2008. I was an early adopter among friends who weren’t business travelers. I’ve had a Kindle Paperwhite since 2012. Doesn’t hold the best battery charge now. Considering trading it in on a new one. Not sure yet. I read a lot on my IPhone 8 Plus, which has a lovely big screen.

I have certain friends who read a lot down to the coworker who openly admits she only reads the 50 Shades of Gray books. I looked at one back when they first came out. The writing was horrid. My favorite fiction authors are Austen and Dickens, although I will admit being a huge fan of a vintage British romance author. Her books can be expensive in used copies but they are all available on Kindle (over 100). There is a Facebook group for the author that is just a lovely place.

I’ve recently started getting the newspaper delivered and I love it. I would read the news online, but the pop up ads even if you have a paid subscription just got to be much too annoying. I’ve refently started getting two magazines, as well The Weekly Standard and Time. I remember when Time was about $100 a year in the early 90s. Now it is about $30! I primarily would get my news via radio - mainstream WGN here in Chicago and the local all news AM station (not talk radio, all news). I’m very much enjoying reading in-depth.

I have a 24” TV with a digital antenna. I almost exclusively watch PBS. I went without a TV for 13 years, even during Downton Abbey! I just watched online. I’ve had one for two years now. Sometimes I’ll watch the WGN TV news. Weather guy Tom Skilling is great.

I miss hard copy books sometimes but the problem is moving them! I used to have so many books, and moving every couple of years was quite difficult from all the books. My books fit in one large tote now. I’ve lived in the same place for a bit over 10 years.

10-20-18, 12:59pm
It’s wonderful having access to so many books easily on Kindle. I don’t use the library eBooks as they usually don’t have what I want to read available.

10-20-18, 1:48pm
DH and I were in Europe this spring and noticed how many more people there were reading books. On a bus in London, every person had a book or paper, not one person on a phone. The same thing at cafes.

There seemed to be more book shops, and definitely more newstands, in Europe. I noticed especially in the U.K.that there are a great many more magazines than we have here.

I don't know why Americans seem to prefer playing on their phones to reading. Maybe we spend too many years in school and feel it becomes a chore

I prefer paper to digital media, but Hoopla and Library2go are sure handy.
My imagination doesn't work as well when I'm reading on my tablet; it's harder to get fully absorbed.

Books use very little device memory as compared with apps or photos.

10-20-18, 3:14pm
Since retiring, I am reading books a lot more. I love going to the library here and perusing the new books section or checking out Goodreads every month for something interesting. TV...we rarely watch anymore. Even most of the streaming stuff isn't all that great. I feel for my shut-in MIL who sits in front of the TV from dawn until she goes to bed. When we visit, I am amazed at the stupidity of the content.

10-21-18, 6:15am
I was always on the heavy reader end of the spectrum, and I read books exclusively in paper format, although I do read plenty of articles online. I don't watch TV, but occasionally borrow movies from the library.

10-23-18, 3:10pm
People think I’m playing on my phone - but I’m actually reading books.

10-24-18, 11:51am
This discussion does my heart good! Sometimes I feel like the last of the paper book readers...so nice to know there are others who still enjoy books. During a recent trip, it seemed most everyone in the airport boarding gates was actively involved on their phones or other electronic devices. Sometimes I was the only one with a book in hand.

One observation after 3 weeks in No. Italy: we, in the USA, in our public places, have an invasion of TV. In airports, in eateries, in pubs...and many are turned to a high volume...especially at sports venue bars.

In short, after our time in Europe, we found our home nation to be -- noisy! Though soccer matches were often on TV in public venues, most often, the sound was turned off--or to a quiet murmur. Our ears were never assaulted. It was bliss. I do love silence punctuated by birdsong. Hard to find any more...deep quiet...

Teacher Terry
10-24-18, 12:02pm
Like Tammy I read books on my phone. Many people may be doing that.

10-24-18, 12:05pm
Like Tammy I read books on my phone. Many people may be doing that.

If they're under 40, I doubt it. Even if they're under 50.

10-24-18, 12:40pm
I have a pretty large smart phone, but its screen is still smaller than the ones I usually read on--including my Paperwhite. If I were traveling, I would pack it--since it's awesomely portable--rather than even the smallest book (with exceptions for guide or phrase books.) There's the added convenience of having hundreds of books to choose from as I finish the one I'm currently reading.

I've been reading practically since birth, and have taken to e-reading seamlessly.

10-25-18, 4:03pm
Well if they're poking at it continually with their index fingers or thumbs, you can pretty much bet they're not reading a novel.

10-25-18, 7:49pm
Hmmm - I’m realizing that I really don’t care what other people do. 😄

10-25-18, 9:57pm
Hmmm - I’m realizing that I really don’t care what other people do. ��

Me either.

That reminds me of a time I was on a NJ Transit commuter train heading home to NYC one weekend decades ago. I was sitting there, reading my book and two guys about my age (early 20's) were sitting across the aisle. One of them made a sarcastic comment about my reading a book and I wanted to say (but didn't since I didn't want to get into a fight) "says the loser who doesn't have a job and is complaining about living in his mother's basement with all her "rules" but is too lazy to bother to show up for an interview for a good $14/hour Fedex warehouse job that a friend arranged, just because it was too early at 8am..." And after having that thought I went back to reading my book.